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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Kod mene u gradu 61 slucaj. U kaficima zabranjena kafa i kroasan na sanku vec samo posluzivanje za stolovima. Obicavam tako da doruckujem pre ulaska u ofis ali ovih dana izxbegavam svaki kontakt s grupama ljudi. U italiji smo prebacili 2000 ali utisak je da cemo brzo dodati jos jednu nulu. Ako nista projektujuci sve slucajeve koji su se pojavili u svetu a dolaze odavde. 


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56 minutes ago, cedo said:

@banecare1 nema te dugo :) ... sta kazu kinezi ... po izvestajima izgleda kao da sirenje jenjava


jenjava, ali problem je sto ne moze dugo ovako, mora se raditi i uciti. pitanje je sta ce biti kada to krene. za sada je vecina po kucama i to daje rezultat. 

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4 minutes ago, banecare1 said:


jenjava, ali problem je sto ne moze dugo ovako, mora se raditi i uciti. pitanje je sta ce biti kada to krene. za sada je vecina po kucama i to daje rezultat. 


Mene su juce kontaktirale 3 firme iz pokrajine Guandong s kojima sam saradjivao pre par godina, s obavestenjem da su poceli proizvodnju.

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Less than 1 per cent of doctors feel that the NHS is “well prepared” for the new coronavirus, according to a new poll.

Eight out of the 1,618 respondents said they believed the health service was ready to deal with an outbreak when asked by The Doctors’ Association UK (DAUK), despite the prime minister’s insistence that the NHS will cope if it is hit by a surge in the number of people falling ill.

Common concerns included difficulties coping with increased demand, a shortage of beds and poor staffing levels, according to the group who led the poll.

Some doctors asked said they were worried that there could be not enough laboratory space to do testing in the case of a pandemic.

Others claimed that NHS 111 had been giving out “inappropriate advice” to go to A&E and GP practices, according to DAUK. 

“The NHS has already been brought to its knees and many frontline doctors fear that our health system simply will not cope in the event of a Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak,” Dr Rinesh Parmar, the DAUK chair, said. 

“Many hoped the threat of Covid-19 would prompt an honest conversation to address the issue of critical care capacity and our ability to look after our sickest patients. By simply saying ‘the NHS is well prepared to deal with coronovirus’ it seems that yet again doctors’ concerns have been brushed under the carpet.”

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-doctors-uk-nhs-hospitals-outbreak-preparations-a9370986.html Edited by vememah
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11 minutes ago, Ros said:

potvrdjen jedan zarazeni coronavirusom u firmi pored moje. zgrade nisu previse blizu, ali mnogo zaposlenih iz te firme ide u isti restoran na rucak kao i mi

Uf! Sta kaze firma?

Trebalo je da imamo proslavu u firmi u petak i da odemo na neki kabare posle toga, medjutim sef je otkazao zbog virusa, iako kod nas nema jos uvek nekih slucajeva. Meni se to ucinilo pomalo drasticno, ali sta znam sad.



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2 minutes ago, lo zingaro said:

Ah da, medju apsurdima i su i prvih 8 zarazenih kineza koji su otkriveni u Kini a dolaze iz Italije.

Obrće se igrica, sad će stranci da sede u Kini u karantinu dve nedelje. Zasad mera ne važi u celoj Kini i za sve strance, ali polako.



Travellers from countries with severe coronavirus outbreaks who arrive in southern China will have to undergo a 14-day quarantine, state media say.

Shanghai will also ask new arrivals from countries with "relatively serious virus conditions" to be isolated.

Beijing is worried the virus might be imported back into the country. Numbers of newly infected in China are falling.



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20 minutes ago, I*m with the pilots said:

Uf! Sta kaze firma?

Trebalo je da imamo proslavu u firmi u petak i da odemo na neki kabare posle toga, medjutim sef je otkazao zbog virusa, iako kod nas nema jos uvek nekih slucajeva. Meni se to ucinilo pomalo drasticno, ali sta znam sad.



firma jos ne kaze nista. mogli bi da se raspitaju da li je zarazeni isao u restoran i da li je dolazio na posao javnim prevozom

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Glede tih firmi sto "stite" radnike, cisto fyi - ne rade oni to zbog zabrinutosti za radnikovo dobrostanje, nego zbog sopstvene guzice jer posao ode vrlo brzo dodjavola ako ti je 5-10 ljudi na bolovanju.

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gledam ove sajtove sa statistikama i i dalje nigde nema turske , a što ne verujem da je moguće

dakle, turke baš briga, sad još pustili i migrante

to je situacija za mogući horor  scenario :ph34r:

Edited by dùda
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