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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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1 hour ago, vememah said:

Nastavlja se akcija "gurnimo virus pod tepih" u SAD:



Ovaj je ili idiot ili namjerno siri paniku. Lijepo pise ( i to 3-4 reda iznad) da se podaci azuriraju Po - Sr - Pe nakon 16 sati.


This page will be updated regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Numbers close out at 4 p.m. the day before reporting.

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22 minutes ago, Peter Fan said:

Ovaj je ili idiot ili namjerno siri paniku.


Kako to misliš, širi paniku, kad ovde definitivno više nema reda sa brojem testiranih osoba?



Evo i Newsweek i Verge imaju članke o tome:




I Business Insider to spominje u jednom svom članku:


The CDC had tested only about 470 people in the US for COVID-19 as of Sunday, according to the agency's official count. Overnight, the CDC appears to have removed those testing numbers from its website. Alex Azar, the US secretary of health and human services, told ABC on Sunday that 3,600 Americans had been tested.


Edited by vememah
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Kupio ovo pakovanje od 10kom sredinom januara za 20€ - kod ovog prodavca je sad 460€.
Pošto sam bez trunke morala, žao mi je što nisam tada kupio više od 2 pakovanja, pa da otvorim sada ebay prodajni nalog.d8388114d525cd7978ffe8b12dc24ded.jpg

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1 hour ago, vememah said:

Ma ja sam idiot. Pise "tested" a ja tumacim "diagnosed".



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Francuska obavila rekviziciju svih zaliha maski, uključujući i onih koje su u proizvodnji. Podeliće ih medicinskom osoblju i zaraženima.


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1 minute ago, vememah said:

Francuska obavila rekviziciju svih zaliha maski, uključujući i one koje su u proizvodnji. Podeliće ih medicinskom osoblju i zaraženima.


fala k***u da se neko konačno setio ovoga :ziga:


a ne, da se dozvoli špekulantima da dižu cene u nebesa i da ih kupuju oni kojima zapravo i nisu potrebne

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466 new cases and 27 new deaths in Italy, for a total of 2,502 cases and 79 deaths to date. [source]
Among the 2,263 active cases, 1,034 (46%) are hospitalized, 229 of which (representing 10% of active cases) are in intensive care.
Among the 239 closed cases, 160 (67%) have recovered, 79 (33%) have died.

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To zasad ne znači mnogo pošto od prijema prosečnog pacijenta u bolnicu do otpuštanja zbog ozdravljenja prođe znatno više vremena nego do smrti.

Bilo bi zabrinjavajuće da se za nekoliko nedelja taj procenat osetno ne smanji.


Npr. u Kini je sada odnos izlečenih i umrlih 16:1 (izlečenih 16x više), a pre mesec dana bio je 1,3:1 (dakle izlečenih za 30% više).


https://ncov2020.org/en/en/predict-2020-03-03/ (pogledati podatke za "total death" i "total cured" u tabeli za 2. mart i 2. februar)

Edited by vememah
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6 minutes ago, gone fishing said:

466 new cases and 27 new deaths in Italy, for a total of 2,502 cases and 79 deaths to date. [source]
Among the 2,263 active cases, 1,034 (46%) are hospitalized, 229 of which (representing 10% of active cases) are in intensive care.
Among the 239 closed cases, 160 (67%) have recovered, 79 (33%) have died.

BBC širi fejk njuz :sleep:

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