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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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5 hours ago, Mos said:

Ove brojke su realne samo u odnosu koliko se testira. Tesko da na ovu zaraznost SAD ima po 20-30 slucajeva dnevno. Sad, da li ne testiraju ili ne prijavljuju ko zna.

zaključno sa jučerašnjim danom ameri su testirali 1900 osoba :D

- no vp kaže da će danas poslati 200k testova bolnicama, a do kraja sledeće nedelje 4 milke, tada ćemo znati prave razmere epidemije u sad

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3 hours ago, Have_Fun said:

Italijani ce uskoro prestici J. Koreju  (#2) po broju zarazenih.
Previsok broj stradalih kod njih.


Koliko sam video u Koreji je niza stopa smrtnosti u odnosu na prosek dok je kod Italijana obrnuto.

Ne brinem previse za Daleki istok, oni su dobro organizovani i samodisciplinovani, nose maske cak i kod obicnog gripa da ne bi zarazili ostale ljude.

Srbija i slicne zemlje gde vlada kaubojstina su veliki problem. Bojim se da bi Srbija mogla stopama Italije jer to je ta neozbiljnost i neodgovornost.


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Kada smo kod maski,



Unless you are already infected, face masks won’t help

But if you’re infected, masks can help prevent the spread of a virus.

Face masks have become almost synonymous with the coronavirus outbreak overseas, but they don’t do much to protect you — most surgical masks are too loose to prevent inhalation of the virus.

The C.D.C. and infectious disease specialists do not recommend face masks if you’re healthy.

But if you’re a health care worker or are caring for sick people at home or in a health care facility, you should wear one.

If you’re infected, masks can help prevent the spread of a virus. The most effective are the so-called N95 masks, which block 95 percent of very small particles.



A najvaznije je kontola ruku jer se tako najvise prenosi,




Keep your hands clean, and keep your distance from sick people

Wash your hands. It’s not sexy, but it works.

It’s worth repeating, over and over again: wash your hands. Wet your hands with clean running water and then lather them with soap; don’t miss the backs of your hands, between your fingers or under your nails. Make sure to scrub for at least 20 seconds (or about the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice), and dry them with a clean towel or let them air dry.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers, which should be rubbed in for about 20 seconds, can also work, but the gel must contain at least 60 percent alcohol.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends you avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands (tough one, we know).

Meanwhile, if someone else is showing flu- or cold-like symptoms, try to stay six feet away. If that’s not possible, even a little distancing is helpful, according to experts, as the virus seems to spread through droplets in the air from a cough or sneeze.

Sneezing or coughing yourself? Direct it into your elbow so as to avoid leaving germs on your hands, which can then quickly spread to other surfaces. Other ways to be smart include using the “Ebola handshake,” where you greet others with elbow bumps, and pushing elevator buttons with a knuckle instead of a fingertip.




Kao sto sam rekao, vaznije su rukavice od maski.



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u koreji je do juče testirano > 100k ljudi, kod žabara je situacija sledeća


I'm Italian, I live in italy. Death rate here it's high for two reason: Nr. 1 : we are not testing so aggressively, only ppl wich have symptoms are now tested. Often when the dedicated number it's called even if you have symptoms if you didn't had contact with other infected or yellow / red zones they don't do the test. Nr.2: we have the oldest or one of the oldest population in the world, in fact only people carrying other diseases or illness dies but usually they are in the mid 70's or 80's (no case below 60 yr have been reported yet). Psychosis it's a thing here, that's for sure but other than that I would say that we have just been unlucky since first cases were probably imported by Germany or China and having a very old population the virus has a lot of chance to spread. Also a lot of ppl keep thinking that's a flu type disease, they don't understand that if, or to say the least when, ICU beds would be full toll rate will jump up for elderly.

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po celoj americi po jedan registrovan i par vecih gradova sa malo vise registrovanih ... Montana, Wyoming Severna i Juzna Dakota nisu crvene

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Ne samo Lombardia vec i nekoliko opstina u Emilia Romanja, ukljucujuci I Parmu tj. mene.

danasnji bilten 250 zarazenih u gradu. Iz asso da prosetam popodne i totalna neverica, svi kafici puni ko sibica, hiljade bliskih kontakata. Tako u svim gradovima, nema sanse da se zaystavi bez ozbiljnog vanrednog stanja. 

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11 minutes ago, lo zingaro said:

Iz asso da prosetam popodne i totalna neverica, svi kafici puni ko sibica, hiljade bliskih kontakata. Tako u svim gradovima, nema sanse da se zaystavi bez ozbiljnog vanrednog stanja. 


Pa ti žabari su gori i od nas :ohmy:

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21 minutes ago, dùda said:


Pa ti žabari su gori i od nas :ohmy:

Vecina komentara ovde, ''sta sire paniku, vise ljudi tokom godine od obicnog gripa'' ili ''boli me uvo, grip ko grip, to bi samo stari ili bolesni trebalo da budu zabrinuti''.

Btw, ovde kod mene je gomila zabara dosla na odmor ili zbeg, najebo sam.

Edited by Majo
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36 minutes ago, lo zingaro said:

Ne samo Lombardia vec i nekoliko opstina u Emilia Romanja, ukljucujuci I Parmu tj. mene.

danasnji bilten 250 zarazenih u gradu. Iz asso da prosetam popodne i totalna neverica, svi kafici puni ko sibica, hiljade bliskih kontakata. Tako u svim gradovima, nema sanse da se zaystavi bez ozbiljnog vanrednog stanja. 



koja je onda svrha red zona  ?


alert.png Italy has authorized new emergency measures against the spread of coronavirus:
- the entire region of Lombardy is in lockdown. It is possible to enter and exit only in case of emergency
- the “red zone” is extended to 11 additional provinces: Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Pesaro e Urbino, Venezia, Padova, Treviso, Asti e Alessandria. The measures will be in place until April 3

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