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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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2 minutes ago, cedo said:



koja je onda svrha red zona  ?


alert.png Italy has authorized new emergency measures against the spread of coronavirus:
- the entire region of Lombardy is in lockdown. It is possible to enter and exit only in case of emergency
- the “red zone” is extended to 11 additional provinces: Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro e Urbino, Venezia, Padova, Treviso, Asti e Alessandria. The measures will be in place until April 3

Pa nema svrhe. Istini za volju, taj vladin ukaz jos nije ozvanicen, izasle samo nagadjanha u medijima.

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Britanska vlada računa da je realni scenario oko 100.000 žrtava u Britaniji. Sa naslovnice Sunday Timesa:





Edited by vememah
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Prva dva odvojena slučaja u Bugarskoj, ne znaju kako su se zarazili, nisu bili u kontaktu s putnicima u rizične zemlje.



Two Coronavirus Patients Diagnosed in Bulgaria


Sofia, March 8 (BTA) – A man of 27 and a woman of 75 have been diagnosed with the coronavirus in Bulgaria. The first Bulgarian cases were announced by the national coronavirus task force at an emergency news conference shortly after midnight on March 8.

One of the patients is in Pleven and the other in Gabrovo. The woman lives alone and has not been in contact with anybody who was sick. Neither of the two has been in contact with a person who had travelled to a high-risk country.

The two patients have been in contact with 23 people and they will all be tested for the coronavirus.

Both patients are in satisfactory condition and past the worst part of the disease.



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21 hours ago, Indy said:


Drugo objašnjenje je da je pomama za toalet papirom zavera iza koje stoji Big Toilet Paper.:Jova:


Btw. @roksi i ostali na lokalu: možda ste već čuli, ali lekar u Tooraku, koji je pre neki dan stigao iz USA, tamo je pazario Covid-19 i sada je pod izolacijom. Stigao je da vidi oko 70-tak pacijenata i plus toga da ode na 2 žurke (valjda će svi oni sada ići u karantin). Pritom piše da mu je loše bilo već u avionu kad je leteo ovamo, tako da kad prezdravi (što nije sigurno, pošto je stariji od 70 godina) treba po meni da bude i deregistrovan pošto je ekstremno neodgovorno da nije sam sebe stavio u karantin... FFS, što kažu ovde.


Btw. (za ne-Ozije) Toorak je nešto kao Dedinje u Melburnu, vrlo je blizu gde sam ja i tamo imam klijente (moj posao je da "idem po kućama", tako da sam u ponešto rizičnoj situaciji, zasad samo posle svakog posla alkoholnom maramicom detaljno obrišem ruke... valjda pomaže.)


EDIT. Sad videh na tviteru, neko je ovu pomamu za toalet papirom - u Sidneju je došlo do tuče u supermarketu - nazvao "The Dunny-Kruger Effect" :laugh:




au! nisam cula za tog lekara (gotovo da ne gledam tv pa mi mnogo toga promakne). prosto neverovatno... slazem se, trebalo bi da ga deregistruju, pod obavezno. 


u mojoj zgradi kod liftova su postavili dezinfekciono sredstvo za ruke ali jos nisam videla niti jednu osobu da ga koristi. a maske se nose masovno.  


(+ smo mi stanari obavesteni da se dezifenkcija dugmica u liftovima obavlja vise puta na dnevnoj bazi, sto zvuci ok).


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Odokativnom metodom, broj zarazenih van Kine

1. mart - oko 1.7K novih slucajeva

2. mart - oko 1.8K

3. mart - oko 2.4K

4. mart - oko 2.2K

5. mart - oko 2.6K

6. mart - oko 3.7K
7. mart - oko 4K

sta ocekivati za polovinu marta? kraj meseca? 10K, 15K, 20K dnevno?

p.s. Turske jos nema na listi o.O

Edited by Have_Fun
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Ina li gde nemačkih prognoza?

Послато са Mi 9T помоћу Тапатока

Sami će biti krivi.

Inviato dal mio Mi 9 Lite utilizzando Tapatalk

Inviato dal mio Mi 9 Lite utilizzando Tapatalk

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10 minutes ago, roksi said:


au! nisam cula za tog lekara (gotovo da ne gledam tv pa mi mnogo toga promakne). prosto neverovatno... slazem se, trebalo bi da ga deregistruju, pod obavezno. 





U međuvremenu su stigle nove informacije, pa ispada da nije tako jasno da li je taj lekar (otac pevačice Missy Higgins) nešto skrivio. Imao je (u avionu) kao kijavicu, dolazio je iz USA (nije zemlja visokog rizika), pa mu je posle toga bilo bolje, pa je otišao na posao, dan-dva kasnije se bolest vratila (i onda se testirao i našli su Covid-19). Ispostavlja se da postoje pravila o tome ko treba i ne treba da se testira, i ovaj lekar ih pri dolasku iz USA nije ispunjavao... tako da mislim da tehnički nije ništa skrivio (mada naravno ako je nekoga zarazio, taj će malo drugačije da misli o tome.)


Ispada da je zajeban ovaj Covid-19, možeš da ga imaš i da budeš skoro OK, može da ti bude loše, pa da ti bude dobro, pa da ti posle toga bude tek skroz loše... teško ga je uhvatiti za glavu ili rep.



Edited by Indy
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8 minutes ago, Have_Fun said:

Odokativnom metodom, broj zarazenih van Kine

1. mart - oko 1.7K novih slucajeva

2. mart - oko 1.8K

3. mart - oko 2.4K

4. mart - oko 2.2K

5. mart - oko 2.6K

6. mart - oko 3.7K
7. mart - oko 4K

sta ocekivati za polovinu marta? kraj meseca? 10K, 15K, 20K dnevno?

p.s. Turske jos nema na listi o.O

znači dupliranje na svakih 4,5 dana

- 16 marta oko 16k slučajeva

- 25 marta 64k

- 3 aprila 256k


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1 minute ago, Indy said:


U međuvremenu su stigle nove informacije, pa ispada da nije tako jasno da li je taj lekar (otac pevačice Missy Higgins) nešto skrivio. Imao je (u avionu) kao kijavicu, dolazio je iz USA (nije zemlja visokog rizika), pa mu je posle toga bilo bolje, pa je otišao na posao, dan-dva kasnije se bolest vratila (i onda se testirao i našli su Covid-19). Ispostavlja se da postoje pravila o tome ko treba i ne treba da se testira, i ovaj lekar ih pri dolasku iz USA nije ispunjavao... tako da mislim da tehnički nije ništa skrivio (mada naravno ako je nekoga zarazio, taj će malo drugačije da misli o tome.)


Ispada da je zajeban ovaj Covid-19, možeš da ga imaš i da budeš skoro OK, može da ti bude loše, pa da ti bude dobro, pa da ti posle toga bude tek skroz loše... teško ga je uhvatiti za glavu ili rep.




wow, to 'otac missy higgins..!


znaci reporteri su se malo zaigrali... tesko je razaznati cinjenice od hajpa (i to bi trebalo da bude kaznjivo)

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59 minutes ago, vememah said:

Britanska vlada računa da je realni scenario oko 100.000 žrtava u Britaniji.


Planiraju 5 miliona zaraženih?

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Broj registrovanih slučajeva na milion stanovnika
(za zemlje sa najmanje 50 registrovanih slučajeva):

1 Island 138,9
2 J. Koreja 135,9
3 Italija 97,7
4 Iran 70,0
5 Kina 57,5
6 Bahrein 55,2
7 Švajcarska 31,2
8 Norveška 27,2
9 Singapur 24,2
10 Švedska 15,6
11 Belgija 14,7
12 Hongkong 14,4
13 Francuska 14,2
14 Kuvajt 13,9
15 Holandija 10,8
16 Španija 10,6
17 Nemačka 9,6
18 Austrija 8,9
19 Japan 3,7
20 V. Britanija 3,1
21 Malezija 2,8
22 Australija 2,5
23 Kanada 1,4
24 Irak 1,4
25 SAD 1,3
26 Tajland 0,8




Broj umrlih na milion stanovnika
(za zemlje sa najmanje 50 registrovanih slučajeva i umrlima):


1 Italija 3,87
2 Kina 2,19
3 Iran 1,74
4 J. Koreja 0,85
5 Hongkong 0,27
6 Španija 0,21
7 Francuska 0,16
8 Švajcarska 0,12
9 Irak 0,10
10 Australija 0,08
11 Holandija 0,06
12 SAD 0,05
13 Japan 0,05
14 V. Britanija 0,03
15 Tajland 0,02


Izvor podataka o obolelima i umlima: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

Izvor podataka o broju stanovnika država: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_population

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Evropska solidarnost na delu: nemate fabriku zaštitne opreme u svojoj zemlji? Crknite.


Health ministers squabble over face masks at coronavirus talks


Different national approaches led to tension at emergency meeting in Brussels.


3/6/20, 9:07 PM CET

Updated 3/7/20, 9:48 AM CET


EU health ministers want solidarity when it comes to the response to coronavirus — but don’t mess with their face masks!

Tensions between big EU members such as Germany and France and their smaller counterparts was palpable at a meeting of health ministers in Brussels on Friday meant to coordinate the response to the deadly outbreak.


Germany has banned exports of face masks and other protective equipment and the French government decided to take over production of protective masks earlier this week. Italy, the worst hit country in Europe, doesn’t allow exports of protective equipment without prior authorization from its civil protection authorities, and the Czech Republic asked local producers of masks to keep supplies within the country, Health Minister Adam Vojtěch said.

Such moves have caused anger.

Belgian Health Minister Maggie De Block said these measures are impeding suppliers from delivering to other countries as part of existing contracts. “I want to insist that we [don’t] overreact to this health threat by imposing export bans on personal protective equipment as have done some among us,” she said.

Her counterparts from the Netherlands, Lithuania, Estonia and Austria, among others, echoed that call.

"In times of scarcity, it is even more important to show solidarity, especially within the EU," Dutch Medical Care Minister Bruno Bruins said.

The three European Commission representatives at the meeting also insisted on solidarity — although they didn't single out any countries for pulling in the opposite direction.

European Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides warned that countries keeping supplies only for themselves may need solidarity from other EU states later on.

Her crisis management colleague, Janez Lenarčič, went further, saying it was “non-European to close oneself within one national market.”

Most of the criticism seemed to be targeted at Germany, which also took fire from across the Atlantic on Thursday, with a White House official saying Germany’s restriction on equipment left the U.S. alone in the fight against the outbreak.

But German Health Minister Jens Spahn responded defiantly.

“The market is such at present that masks are not going where [they're most] urgently needed, it’s where people pay most money for them,” he said. Germany asked the Commission to consider banning equipment exports outside the bloc, but took its own measure until that happens, even if it is "not perfect."


He explained the German measure wasn’t a ban as such, as other countries could be given personal protective equipment upon request from German authorities. "If it is for a European neighbor country, it is more likely that we are going to say yes,” Spahn said after the meeting.

French Health Minister Olivier Véran said his country’s move to take control of mask production has helped the government know stock numbers, which wasn’t the case before. The requisitioning also avoided masks going to secondary markets, where they would be sold at much higher prices.

Spahn said in a long speech during the meeting that he understood why smaller members may feel like they were being bossed around by the EU's big three during the epidemic.

But he said Italy, France and Germany have the highest number of cases in the EU — some 4,600, with the majority in Italy.

He warned that other countries could be in the same place in the future and “for that reason, I have to ask you to show your understanding in how we wish to proceed.”

Spahn appeared frustrated at times with the pace of action at the EU level, calling for measures to be adopted faster.

“We need to work more quickly when we adopt papers, take positions, adopt conclusions,” he said. “That is a lesson learned for all of us.”

A joint tender for protective equipment for 20 EU countries managed by the Commission took more than two weeks to be released despite many health ministers backing the idea at a Health Council meeting on February 13. This drew criticism from Vojtěch before the second extraordinary meeting.

Kyriakides said offers in response to the tender are expected on Monday, but some wondered if suppliers would be able to provide the equipment because of the restrictions imposed by some countries.

The timeline for what happens after the applications for the tender come in seems to be up in the air. Belgium’s De Block asked how long would it take to decide which offer to accept, without receiving a clear answer.

Meanwhile, Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton told ministers exponential demand for protective equipment puts supply chains to the test. “I will invite the representatives of the industry to discuss about the current state of the market and the possible measures to help them respond adequately to the challenge and in a coordinated way,” he said. That meeting is expected to take place next week.

Talking about talking

Other ministers weren't as pointed or lengthy in their criticism as Spahn, but did push for more EU action and harmony.

One proposal, from Greece, Portugal and Germany, was to create a digital platform for countries to put in-real-time updates about the political decisions being taken.

Currently, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) updates on the number of cases each day, but what about the politics involved, Greek Health Minister Vassilis Kikilias asked.

“It’s a pity to find out about each others’ politics through newspapers and sites,” he said.

Belgium's De Block said that when one country shuts down schools (as happened in Italy), people turn to ministers in another country and ask whether they’re going to do the same. She called for national authorities to give their EU counterparts a heads-up before they make these kinds of decisions.

ECDC boss Andrea Ammon said that the EU’s Early Warning and Response System has what's known as an incident management module where all these measures could be listed.

Italy’s Health Minister Roberto Speranza boasted about the work his government has done so far and offered to share the lessons learned with others.

“Italy thinks that it will be able to successfully overcome this [epidemic] thanks to a good cooperation between science and politics,” he said. :ajde:

Judith Mischke contributed reporting.



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