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apropo tehnike davanja vakcine i moguce veze sa nezeljenim efektima..




I Rusi uvode kovid propusnice u pojedinim regionima.



Another Russian region will tighten restrictions due to coronavirus
In Tuva, from November 1, QR codes will be introduced to visit public catering, sports and culture facilities.
The introduction of new restrictions in the Russian region due to the situation with the coronavirus is reported on the page of the regional head office of Rospotrebnadzor on the VKontakte social network.
According to the head of the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor Lyudmila Salchak, QR codes will also be needed to get into hotels and shopping centers. She clarified that the system of admission by special codes should have been operational in the republic since July 10, but the government's decree has not yet been implemented.
Salchak recalled that due to the high incidence in Tuva, mass events, including family celebrations and holidays, are still prohibited. (...)

https://news.mail.ru/society/48382427/ (prevod: Google Translate)




posle skoro pa 2 godina. 


Ne znam gde da pitam, pa ajde ovde (mozda je vec i pisano)

Danas sam cula da se bolovanje od kovida refundira 100% ako si nevakcinisan, a manje od toga ako jesi vakcinisan. Da li je realno da je ovako? 


Kod nas u firmi obrnuto. Ko se razboli a vakcinisan dobija 100%.

Posted (edited)

Letonija ulazi u 4-nedeljni lockdown sa policijskim časom, zatvaranjem svih neesencijalnih radnji, zabranom okupljanja, prebacivanjem svih sem prva tri razreda osnovne škole na online. Popuštanje tek 15. novembra i to po različitom režimu za vakcinisane i nevakcinisane.



The Latvian government on October 18 announced plans for an almost month-long 'lockdown' or 'home-sitting' period in an effort to turn around the current grave epidemiological situation with regard to Covid-19.

Chief among the measures announced are:

- A curfew between the hours of 20:00 and 05:00, though people can travel to and from work if necessary outside these hours.
- Between the specified dates, all stores, except those specifically excluded such as convenience stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, pet stores, and others carrying essential goods, will be closed, and only essential services will be available.
- The current week of school holidays will be extended by another week. From November 1, grades 1-3 will return to school but grades 4-12 will be taught remotely from November 1 until November 15.
- Gatherings indoors and outdoors including entertainment, sports, and cultural events will not be allowed.
- Only people involved in production, construction and essential work will be able to work in person.
- After November 15, it is planned to return to the "green mode" rules which are currently in force and which apply different rules to vaccinated and unvaccinated persons. 



Letonija ima 50% potpuno vakcinisanog stanovištva i još 5% jednom dozom.




Edited by vememah
10 minutes ago, Redoran said:

Moj kolektiv poslao obavijest avaksima da će im od sledećeg ponedeljka kartice za ulazak u kompanijski prostor biti deaktivirane. Njima naravno ostaje neotuđivo ljudsko pravo da se ne vakcinišu i u to pravo im niko neće dirati.


Kartice će ostati aktivne kod onih koji dostave kadrovskoj svoj vax code koji naravno mora da bude vidljiv u centralnoj bazi ministarstva zdravlja.


Nema boljeg streptomicina za avakse i ove besmrtne klince što su iz fazona "mene to ne zanima".


Kako ste uveli, postepeno..da li je postojala strategija ili samo odluka preko noci, ovde treba sest meseci da se uvede pojam.



Utisak lekara onkologa koji je bio na ispomoći na Covid delu bolnice dok je to bilo neophodno. Za Donalda iz teksta (drugog, prvi je Paja Patak) znate ko je, Krejg (Keli) je sidnejski političar, savezni poslanik liberalne stranke koji je zbog svojih stavova o lečenju ivermektinom i nastupa na društvenim mrežama istupio iz stranke i sad je nezavisan, sa velikom verovatnoćom da na sledećim izborima izgubi. Klajv Palmer je debeli milijarder iz Kvinslenda, vlasnik različitih rudnika koji se s vremena na vreme kandiduje na izborima, australijski Bogoljub Karić sa šešeljevskim nastupom, takođe poznat po lupetanju o ivermektinu i (neuspešnom) suđenju sa raznim lokalnim vladama oko mera restrikcije u cilju suzbijanja korone.

‘These are really sick people’: My week working on a Sydney COVID ward

I’m relaxed now because I just got an email about an hour ago – we are closing the COVID ward for the time being, so you are off the roster. Seems like the virus is abating – for now. We’ll see. Wasn’t like that a month ago:


It’s Sunday night and I’m about to go to bed. I know I will not sleep well. Because I have been reading. There’s a long technical name for what I have been reading, but the lay version is “How to look after people who are in hospital because they have COVID-19 and not enough oxygen in their bloodstream”.


New stuff for me and I’m learning quickly. The reason I am doing this is that at my hospital there is a lot of COVID. So much so that we have essentially run out of respiratory and infectious diseases specialists. So a dusty old cancer specialist is going to call the shots in a COVID ward.


I get up in the morning, feeling initially liberated because I can get into jeans and a T-shirt. No ironed shirt, pants and tie for me this week. I drive off not listening to Fran Kelly as I start to catastrophise about what might be before me. It will be fine, I tell myself. So, terrified.


I grab some scrubs and beep myself into a room where I change and panic about putting my phone in a ziplock bag. It’s so I don’t infect myself after getting out of a patient’s room – but will the damn thing still work? What about the fingerprint recognition palaver? (Answer: yes, it all works surprisingly well.) Then the P95 mask and goggles.


The masks: mandatory on all wards due to COVID. You have to do this fit-testing, where they work out which one is right for you, doesn’t leak or let stuff in. For me, it was the “duck-billed” mask. Actually, more comfortable than the others. But I had a patient who decided to call me Donald all the time. Thought it was hilarious. Again and again, she laughed. So perhaps slightly good that I’m now in the COVID ward and no one laughs.


No one laughs. Bloody hell. These are really sick people. Everyone is on oxygen, there is coughing, spluttering, body aches. When I finally get into a room (gowned, gloved, goggles and visor on), I’m looking at a terrified person who has never seen me before and, I realise, doesn’t speak much English. Reassuring body language is hard. “I’m the doctor!” “You’re going to be all right!” Not that I actually know that. I do some gloved shoulder-squeezing to reassure, listen to the chest, feel the tummy and get out of there. You’re supposed to limit the time you are in the room.


And getting out of there isn’t easy – you have to gradually divest yourself of all the clobber you are wearing without touching anything. A kind of bizarre ballet without the music.


As it turns out, the clinical care is intensive but not that complicated. The infectious diseases team have done a spectacular job of codifying everything for us. There’s a bunch of drugs that help (NOT ivermectin, Donald and Craig) and criteria for when to use. I had a pregnant 30-year-old. “Don’t use A, use B,” said the daily updated guidelines, so that’s what we did. (Should I have asked Clive Palmer?)


As well, we now have a very low tech but very well-proven strategy to prevent the need for artificial ventilation and reduce the chance of dying: turn people on their fronts. Sounds crazy but actually makes sense. We don’t normally do CT scans on these patients because it doesn’t really help. However, sometimes we need to (for example when there might be a blood clot). And when you look at these scans it’s amazing. All the disease is at the back: blood is going through there and picking up zero oxygen. Turn them over and suddenly the oxygen levels rise. I’ve seen it happen in minutes.


It’s not until mid-afternoon on my first day that I notice a clear sunny sky outside. I need to sit down and eat something. From the ninth floor of the new hospital building, I can see Centrepoint Tower from one end of the ward and the Blue Mountains from the other. I’m seeing my city, home to 5 million people. I spend a few moments breathing in some peace and normality. I’m liking that I have helped (I know only a little bit) my town.


So that was seven days for me last month. I went back to my job as a cancer specialist. Things have kind of got back to normal.


However, I find myself reflecting on the systems I was part of without really realising it. For a start, there was the frightening realisation that we didn’t have enough doctors and nurses to run the COVID show. There was massive rearrangement of rosters. In my own little world, suddenly our ward registrars were taken off the cancer ward and put on COVID wards. Our specialist registrars also went off to the COVID wards (and helped me not look like an idiot when I was there).


I never heard someone say they wouldn’t help.


Can we please remember this? That public medicine is a triumph.


Nicholas Wilcken is a Sydney-based oncologist.



  • +1 1
15 minutes ago, villiem said:


Kako ste uveli, postepeno..da li je postojala strategija ili samo odluka preko noci, ovde treba sest meseci da se uvede pojam.


Država ovo ne traži izričito od poslodavaca u privatnom sektoru (vakcina će biti obavezna u javnim prostorima, javnom prevozu i javnim službama) ali neke velike korporacije su probile led i sada kreće lančano. Najviše brige je bilo oko zakonske podloge i onda su pravnici dali tumačenje da poslodavac ima pravo da štiti javno zdravlje u svojim prostorijama tako što neće dopuštati ulaz avaksima. A odatle imaju i pravo da im ukinu radno mesto ako zbog prirode posla moraju da dolaze o ofis a ne mogu da uđu.


Edit: samo uvođenje je laganica sa tehničkog aspekta. Sve se vidi u centralnoj bazi, nema laži nema prevare. Ako ti IT deaktivira karticu možeš samo da se slikaš ispred zgrade. Još prošle godine su uvedene epidemiološke mere tipa obavezna maska, drastično smanjenje broja radnih stolova, punktovi za dezinfekciju, edukacija o vakcini itd.


Turska domaća vakcina je trenutno u fazi ispitivanja i država planira da po njenom uvođenju krene u gore pomenuto obavezno vakcinisanje. Računaju da će raja imati više poverenja u domaću vakcinu nego u Gejca i cenim da im ta računica ima smisla.


Posted (edited)

Restaurants closed in parts of Slovakia amid COVID-19 surge
Slovakia on Monday reimposed coronavirus restrictions in the hardest-hit parts of the country amid the latest surge of infections.

Five counties all located in northern Slovakia are affected by the measures, which include the closures of restaurants with people only allowed to buy meals at takeout windows.

Fitness and wellness centers also have been closed. The number of people allowed to attend public gatherings is reduced to 100 fully vaccinated people. It’s also mandatory to wear face coverings both outdoors and indoors.

The number of infected in those counties is higher than 400 per 100,000 people in the last seven days.

Slovakia is facing a new wave of infections, with daily numbers in the country reaching 2,406 on Tuesday, the highest number since the middle of March.

Slovakia, which has a population of nearly 5.5 million people, is one of the hardest-hit European Union countries. It has registered around 438,000 cases and 12,856 deaths.

Slovakia has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the EU. Less than 2.3 million people have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.





Edited by vememah

istocni blok je u kompletnom autu.

sta ti je 50 godina komunjarstva...

  • +1 1

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