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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Znači da je smrtnost značajno veća od 2%.



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Desilo se (ovde u Australiji) ono o čemu sam natuknuo pre par dana... čovek na nesigurnom zaposlenju (u hotelu) nastavio je da ide na posao dok je čekao rezultate covid-19 testa (koji je ispao pozitivan, tj. bio je u prilici da zarazi ko zna koliko ljudi.) Neverovatno je koliki su antisluhisti ovi na vlasti, ideju nemaju kako je to živeti sa neizvesnim primanjima (a pritom su računi više nego izvesni)... A evo neko - Singapur - ko ume da misli (i radi šta treba.)




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6 hours ago, gone fishing said:

znači dupliranje na svakih 4,5 dana

- 16 marta oko 16k slučajeva

- 25 marta 64k

- 3 aprila 256k


Šta itd?


12.4.  1.024 m

21.4.  4.096 m

30.4.  16 m

08.5.  65 m

17.5.  262 m


Ukratko, negde u šestom mesecu će ceo svet biti zaražen.

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2 hours ago, čekmeže said:

500 hiljada ili 100 hiljada? Stay tuned.

U članku sa naslovnice koji sam objavio lepo piše da je 500.000 procena najgore moguće varijante, a 100.000 ono što smatraju da će se najverovatnije desiti i što nazivaju srednjom procenom. No za to treba kliknuti na sliku i pročitati članak.


Officials in Whitehall last week began describing a 100,000 figure as the “central estimate” of the potential death toll, according to a source involved in the preparations, rather than the previously publicised worst case scenario of 500,000 deaths if 80% of the population were infected.
One official who has been involved in the planning said: “The central estimate of deaths is about 100,000. Everyone has been focusing on the worst case but this is what the experts actually expect to happen. Some of those people would have died of other flus.”


Evo OCR-ovanog celog teksta dostupnog na naslovnici u spoileru za sve koje je mrzelo da kliknu na sliku:




Whitehall plans for the worst as virus spreads


►Death toll estimates sent to councils
►Exam boards ready to delay GCSEs


Tim Shipman, Sian Griffiths, Caroline Wheeler and David Collins


Ministers are preparing for a potential coronavirus death toll as high as 100,000 as they try to brace the the country for months of upheaval without spreading panic.
Boris Johnson will chair his second meeting of the Cobra emergency committee tomorrow, where medical experts are expected to recommend that the government move formally into the second “delay” phase of the government’s response.
That could lead to more people working from home and fewer public gatherings.
Officials in Whitehall last week began describing a 100,000 figure as the “central estimate” of the potential death toll, according to a source involved in the preparations, rather than the previously publicised worst case scenario of 500,000 deaths if 80% of the population were infected.
A unit in the housing ministry has issued guidance to local councils, giving each of them a figure as to how many casualties they should prepare for.
The total number has not been circulated to town hall leaders to prevent panic. But a second official said the “ballpark” figure for expected deaths across all councils was “in the region of 100,000”. That includes those likely to die from seasonal flu, which averaged
17,000 over the past five years.
One official who has been involved in the planning said: “The central estimate of deaths is about 100,000. Everyone has been focusing on the worst case but this is what the experts actually expect to happen. Some of those people would have died of other flus.”
The figure is just under half the number of British deaths to Spanish flu in 1918, the worst modern pandemic. Covid-19 has already infected 80,000 people in China, killing more than 3,000 of its population of almost 1.4 billion. Italy, with a 60 million population, has suffered nearly 200 deaths from more than 4,600 cases.
A cabinet minister confirmed that the 100,000 figure was considered “about right” by experts. Downing Street did not contest the total.
The government is trying to prepare the public without causing widespread concern, with ministers already nervous about the effect on the economy from extensive disruption.
In an attempt to show that normal life must continue, the prime minister and his fiancee, Carrie Symonds, yesterday attended England’s Six Nations rugby match with Wales at Twickenham and were seen shaking hands with fellow spectators.
But, under sweeping contingency plans now on the table:
• Exam boards are drawing up plans to delay GCSEs and A-levels amid official predictions that the epidemic will be at its height in late April and early May. The exam
period starts on May 11 and lasts until mid-June. No decision has yet been taken.
• Teenagers who miss exams or underperform because of the coronavirus would be awarded “special consideration” grades in a bid to help pupils who miss exams because they fall ill or their school is closed. Schools are preparing to offer online classes to pupils who have to study from home because of school closures.
• Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, will use Wednesday’s budget to announce measures to tackle the virus and signal that he is prepared to turn on the spending taps if the crisis prompts a recession
• Lindsay Hoyle, the Speaker, will chair a meeting tomorrow of the House of Commons Commission, which is set to ban visitors to parliament and all official travel abroad by MPs, staff and committees. The Speaker favours closing parliament for three months if someone is diagnosed with the disease on the parliamentary estate
• Oliver Dowden, the culture secretary, will hold meetings with sports bodies tomorrow to give them the latest advice before they make decisions on abandoning events or playing them behind closed doors. Current medical advice is there is more chance of contracting the virus by watching games in a pub than at a stadium.
Ministers are not yet willing to contemplate politically unpalatable actions recommended by officials. Justice officials have drawn up a secret blueprint to release thousands of low-risk prisoners early, should the coronavirus epidemic create a shortage of prison staff, so they can use scarce resources to guard the most serious convicts.
Robert Buckland, the justice secretary, has been “given advice” on measures to release inmates serving short sentences for minor


Continued on page 4->


Edited by vememah
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3 hours ago, Indy said:

 Neverovatno je koliki su antisluhisti ovi na vlasti, ideju nemaju kako je to živeti sa neizvesnim primanjima (a pritom su računi više nego izvesni)... A evo neko - Singapur - ko ume da misli (i radi šta treba.)



Realno Singapuru se može na onakvu veličinu i populaciju. Ideja je odlična ali potpuno neostvariva u zemljama sa populacijom većom od 10 miliona.


Nego, kasno Marco u Lombardiju stiže... i da li su najzad zatvorili aerodrome ili imaju neki specijalan karantin koji podrazumeva da se i dalje leti okolo?


Karantini su zapravo potrebni momentalno širom Evrope. Uspostaviće ih kada broj zaraženih dostigne milion i naravno neće ništa postići.

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  • Redoran changed the title to Coronavirus Covid-19

ovo sada sa ovim virusom je dosta zanimljivo kao sociološka pojava i ja bih da sam sociolog bila jako sretna jer mogu da proučavam stvari ''in vivo'' :D


evropa, iscepkana iako kao jedinstvena je totalno najebala


vidimo i amerika, prozor dolar ne sme  pasti i te fore,  tu su otpilike i oziji


o ovoj azijskoj boraniji i da ne pričamo, indija, iran, pakistan, turska, tu ni ne znamo šta se dešava


ove neke zasebne države (naročito koje su izolovane geografski, recimo ostrva) verovatno imaju lepu šansu


mene recimo zanima, šta i kako će biti sa kanadom ? i šta je sa južnom amerikom, malo se o njoj priča ?



ta neka sociološka isptivanja će tek da budu zaniljiva, a možda i praktično upotrebljiva u budućnosti

jer ko nam garantuje da sutra neki totalno ubistveni virus neće mutirati i dobiti pride i opasnu virulentnost


ed 1

i da, šta li nam je to sa baćuškama i ostalim kazahstanima :fantom:

Edited by dùda
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čula od nekih mojih koji su u trevisu

jutros se ulazi i izlazi normalno



ladno čovek došao sinoć iz trevisa u bos. krajinu, po ženu i decu, sad kreću nazad u treviso


nigde nikakve kontrole usput :dry:

Edited by dùda
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49 minutes ago, Redoran said:


Realno Singapuru se može na onakvu veličinu i populaciju. Ideja je odlična ali potpuno neostvariva u zemljama sa populacijom većom od 10 miliona.





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^Btw. u Australiji, zdravstvo je pod nadzorom država ("republika" u jugoslovenskom ekvivalentu). Samo je NSW malo veći po broju stanovnika od Singapura, ostali su isti ili (znatno) manji. U pogledu geografske površine, stvarno ne kapiram kakve to veze ima sa ovim. EDIT. Posebno jer je skoro svo stanovništvo koncentrisano u tih nekoliko većih gradova. Praktično pola Australije živi u Sidneju i Melburnu.

Edited by Indy
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