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Posted (edited)

Meni zanimljiv tekst o lošem stanju u Poljskoj, Češkoj, Slovačkoj, Mađarskoj i Ukrajini.

Otprilike 7 minuta čitanja.



Mađarima emigriralo medicinsko osoblje, pa nemaju dovoljno ljudi koji bi upravljali respiratorima.

Pola stanovnika Ukrajine ne želi da se vakciniše.

Edited by Malkmus
  • Hvala 2
Vidis li negde podatke za sve pokrajine? Ubih se trazeci za nas okrug, pocinjem da verujem da kriju posto ih narod toliko kritikuje

Imad ovde po državama. Okruzi možda u nekom izveštaju RKI-a. Svi smo tu negde sa prvom dozom, izmedju 12-13%, slicno i sa duplom dozom, oko 6%.

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Koliko se moze razumeti - Nemci su odjebali UK zajebanciju sa AZ i cekaju svoju CureVac sa prirodnim mRna.


Stize sredinom godine, mediji navode da ce to biti kvalitetna vakcina.


Sjebaće ga visoka temperatura na leto

10 hours ago, ToniAdams said:

Sjebaće ga visoka temperatura na leto


a i krdo ce gi pregazi. samo elektroliti, d vitamini, a maski kad gu vas strogo gledaju.


ma samo da se dohvatimo maja meseca  :happy:

Posted (edited)


Rad pokazuje kako su se prošlog jula ljudi inficirali u crkvi od pevača koji je od njih bio udaljen više od 15 metara, na platformi iznad (više detalja na linku, dole je zaključak):

Epidemiologic Evidence for Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during Church Singing, Australia, 2020





We detected 12 secondary case-patients linked to an infectious case-patient at church services on 2 days. Secondary case-patients were seated in the same area of the church, >15 m from the primary case-patient, with whom there was no evidence of close physical contact. We believe that transmission during this outbreak is best explained by airborne spread, potentially the result of by 3 factors. First, singing has been demonstrated to generate more respiratory aerosol particles and droplets than talking (7). Second, minimal ventilation might have enabled respiratory particles to accumulate in the air, and convection currents might have carried particles toward the pews where secondary case-patients were seated. Third, the primary case-patient was likely near the peak of infectiousness on the basis of low Ct values (8) and symptom onset occurring around the exposure dates (9). Although we cannot completely exclude fomite transmission, this transmission would not explain the spatial clustering of case-patients within the church over 2 days.


Strengths of our investigation include detailed case and contact follow-up, availability of video recordings of the services to confirm movements and locations of case-patients, high uptake of testing by contacts, and that SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing provided supportive evidence that case-patients were closely related genomically. In addition, the New South Wales context of low community transmission (10) and high estimated case ascertainment (11) makes it unlikely that case-patients acquired infection outside this cluster.


A limitation was that most contacts were tested within a week of exposure, which could have been too early to detect some asymptomatic infections. Second, this investigation only provides circumstantial evidence of airborne transmission, and does not help elucidate the exact mechanism of spread. Finally, we are unsure why transmission did not occur at the services on July 17 (except in 1 possible instance); reasons might be related to altered air flow, the primary case-patient being past peak infectiousness, or that cases that did occur went undetected.


This cluster occurred despite adherence to guidelines requiring microphone use and a 3-m cordon around singers. Guidelines for places of worship were tightened after this cluster was detected, including increasing the distance required around a singer to 5 m. However additional mitigation measures might be necessary to prevent airborne infection during church services and singing, including increased natural or artificial ventilation (12) or moving activities outdoors.


(edit: u tekstu na linku je napomenuto da ljudi nisu nosili maske - to tada nije bilo obavezno, bio je ograničen broj ljudi na crkvenim službama, u julu je broj novoobolelih po danu u NSW bio oko 10)



Edited by Gojko & Stojko
  • +1 2
  • Hvala 1

Shit, stiže još potvrda da je brazilski soj vrlo zajeban.

  • Hvala 1
  • Tužno 1
Posted (edited)

Dakle, procenjeni reprodukcioni broj brazilske varijante u Britanskoj Kolumbiji je trenutno 3,2, a britanske, koja se inače osetno brže širi od originalne je 1,6.


Sledeći podaci i dijagrami su izvučeni iz Eskobarovog niza tvitova čiji je prvi tvit linkovan.


To za posledicu ima da je vreme dupliranja brazilske varijante u Britanskoj Kolumbiji tek nešto preko 4 dana, dok britanskoj varijanti treba skoro 11 dana.


Zadnjih 5 nedelja:

Brazilska (P1): 11 -> 21 (x1,9) -> 84 (x4) -> 269 (x3,2) -> 872 (x3,2)

Britanska (P117): 512 -> 819 (x1,6) -> 1238 (x1,5) -> 1907 (x1,5) -> 2837 (x1,5)









total VOC (variants of concern) = zbir zabrinjavajućih varijanti tj. u ovom slučaju britanske i brazilske


Slučajevi rastu najviše zbog britanske i brazilske varijante, a vidljivo je da će brazilska vrlo uskoro premašiti britansku.

Edited by vememah

Sto je i bilo logicno, dominantniji soj uvek pobedi. Ne smem ni da pomislim sta dolazi posle brazilskog soja :ph34r:


ima li iz Brazila kakvih vesti o tome, deluju li vakcine na ovaj njihov soj ?

Sto je i bilo logicno, dominantniji soj uvek pobedi. Ne smem ni da pomislim sta dolazi posle brazilskog soja [emoji185]
Soj od klica soje

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