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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Posted (edited)
Fudbaler PSG-a dvaput pozitivan u tri meseca.


Edited by vememah
Posted (edited)

Verovatno je onima koji prate poznato da nesposobna Nemacka kao dodatni plan borbe sa ovim (posto vakcinacija kao i da se ne desava, makar u nekim delovima zemlje poput mog) ima forsiranje brzih testova od kuce (mogu se sad kupiti po apotekama, drogerijama, supermarketima...). Kako ce to izgledati u skolama? Roditelj mora da da pismenu dozvolu da ce se dete dva puta nedeljno testirati tim brzim testom, a ako nece - nikom nista, to dete nece biti testirano. :kecman:


//Pritom nisam sigurna bas u poverenje koje treba da dajemo tim brzim testovima, iz prostog razloga sto su neprijatni za uzimanje, i pogotovo ti koji se rade sa pljuvackom imaju malu zackoljicu, kako mi je objasnila apotekarka, da mora da se uzme uzorak bas duboko. Zamisljam prosecnog "tesko mi je u zivotu jer moram da nosim masku dok sam u radnji" koji se propisno bakce ovim, how yes no.


Edited by I*m with the pilots
Posted (edited)

USA na 56  miliona vakcinisanih sa dve doze,bismo mi u pravu,prebacuju oni zacrtan cilj od 150 miliona do septembra i to dosta.

Edited by Bogotac
Posted (edited)

Miles Babbage, Јуче у 02:48

Pošto i dalje vodimo "zašto se vakcinisati" diskusije, evo da nas podseti juče objavljena studija. Već smo pisali o podacima iz UK, gde se jako pažljivo vode statistike. Sada dodatni podaci, čvršća računica. Studija na oko 50,000 ljudi. 
Kroz dati period vremena u jednakom broju ljudi, za svaku osobu koja nikada nije imala COVID umire osmoro koji su ga preležali (nezavisno od starosti). 
Za svaku osobu koja nije preležala kovid i koja završi u bolnici iz bilo kog razloga, četiri osobe koje su preležale završe u bolnici. 
Ali ono što treba da nas lupi po nosu je ova slika dole. Ljubičasto su ljudi koji su preležali virus, žuto su oni koji nisu. 

Za one koji ne znaju engleski:
Diabetes - dijabetes
MACE - teški kardiovaskularni događaji (srčani udari i slično)
Chronic kidney disease - Hronična bolest bubrega
Chronic liver disease - Hronična bolest jetre
Gornji grafikon je razlika u riziku za sve pacijente, uključujući i one koji su već imali hronične bolesti. 
Ali donji grafikon je *prva pojava* problema. I tu vidimo efekte sistemske štete koju nanosi virus. 
Kontrolisano za starost, šansa da dobijete prvi srčani udar bez prethodne istorije kardiovaskularne bolesti je PET PUTA veća kod onih koji su preležali kovid.
Bonus: na slici se ne pominje novi nastanak respiratornih bolesti. Verovatno zato što bi grafikon izgledao suludo, jer radi se o DVADESET SEDAM puta povećanom riziku. 
Dvadeset sedmoro ljudi sa novonastalnom astmom, bronhitisom, ili drugim plućnim problemima, za svaku pojedinačnu osobu kod koje se takav problem pojavi među onima koji nisu imali virus. 

Pa sad sa tim u pozadini treba da se raspravljamo o detaljima oko vakcina, i da se bojimo retkih posledica. Sve su samo detalji u poređenju sa posledicama virusa. 
Link na celu studiju:





Edited by vememah
  • +1 4
Posted (edited)

mali ju-ju @aukurast

2 glavne sestre u bolnici u kojoj radim su sahranile svaka svog oca i sutradan se vratile na posao, svaki dan mi dolaze medicinari koji se raspadaju, jedna je iščašila rame izludela skidajući skafander posle smene, kaze: 
"bruje mašine ko u fabrici, svaki sekund neko pišti, ako ga ne nadješ odmah i ne središ - gotov je. kolege plaču posle smene od umora", glavna sestra na kovid odeljenju kod nas od novembra spava u jebenoj bivšoj vezbaonici na krevetu za fizioterapiju, 
kad smo im za bozić odneli neke slatkiše rasplakali su se i lekari i tehničari i sestre; fizioterapeuti rade bez sala, izmešteni na ne-kovid odeljenja, bez opreme, sa štapom i kanapom - a ljudi i dalje imaju mozdane udare i lome kukove i imaju saobraćajke i infarkte 
prema tome napušite mi se kurca svi vi antimaskeri i antivakseri i svi kojima su LjUdSkA pRaVa uSkrAćena, mamu vam jebem nedotupavnu, samozivu, da vam jebem. 
i još nešto, ako se slupate kolima ili vaše roditelje strefi infarkt ili šlog - lečićemo i vas jer nismo pičke. a vi serite i dalje kako ne znate ŠtA jE u VaKciNi i kako NeĆeTe BrNJicU dok jedete sta jedete, pijete sta pijete i pušite šta pušite. govna! 
još ovo: vakcinisani kolega koji radi kućne posete je zakačio virus jer je ćerka pacijentkinje posle operacije dovela majku kući lično, iako je dva dana pre toga imala temp 40, ali NiJe bIO KoViD i ŠtO dA rIzIkUje kArAnTin bEzvEze. 
majka je umrla.kolega je bio samo pozitivan,bez simptoma. bio u karantinu 2 nedelje.sad je negativan. nikome od drugih pacijenata nije preneo virus. znači: 10 ljudi nije dobilo virus. VAKCINIŠITE SE. RADI VAKCINA I BEZBEDNA JE. NE KURČITE SE PREKO GRBAČE SVOJIH RODITELJA. 
da ne mislite da vas dovodim u zabludu pošto je rant stigao do dosta ljudi: ja govorim o italiji, regiji u kojoj zdravstvo funkcioniše. za situaciju u srbiji verovatno ovo treba da pomnozite sa 100 i dodate bombu. 


Edited by vememah
16 hours ago, vememah said:
Fudbaler PSG-a dvaput pozitivan u tri meseca.


Nije jedini. Yazici, igrac Lille-a je isto tako pozitivan, drugi put u zadnja dva mjeseca. Inace veceras je utakmica PSG Lille.


Svo troje turskih igraca Lille-a su pozitivni. Obadvoje talijana u PSG-u su pozitivni. Svi to vuku iz reprezentacija.


Ti koji su u sto dana dva puta pozitivni vuku virus sve vreme.

  • +1 2
Kafa - napitak koji je uzrok propasti čovečanstva fantom.gif
crna chorba ponizenja™ hihi.gif

@invizibl, ne znam za to, moji su preshli pre nedelju dana i raspisali im 10 dana, eno sede u ropstvu, rade bashtu, komshije im kache kruva na kapiju rolf.gif

sent from bubamoto

Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, Jozef K. said:

Ti koji su u sto dana dva puta pozitivni vuku virus sve vreme.


Fascinantna je kategoričnost s kojom ti to tvrdiš (ništa možda, ništa verovatno, ništa po svoj prilici...), kao da ne postoje studije slučajeva kod kojih je za manje od dva meseca došlo do zaražavanja iste osobe različitim varijantama virusa.



A 25-year-old man who was a resident of Washoe County in the US state of Nevada presented to health authorities on two occasions with symptoms of viral infection, once at a community testing event in April, 2020, and a second time to primary care then hospital at the end of May and beginning of June, 2020.
The patient had two positive tests for SARS-CoV-2, the first on April 18, 2020, and the second on June 5, 2020, separated by two negative tests done during follow-up in May, 2020. Genomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 showed genetically significant differences between each variant associated with each instance of infection.


These findings suggest that the patient was infected by SARS-CoV-2 on two separate occasions by a genetically distinct virus.



Nije mnogo verovatno da se u biznisima gde se okreću milioni poput vrhunskog fudbala ne vodi dovoljno računa o tome kada se i pod kojim uslovima preboleli vraćaju u tim.

Edited by vememah
  • +1 1

Čudan slučaj. Izuzetno retko se dešava.

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

On Friday morning, in the Old City of Jerusalem, in the limestone alleys of the Christian quarter, it was as if the pandemic had never happened.


The winding passageways that form the Via Dolorosa, along which Christians believe Jesus hauled his cross toward his crucifixion, were packed with over 1,000 worshipers. In the covered market, the air smelled of incense and echoed with Christian hymns. The Good Friday procession, where the faithful retrace the route Jesus is said to have taken, was back.


“It is like a miracle,” said the Rev. Amjad Sabbara, a Roman Catholic priest who helped lead the procession. “We’re not doing this online. We’re seeing the people in front of us.”



The streets were packed for Friday’s procession. Last year’s was cancelled.

Dan Balilty for The New York Times



Christian worshipers, carrying a wooden cross, arrived at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher during a Good Friday procession in Jerusalem.

Dan Balilty for The New York Times


Edited by vememah
Posted (edited)

Dobar niz:



(nastavlja se)

Edited by vememah
  • +1 3
  • Hvala 1
Posted (edited)

Podaci iz Irske:



Outdoor transmission accounts for 0.1% of State’s Covid-19 cases
Just 262 cases traced to outdoor activities since pandemic began, official figures reveal

Just one confirmed case of Covid-19 in every thousand is traced to outdoor transmission, new figures reveal.

Of the 232,164 cases of Covid-19 recorded in the State up to March 24th this year, 262 were as a result of outdoor transmission, representing 0.1 per cent of the total.

There were 42 outbreaks associated with outdoor gatherings, with one community outbreak accounting for seven cases.

This involved an outdoor work activity which took place between two separate families, according to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) which monitors case numbers in the Republic.

There were 21 outbreaks on construction sites with 124 cases, and 20 outbreaks associated with sporting activities and fitness in which there were 131 cases.

The HPSC data, provided in response to a query from The Irish Times, was based on “locations which are primarily associated with outdoor activities, ie outdoor sports and construction sites, or outbreaks that specifically mention in comments that an outdoor location or activity was involved”. The HSPC said, however, that it “cannot determine where transmission occurred”.

In addition 20 per cent of all cases in the State result from community transmission where the source of the infection is not known.

The relatively low numbers of cases resulting from outdoor transmission in the Republic is mirrored in international studies. A study of 1,245 cases in China found only three people were infected outdoors and they were in conversation without masks. According to a review by the University of California of five global studies of transmission, the chances of getting Covid-19 in an indoor setting is 19 times greater than outdoors.

At the University of Canterbury, Prof Mike Weed studied 27,000 Covid-19 cases based on 6,000 different pieces of data. One study was of 7,500 cases in China and Japan before lockdown in both of those countries. The number of cases associated with outdoor transmission was “so small to be insignificant”, he discovered.

Risk management

Prof Weed said outdoor gatherings are safe if accompanied by proper risk management. For example, crowds could be allowed at sporting events if rules are observed around congregating in indoor venues beforehand.

“Our conclusion is that in many sectors, and for many sizes and formats, it should be possible to put appropriate evidence-based mitigations in place to deliver outdoor events and activities in a way that does not escalate the risk from sporadic transmission to cluster outbreak,” he said.

Ed Lavelle, a professor of biochemistry at Trinity College Dublin, said the findings were “really great news and back up a lot of the evidence from the United States” which showed that outside activities are inherently safe.

He added that the big issue was not the outdoor activity, but what happened either side of it.

“We have not had the numbers until now for what is safe and what is not safe and how you can control it. It’s been hearsay to this point,” he said. “Having coffee shops outside would be very safe. For me, the key thing is what happens after the outdoor activity.”

Assistant professor at University College Dublin’s school of architecture Prof Orla Hegarty said it is difficult for the HPSC to measure outdoor transmission as construction and sport can be both outdoor and indoor.

She said outdoor risk is low “if people keep physical distance, avoid close conversation and take great care that shared transport and shared toilets are very well ventilated – and that they stay a very short time and wear masks in them.

“During Spanish flu people were advised to talk side by side, rather than face to face, and this is borne out by how viral particles have been measured moving in the air when people breath and speak.

“The risk of infection is low outdoors because unless you are up close to someone infected, most of the virus will likely be blown away and diluted in the breeze, like cigarette smoke.”

The Government is allowing outdoor sports activities from April 26th including the opening of pitches, golf courses and tennis courts.

Outdoor visitor attractions such as zoos and heritage sites can reopen and some outdoor retail will recommence from May 5th.

Minister for Tourism Catherine Martin, along with Fáilte Ireland, has announced the establishment of a €17 million fund where businesses serving food can apply for funding to help pay for more outdoor seating.

Grants will average at about €4,000 for each premises and can cover expenses incurred since last April.


Edited by vememah

"A Sheba Medical Center study published on Tuesday showed that the number of antibodies in people who received both doses of the coronavirus vaccine drop dramatically less than three months after the second dose was administered."






Isti centar je sprovodio i ranu studiju o efikasnosti vakcine - revakcinisanisano je 66% medicinskih radnika do 24. januara.


"The Sheba Medical Centre, Israel's largest hospital with 9647 HCWs, began staff vaccination on Dec 19, 2020.

By Jan 24, 2021, of the 9109 eligible staff, 7214 (79%) had received a first dose and 6037 (66%) had received the second dose. 5505 (91%) fully vaccinated HCWs received the second dose on days 21 or 22 after the first dose. 6818 (95%) HCWs were vaccinated at Sheba Medical Centre."

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