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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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59 minutes ago, gospa buba said:

poshto ovaj virus odbija da mutira, potreban nam je nov, josh virulentniji, kako bi se objasnio razvoj dogadjaja?

sent from bubamoto

pozdravila te gligićka :D

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3 hours ago, Budja said:

Svedksa je uvek u modi.

Nema niko nista protiv Sveda kao takvih, mislim, samo je jeziva pro-covid propaganda (pre cca pola godine) iz pseudo-libertarijanskih krugova trajno iziritirala nemali broj pratioca ove teme...

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3 hours ago, Budja said:

Samo da dodam nesto na temu zrtvometrije™.


Vidim da se Francuska lepo penje, ali nesto se slabo proziva. Svedksa je uvek u modi.



Treba malo sacekati sa zrtvometrijom. Svaka zemlja broji kovid zrtve na drugaciji nacin. To se lijepo vidi kada gledas visak umrlih u svim zemlja. Negdje je taj visak mnogo veci od zvanicnog broja umrlih od kovida, negdje je isti a negdje je taj broj manji. 

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Ko je dosao, dosao je.




A number of European countries have or are considering banning travel from the UK to prevent the spread of a more infectious variant of coronavirus. 

Both the Netherlands and Belgium have suspended flights. Trains to Belgium have also been banned.

Italy's foreign minister has indicated his government plans to ban flights. France and Germany are among others reportedly planning similar action.


Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha González said Spain also wanted a co-ordinated EU decision on the matter.

In Ireland, urgent government talks are being held and Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly said he expected a decision later on Sunday on a new advisory for travel from Britain.

Austria is also planning a ban on flights from the UK, with details currently being worked out, Austrian media reported.

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