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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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da nisam ovde procitao ne bi ni saznao da su rusi priznali 3 puta vecu smrtnost. u stalnom sam kontaktu sa rusima, oni kao da se nista nije desilo. cak i moje kolege cute na poruku u grupi, samo se kineskinja cudi.

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1 hour ago, gone fishing said:

Не кажем ја да они преправљају смртовнице већ да је тамо изражен ефекат викенда тј празника када број умрлих падне за 50 до70% у односу на остатак недаље. Можете и сами упоредити те бројеве за среду чет и петак, са бројевима за субо нед и пон

Јасно се види тај тренд још од априла

Mislim da oni to posle, tim drugim danima dodaju. Zato se gleda sedmodnevni presek, 

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bogami, ova nova varijanta virusa se uspesno prosirila po celom svetu, a u britaniji je vec dominantna svuda. i definitivno je zaraznija - sa istom smrtnoscu, kazu - a kazu i da je to podjednako opasno kao da se povecava smrtnost, zbog vec postojece preopterecenosti zdravstvenih sistema.

nasi to ignorisu, naravno - doduse, nisam pratila vesti par dana, mozda je neko i pominjao. 

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I Bolsonaru je sa COVIDom skocila popularnost jer deli pare sirotinji, a ista je u fazonu za COVID - "bozija volja", sta se tu moze. Bio dobar kratak prilog na BBCiju na tu temu.

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How has Israel launched the world’s fastest Covid vaccination drive?


By the end of this week, the country of 9 million is expected to have injected more than 10% of its population with vaccines, a far higher fraction than other states including the UK, which began vaccinating almost two weeks earlier.


What is Israel’s timetable?

The prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has promised Israelis that the country will be the first to “emerge” from the pandemic if they cooperate.


Having ramped up to a 24/7 operation, health providers are administering the first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine at a rate of 150,000 people a day – almost 2% of the population.


Over-60s, healthcare workers, carers and high-risk people, are being prioritised. Local media have reported deals with Pfizer and Moderna to procure several more million doses for early 2021, which will be critical if the rollout is to keep up the pace.


How has Israel carried out the world’s fastest vaccination drive?

Israel has some natural advantages, being a relatively small country, both in terms of geography and population.


Still, many other countries share those characteristics. Israel’s initial success is also being attributed to its healthcare system, which pre-dates the state’s creation and is now highly digitalised. Everyone over 18 is obliged to register with government-linked insurance agencies, and army medics have been called in to help.


In tandem, the government has launched a vigorous campaign against anti-vax misinformation. The justice ministry successfully petitioned Facebook to remove four groups that published “content designed to mislead about coronavirus vaccines”.


Citizens are also being encouraged to get the jab by officials who have dangled the prospect of a “green passport”, a document that would allow vaccinated persons to eat in restaurants, travel freely and be exempted from quarantine. However, as there is no proof that vaccines reduce transmission, the idea has been met with scepticism.




Edited by vememah
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može ovo da se tumači na više načina, ali da kojim slučajem nisu ovo prganizovali prilično sam siguran da bi se našao neko ko bi negativno prokomentarisao, naročito zbog nedavnih klipova sa muzičkim festivalima. Stoje blizu jedni drugih ali nose maske i puštaju balone, meni je ovo sveukupno pozitivna poruka. Čini mi se da nema bljutavo-patetičnih detalja, što je opet plus.


Sad, to što neke druge opasne baje to ne mogu da organizuju u svojim zemljama...milion je razloga za  to.

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u pekingu su u mnogim lokalima zabranili slavljenje nove godine. wuhan je trenutno u boljoj situaciji tako da su mogli organizovati okupljanja. to se ovde menja non-stop. sada je problematican sever 


in other news: BREAKING: China's COVID Vaccine Officially Launched & IT'S FREE!


ne znam da li vam se otvaraju ovi wechat linkovi. stavicu u spoiler tekst




BREAKING: China's COVID Vaccine Officially Launched & IT'S FREE!

OneTubeDaily Today


Source: OT-Team (AFJ)


On December 31, 2020, according to the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, the COVID-19 vaccine produced by the Sinopharm was officially launched. Based on the available data, the vaccine protection rate is 79.34%.


Five Main Points of COVID Vaccine

As per the National Health Commission, below are the five key points about the novel coronavirus vaccine from Sinopharm.

1) Vaccine Price - Free of Charge

As COVID vaccine is public good, it shall be free for all people.

2) Duration of Antibody - More than Six Months

According to the data of the Phase I and II studies of the COVID vaccine, the antibody can still maintain at a high level after 6 months.


3) Adverse Reactions - the Probability of Severe Adverse Reactions is 2 Parts Per Million

Per the deputy director of the National Health Commission, regarding the 4.5 million doses of vaccine administered, the main manifestations of adverse reactions after vaccination are local pain and induration (inflammation at the local site), while the cases of mild fever are probably less than 0.1%, the incidence of severe adverse reactions, such as allergic reactions, is about 2 parts per million.





4) Impact of Mutated Virus - No Substantial Impact

According to Xu Nanping, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, COVID-19 virus mutation actually occurs every day, but it is within the normal range. As of now, there is no evidence that the observed mutations have a substantial impact on the effectiveness of the vaccine.

5) COVID Vaccination Schedule - Vaccination Rates should Reach 60%-70% 

According to the State Council, China implements a three-step vaccination plan and advocates all eligible residents to actively get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, where the specific arrangements are given as follows.

Step 1: The key population and high-risk population shall get vaccinated, including medical staff, airport staff, customs officers, etc;

Step 2: Then it shall be the high-risk groups, which is to say, people who are prone to severe illness after infection with novel coronavirus, mainly including the elderly and people with underlying diseases;

Step 3: The vaccination will be extended to the whole population.

Based on the current population distribution in China, China needs to achieve 60% or even 70% vaccination rate to establish universal protection.




Points for Attention of Vaccination Against COVID-19

According to Shanghai CDC, the following points should be noted before vaccination.


  • Vaccination should be carried out according to the procedure. The recommended immunization procedure for COVID vaccine is two injections, with an interval of at least 14 days;


  • Be sure to inform the doctor of the real health status before vaccination. People with any of the following conditions should avoid vaccination, including:


    • 1) those with a history of severe allergies;


    • 2) patients with fever or other diseases;


    • 3) pregnant and lactating women, or who have a family planning within 3 months after vaccination;


    • 4) those with a history of convulsion, epilepsy, encephalopathy or mental disease or family history of the above;


    • 5) those with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency HIV infection, lymphoma, leukemia or other autoimmune diseases;


    • 6) patients with severe respiratory/cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases or malignant tumors;


    • 7) patients using immunomodulators such as anti-tumor drugs;


    • 8) patients with a history of COVID-19 infection.


  • Avoid combined vaccination with other vaccines;


  • After inoculation, every personnel need to stay on the spot for 30 minutes, and there may be swelling, and redness at the inoculation site, or fatigue and muscle soreness, which will last for around 2-3 days.


  • Until now, the protective effect of any vaccine cannot reach 100%. Therefore, personal protection is still needed after vaccination.

It is worth noticing that the production capacity of China's COVID vaccine can meet the domestic demand for mass vaccination.




Edited by banecare1
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lol pa da mi imamo 15-20 okuženih po danu, bile bi dozvoljene svadbe za 300 osoba :D i normalan rad noćnih klubova, a kinezi drame zbog petnaestak, uglavnom uvezenih, koronaša po danu

- edip

gledam onaj spisak kod koga je sve kontraindikovana kineska vakcina, pa to je petina populacije, još ako se deca ne budu pelcovala to praktično znači da svi "zdravi" punoletni građani trebaju da se pelcuju da bi se postigao imunitet krda

- možda kinezi represijom to i uspeju da izvedu ali ameri nema šanse, za 2 nedelje vakcinacije tamo je pelcovano samo 2,7 miliona amera iako su optimistično podelili 12 miliona doza, izgleda da ljudi baš i nisu oduševljeni da budu beta testeri :happy:

Edited by gone fishing
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8 minutes ago, gone fishing said:

lol pa da mi imamo 15-20 okuženih po danu, bile bi dozvoljene svadbe za 300 osoba :D i normalan rad noćnih klubova, a kinezi drame zbog petnaestak, uglavnom uvezenih, koronaša po danu


tacno je drame kada se i jedan pojavi, ali odreaguju brzo, saopste da su uzeli pod kontrolu i onda olabave mere. obicno zatvore kvartal, sve testiraju, lociraju i izoluju kontakte. pre par dana su saopstili da su decembarski slucajevi od nekog indonezijca i dalje po spisku gde je bio, sta je radio. 

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