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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Januar-februar za over 80 i zdravstvo a do juna 60-70 i snage zakona. pa ostali, taman da se pred letnju sezonu odmora pokažu na delu dobri stari politički korupcijski mehanizmi, unutrašnji favoritizmi sanitetskih radnika i (de)gradacija prost(ačk)og ljudstva. Za Italiju pišem

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«Мы не спали, только прилегли». Фото пермских студентов, лежавших на полу у койки больного, облетело весь интернет
Медики-добровольцы всю ночь дежурили возле пациента ковид-отделения



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I to zvanicno, verujem da smo imali i preko 8000..mi i Hrvatska smo bili u vrhu tada na broj stanovnika, uopste mi i okolina..

Edited by Misko
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Na sajtu gisaid.org ima mapa dosad sekvenciranih genoma virusa (3540 dosada). Evo direktan link na mapu.


Ovde ima tekst o tome koliko se gde radi mapiranje, donja tabela je iz teksta.





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Coronavirus: 35 French people selected at random on Monday to decide on the vaccination strategy
Sunday, January 3, 2021 at 5:55 pm - By the editorial staff of France Bleu, France Bleu
Some 35 French people will be drawn by random draw on Monday, January 4 to form a "citizen's collective", responsible for deciding on the vaccination strategy in France. The vaccination campaign against Covid-19 has been criticized for its slowness.

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese) announced this Sunday, January 3 in the Journal du Dimanche and franceinfo that the draw for the 35 members of the future "citizens' collective" responsible for deciding on the French vaccination strategy against coronavirus will begin this Monday. The panel formed will respect criteria of age, gender, region of residence, level of education, socio-professional category and type of residence.  

In Le Parisien, Gabriel Attal, the government spokesman, explained that this group of about thirty "citizens drawn by random draw, representing all the territories, will be constituted on January 10". Their work will begin on January 16. The government spokesman assured that they "will be able to ask any questions, make any observations and question Olivier Véran or Professor Alain Fisher" on the management of the Covid-19 epidemic and vaccination. This citizen group was first mentioned by Emmanuel Macron on November 24 in a speech.

Moreover, when questioned about the slowness of the vaccination campaign against Covid-19, Gabriel Attal defends the executive: "One does not judge the success of a six-month vaccination campaign after seven days". France "has the same number of doses as our neighbors, but we chose a different path. The choice to protect first the populations most at risk, for whom there are more logistics and precautions to be taken, led to a necessarily gradual start. We assume it but, as the President of the Republic said, this cannot justify unnecessary delays", he explained.

The acceleration called for by the president is already underway: we are strengthening the means to get the vaccines to the Ehpad. Starting this weekend, we are starting to vaccinate caregivers over 50 years of age, which was initially planned for February".

https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/sante-sciences/coronavirus-35-francais-tires-au-sort-des-demain-pour-se-prononcer-sur-la-strategie-vaccinale-1609692378 (prevod by Deepl)

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Novi lockdown u Engleskoj








  1. PM Boris Johnson outlines new lockdown for England in a televised address
  2. People in England are told to work from home and schools will close, after a sharp rise in coronavirus cases
  3. People in Scotland will be legally required to stay at home - except for essential purposes - from midnight tonight
  4. Most schools in Scotland will remain closed until 1 February
  5. "Material risk" of NHS in several areas being overwhelmed over the next 21 days say chief medical officers
  6. The newly-approved coronavirus vaccine created by Oxford University and AstraZeneca is being rolled out across the UK today
  7. Globally more than 85 million cases of Covid have been reported and 1.84 million deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University


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i kada je po ovome moguce popustanje mera ? u februaru ? u martu ?


  • If the vaccine roll-out continues to be "successful", deaths begin to fall, and people follow the rules, the PM said he hoped we can "steadily move out of lockdown, reopening schools after half term and starting, cautiously" to move regions down England's tiered system of restrictions.
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