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to je po meni baš glupost

pa ne piše nikome na čelu da li je vakcinisan ili ne 

  • +1 1

Odlicna vest. Mislim da ce uticati na one neodlucne da se ipak vakcinisu jer em imaju benefit, em je to dokaz da vakcina radi


To je samo preporuka, tamo će se pre ukidati obavezno nošenje maski za sve (što se već i dešava) nego što će iko proveravati je li neko vakcinisan i ima pravo da ne nosi masku ili ne i kažnjavati nevakcinisane koji ih ne nose.


sto ce da dovede do sirenja ponovo i sanse da se jave nove mutacije.

  • Haha 1

Kako će ih naterati da ponovo nose maske ako/kad bude bilo potrebno?

Posted (edited)

Britansko savetodavno telo za pandemiju:



SAGE [Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies] 89 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 13 May 2021


3. There are local areas in all nations where the number of new infections is increasing. Some local areas have had continued rapid growth in variants, and of particular concern is the B.1.617.2 variant (a variant first identified in India, where it is now widespread). There are now multiple fast-growing clusters of this variant in the UK, with the largest in the Northwest of England.

4. Transmission of this variant is currently faster than that of the B.1.1.7 variant most prevalent in the UK (high confidence). This is based on observed growth in sequenced cases, and in S-gene positive cases (S-gene positivity can now be used as a reasonable proxy for B.1.617.2, though not all labs are able to identify this). Observed doubling times are around a week or shorter for some of the largest clusters but slower in others.

5. This is unlikely to be wholly due to inherently higher transmission in the communities within which B.1.617.2 is currently circulating (this faster transmission cannot be explained entirely by contact patterns or behaviours). The places where transmission of this variant is occurring have different characteristics to each other, and do not appear to be experiencing similar growth of other variants (for example B.1.1.7).

6. It is therefore highly likely that this variant is more transmissible than B.1.1.7 (high confidence), and it is a realistic possibility that it is as much as 50% more transmissible. There are also plausible biological reasons as to why some of the mutations present could make this variant more transmissible.

7. It is unclear whether this same growth advantage that has been observed over recent weeks would apply to sustained wider community transmission regionally or nationally. The range of possible differences in transmissibility reflects the uncertainty around the number of imported cases, and the current relatively localised transmission.

8. In the areas where numbers of infections are increasing rapidly under the measures currently in place, an even faster increase can be expected if measures are relaxed (high confidence).

9. If this variant were to have a 40% to 50% transmission advantage nationally compared to B.1.1.7, sensitivity analyses in the modelling of the roadmap in England (SAGE 88) indicate that it is likely that progressing with Step 3 alone (with no other local, regional, or national changes to measures) would lead to a substantial resurgence of hospitalisations (similar to, or larger than, previous peaks). Progressing with both Steps 3 and 4 at the earliest dates could lead to a much larger peak. Smaller transmission advantage would lead to smaller peaks...




Boris Džonson:



Britanski premijer Boris Johnson rekao je da bi indijska varijanta korona virusa mogla “ozbiljno poremetiti” popuštanje mjera u Engleskoj planirano za 21. Juna.

Ako se utvrdi da je ta varijanta “značajno” zaraznija, “vjerojatno ćemo se suočiti s nekim teškim odlukama”, rekao je britanski premijer.

Period između dviju doza vakcina smanjit će se s 12 na osam sedmica za starije od 50 i klinički ranjive zbog zabrinutosti od te varijante, dodao je.

Slučajevi indijske varijante korona virusa više su se nego udvostručili protekle sedmice, pokazuju podaci službe za javno zdravstvo u Engleskoj, prenosi Hina vijest BBC-a.


Edited by vememah
Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, precog said:

sto ce da dovede do sirenja ponovo i sanse da se jave nove mutacije.


Lako moguće, npr. u Virdžiniji i Merilendu ne nameravaju da proveravaju.



Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) said that after midnight Friday, anyone who is fully vaccinated will not be required to wear masks indoors or out, except on public transit, in health-care facilities or in congregate settings, as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday...
In Virginia, Northam’s office said the change was based on the honor system and the state has no plans to require a “vaccine passport” or any proof that someone has received the shots. “Anyone who is not vaccinated is strongly encouraged to wear masks in all settings,” Northam spokeswoman Alena Yarmosky said.

The state will lift the potential misdemeanor criminal penalty for refusing to wear a mask, though Yarmosky said no one has been prosecuted for that charge since it was imposed last year.




Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) is lifting the statewide mask mandate at the same time, coinciding with his earlier plan to end capacity restrictions at all businesses, including outdoor and indoor sports and entertainment venues, on Saturday...
But some experts worried that the movement would prove too hasty if it was not accompanied by some way to verify that maskless people had indeed been fully vaccinated. Hogan said that it would be a “logistical nightmare” to try to figure out who is vaccinated and who isn’t, and that it was much “easier to just lift it all and give people good advice” about getting vaccinated.







For the first time in close to a year, almost no reporter wore a mask in the White House press briefing room


Izvor slika: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9577825/Andrew-Cuomo-says-NY-not-ready-ditch-face-masks-despite-CDC-announcement.html

Edited by vememah

Je li realno da je Amerikancima veći problem da nose maske nego da umiru onoliko? 


Muke zive zbog maski :D.  Sve je problem jer vecina ne prihvata cinjenicu da je pandemija u toku

1 hour ago, Sandradjer said:

vecina ne prihvata cinjenicu da je pandemija u toku

Ili je prihvata sa dozom nestorovićštine...




“I want there to be change,” Jessica Lay said. “I think we’re far enough into this pandemic where we as citizens need to have the right to choose, for our own health and safety, what’s best for us and our children. It should not be mandated by one person sitting in government. They need to wake up. Is it going to take a kid dropping dead before they realize it’s more detrimental wearing a mask than it is not wearing a mask?”



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