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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Odličan je Levit, ume s brojevima.



2.2, 3.2. i 4.2.2020
the number of new deaths will decrease very rapidly over the next week

the number of new deaths will stop growing and start to decrease over the next week

the rate of increase in number of deaths will slow down over the next week

the rate of increase in the number of deaths will slow down over the next week

7.2, 8.2.
the number of deaths will not exceed 1000

the number of deaths may not exceed 2000

10.2, 11.2
the number of deaths should not exceed 2000

the number of Hubei deaths may not exceed 2000

We fit the Total Hubei Cases and Deaths with sigmoid functions, which give final expected total numbers of Cases and Deaths of 65,060 and 3 030, respectively


https://www.dropbox.com/s/vp4u2ae5yaswhk5/2. All_Michael_Levitt_22_Reports_on COVID-19_2-Feb-to-3-Mar.pdf?dl=0


Link na ovaj PDF nalazi se na Levitovoj zvaničnoj stranici na Stenfordu:


2 Feb to 2 Mar.  All 22 almost-daily Analyses of COVID-19 in China released by email, WhatsApp, Twitter and WeChat.  The shows the best and the worst of real-time science, typos and all.


Edited by vememah
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Hr uvela obavezan PCR test na koronu za sve koji žele da uđu. 


Zamolio bih ko god naiđe na info kako do PCR testa da napiše ovde, ili mi pošalje na PP. Naravno, nije problem ni plaćanje.

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Hr uvela obavezan PCR test na koronu za sve koji žele da uđu. 
Zamolio bih ko god naiđe na info kako do PCR testa da napiše ovde, ili mi pošalje na PP. Naravno, nije problem ni plaćanje.
Ne može niko samoinicijativno
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7 minutes ago, iDemo said:


E da, tu je i ova blamaža, lik je ladno sabirao verovatnoće po starosnim grupama praveći grešku koju srednjoškolac sa prolaznom ocenom iz matematike ne bi trebalo da napravi, a pritom je i prepolovio broj umrlih sa kruzera:


Edited by vememah
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34 minutes ago, vememah said:


Sve te racunice placu za da se uzmu u ruke i urade 'svojerucno'... Ja odolevam evo vec 2+ meseca a necu moci jos dugo.

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nemci ce da uvedu  test na antitela za covid-19. narucili 8 miliona testova kod Rochea u okolini minhena

Edited by Ros
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U Spaniji izgleda nece biti vise produzenja v.stanja. Partido popular uskracuje podrsku socijalistima, ovi ih vec sad optuzuju za drugi talas pandemije.

Uz vec eventualno trazenje od EU za spas ekonomije poput Grcke i kraha turizma ove godine, samo jos fali novi izborni ciklus. 

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2 hours ago, Dankan Ajdaho said:

Hr uvela obavezan PCR test na koronu za sve koji žele da uđu. 


Zamolio bih ko god naiđe na info kako do PCR testa da napiše ovde, ili mi pošalje na PP. Naravno, nije problem ni plaćanje.

Osecam da cemo imati mogucnost da trazimo test radi putovanja a da ce biti 100evra, da nas destimulisu da letujemo van srbije

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Did a patient admitted to intensive care at the end of December at the Jean-Verdier hospital in Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis) have Covid-19, even though the first official cases date back to the end of January? This is what Prof. Yves Cohen, head of the intensive care unit at the Jean-Verdier hospital in Bondy and Avicenne hospital in Bobigny, said this Sunday. "Based on an idea from Jean-Ralph Zahar, who is our hygiene teacher, we took all the PCRs that had been tested in patients who had pneumonia in


Eto ti ga sad, prevod iz Figaro,a


Послато са Mi 9T помоћу Тапатока





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Did a patient admitted to intensive care at the end of December at the Jean-Verdier hospital in Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis) have Covid-19, even though the first official cases date back to the end of January? This is what Prof. Yves Cohen, head of the intensive care unit at the Jean-Verdier hospital in Bondy and Avicenne hospital in Bobigny, said this Sunday. "Based on an idea from Jean-Ralph Zahar, who is our hygiene teacher, we took all the PCRs that had been tested in patients who had pneumonia in
Eto ti ga sad, prevod iz Figaro,a
Послато са Mi 9T помоћу Тапатока
I drugi, glavni deo koji nisam kopirao

Based on an idea from Jean-Ralph Zahar, who is our hygiene teacher, we took all the PCRs that had been tested in patients who had pneumonia in December and January for which the diagnosis was negative. Out of the 24 patients, we had one who was positive at Covid-19 on December 27, when he was hospitalized at our hospital in Jean-Verdier", explained Yves Cohen on BFMTV.

Послато са Mi 9T помоћу Тапатока

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Svega 10% stanovnika Stokholma bilo je u nekom trenutku zaraženo koronavirusom, kažu rezultati prve ture seroloških testova na antitela.



10 percent of Stockholmers were infected


1,000 new tests have been sent to the Stockholmers.

Published April 4, 2020

Now, the blood samples for coronate tests that KTH researchers sent to Stockholmers before Easter have come back and analyzed. The results show that 10 percent of those tested had been infected with the new corona virus.

Of 1,000 sent samples, 550 returned. Of these, 446 test responses were approved.

- The analysis method collects information from different virus proteins at the same time and we will now get a clearer picture of the infection and spread by putting together and comparing data from all the puzzle pieces, says Jochen Schwenk, professor at KTH and SciLifeLab.

The antibody tests in the form of provincial collection cards were sent to 1,000 randomly selected residents in Stockholm and its crane municipalities. It is about an even distribution of men and women aged 20 to 74 from a population of 1.22 million people in 717,850 households.

The researchers have now sent a new mail to 1,000 Stockholmers to verify the data from the first collection and to see how the spread of infection has changed since Easter. The average sampling day in the first round of tests was Easter evening on April 11. This measurement shows the spread of infection around the end of March.

- We really need the public's help now. Only with as many grants as possible can we get a true picture of the spread of infection, and this allows us to put in practice samples so that everyone who needs to be able to test themselves. It is very important, says Niclas Roxhed, associate professor at KTH.

Niclas Roxhed (KTH) and Olof Beck (Karolinska Institutet) stand for sampling and mailing. Analysis of antibodies and proteins is led by Jochen Schwenk and Claudia Fredolini (both from KTH / SciLifeLab). Production of viral proteins is handled by Gerald McInerney, Leo Hanke and Benjamin Murrell (all three from the Karolinska Institute).


https://www.kth.se/aktuellt/nyheter/10-procent-av-stockholmarna-smittade-1.980727 (translation by Google Translate)

Edited by vememah
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Da bude i ovde pošto mnogi ne čitaju temu o Trampu: procureli zvanični dokument američke agencije za sprečavanje zaraza CDC s projekcijom daljeg toka epidemije u SAD nakon otvaranja kaže da će već početkom juna dnevno biti oko 3000 mrtvih i 200.000 novoobolelih sa tendencijom daljeg rasta.


Na dijagramima je dnevni broj novoobolelih, odnosno umrlih.








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