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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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  • alert.png 182 new cases in Germany [source] [source]
  • 1 new case in India (Ghaziabad) [source]
  • 22 new cases in Greece



ne znam odakle braći grcima 22 nova slučaja, do juče ih je bilo svega  9, da li su to turisti koji su bili na milanskoj nedelji mode i venecijanskom karnevalu pre deset dana ili je došlo do prenošenja bolesti od pomenutih turista na druge ljude

Edited by gone fishing
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Imali su superširioca koji je išao busem na hodočašće u Izrael i Egipat.


The total number of the new coronavirus cases in Greece has risen to 31, after 21 more people who came in contact with the country’s ninth confirmed case tested positive, Greek Health Ministry spokesman Dimitris Tsiodras said in press briefing on Thursday.

The new cases emerged as health authorities traced and tested everyone believed to have come into close contact with the 65-year-old Greek man who is being treated at an isolation unit at a hospital in Patras, western Greece.

These contacts include 53 people who had traveled on the same bus as him during a recent religious pilgrimage to Israel and Egypt.

According to sources, the man is being treated for a serious respiratory infection. The 65-year-old’s wife has also tested positive and was the tenth reported case.


Tsiodras said doctors have tested 21 of the man’s fellow travellers and identified more than 400 of his contacts and tested those who were deemed suspicious. Authorities are also tracing all the contacts of the new cases.


At the same time, he said authorities expect a “significant increase” in the number of confirmed cases in the coming weeks and urged citizens to “adhere religiously” to the preventive measures announced by the experts.



Edited by vememah
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31 minutes ago, InvisibleLight said:

109 novih u nemackoj za jedan dan..

tipujem na prvog otkrivenog zarazenog u srbiji u subotu

preko 150

NRW pokidao.


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Egipćanin koji je bio u Srbiji, a vratio se preko Francuske u kojoj je boravio 12 sati zakačio virus, saopšteno danas u Egiptu.



CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt registered the first coronavirus case in an Egyptian national who had returned from Serbia via France, a joint statement from the health ministry and the World Health Organization said on Thursday.

The North African country registered two cases before in foreigners, one of whom recovered and was released from quarantine.

The Egyptian man, 44, who spent 12 hours in France during his journey, didn’t show any symptoms upon his arrival but after few days he went to a hospital following the appearance of some minor symptoms, the statement said.

Laboratory tests proved positive for the coronavirus on Thursday and the man is now on his way to a quarantine hospital for treatment, it added.

The health ministry said on Wednesday it had tested 1904 suspected coronavirus cases but all of them proved negative.


Edited by vememah
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