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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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The strategy — aimed at allowing some exposure to the virus in order to build immunity among the general population while protecting high-risk groups like the elderly — has been controversial. Some health experts liken it to playing Russian roulette with public health.

But now, the country’s chief epidemiologist said the strategy appears to be working and that “herd immunity” could be reached in the capital Stockholm in a matter of weeks.


“Unfortunately the mortality rate is high due to the introduction (of the virus) in elderly care homes and we are investigating the cause of that,” he said. :isuse:




da bi stekli imunitet, za koji još uvek nisu sigurni da se stiče preležavanjem korone



however, scientists are looking at whether exposure to and recovery from Covid-19 leads to long-term immunity. Reinfections of coronavirus have been reported.




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Follow the Sun: Slower COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality Growth at Higher Irradiances

Abstract: The effect of temperature and irradiance on COVID-19 will determine the course of the pandemic in warmer locations and whether rising temperatures will change its course, and has implications for public health policy. We show case and death counts had significantly lower growth rates at higher temperatures (>14 °C) when aligned for stage in the epidemic. We show irradiance and in particular solar zenith angle in combination with cloudopacity explain COVID-19 morbidity and mortality growth better than temperature. COVID-19 exploded during the darkest January in Wuhan in over a decade. Daily irradiance correlated with case growth 7 days later. Our results suggest transmission models should incorporate irradiance, that the impact of natural and artificial UV irradiance on individual morbidity and mortality should be tested, and has implications for the best locations and optimal behaviors for high-risk individuals and COVID-19 patients to weather the pandemic: following the Sun.

Edited by Gandalf
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Ja duboko verujem da su švedski policy makeri imali najbolje namere. Na kraju krajeva, to je verovatno zemlja gde je koncept lične odgovornosti najjači u Evropi. Ali ove cifre su jednostavno loše i teško ih je pravdati. 


Mala trivia: i švedski glavni epidemiolog i Predrag Kon su, po Google Scholaru, svoje najcitiranije radove objavili na temu zatvaranja škola u vreme pandemije gripa. Dakle, očito je to jedna od "klasičnih tema" među epidemiolozima. 

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5 hours ago, cedo said:

moze prevod ovde ?

da li stvarno prica o tome da  ima dosta 40godisnjaka u bolnici




meni ovde upada u oci lepa i sredjena bolnica... a kod nas rupe preskaces dok ides hodnikom jbt :s

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26 minutes ago, Kampokei said:

Ja duboko verujem da su švedski policy makeri imali najbolje namere. Na kraju krajeva, to je verovatno zemlja gde je koncept lične odgovornosti najjači u Evropi. Ali ove cifre su jednostavno loše i teško ih je pravdati. 




Ne baš kad bi ih poredio sa recimo Finskom i Norveškom. U smislu distanciranja i svega inače..

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38 minutes ago, Gandalf said:

Follow the Sun: Slower COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality Growth at Higher Irradiances

Abstract: The effect of temperature and irradiance on COVID-19 will determine the course of the pandemic in warmer locations and whether rising temperatures will change its course, and has implications for public health policy. We show case and death counts had significantly lower growth rates at higher temperatures (>14 °C) when aligned for stage in the epidemic. We show irradiance and in particular solar zenith angle in combination with cloudopacity explain COVID-19 morbidity and mortality growth better than temperature. COVID-19 exploded during the darkest January in Wuhan in over a decade. Daily irradiance correlated with case growth 7 days later. Our results suggest transmission models should incorporate irradiance, that the impact of natural and artificial UV irradiance on individual morbidity and mortality should be tested, and has implications for the best locations and optimal behaviors for high-risk individuals and COVID-19 patients to weather the pandemic: following the Sun.





The wave of deaths is all the more disturbing for being impossible to explain. There is no obvious reason for Ecuador to be devastated far more than other countries. Its population is relatively young, and most people live in rural areas, both factors that should reduce the risk, said Jenny Garcia, a demographer who studies Latin America at the Institut National d’Études Démographiques in France.

That mystery is reflected in the pandemic’s uneven consequences around the world, raising questions no one has been able to answer. Are some places just lucky? Do unknown local factors lead to dramatic differences?


Plus UV u Gvajakilu je visok.



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ma meni su tu neke stvari uzasno cudne.


zasto su Peru i Ekvador pogodjeni jace nego druge drzave Juzne Amerike? aj ono, Brazil i Bolsonaro, Venecuela i Maduro, oni ludaci sto napravise puc u Bolivijii, sve Vucic do Vucica, ali nije valjda da su Peru i Ekvador jedina ostrva slobode u JA? mozda i jesu, ne znam, pa ostali besno lazu, a ovi sve priznaju, ali po Budjinom priznanju nije da bas znaju sta rade u Ekvadoru... plus su to dve drzave jedna pored druge, a Ekvador je poprilicno gusto naseljen...


mnogo ovo sve nerazumljivo. ali bukvalno postoje mesta di sve relativno OK prodje i mesta di udara gore od crne kuge.

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Plus UV u Gvajakilu je visok.



kako stoji sa polveri sottili, particulates? (kako se to kaže na srpskom?) (S)PM partikularne čestice. danas je izašla vest da su (pojedini) italijanski naučnici dokazali povezanost zagađenja sa covidom što nije neka novost ali...




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17 minutes ago, freakns said:

ma meni su tu neke stvari uzasno cudne.


zasto su Peru i Ekvador pogodjeni jace nego druge drzave Juzne Amerike? aj ono, Brazil i Bolsonaro, Venecuela i Maduro, oni ludaci sto napravise puc u Bolivijii, sve Vucic do Vucica, ali nije valjda da su Peru i Ekvador jedina ostrva slobode u JA? mozda i jesu, ne znam, pa ostali besno lazu, a ovi sve priznaju, ali po Budjinom priznanju nije da bas znaju sta rade u Ekvadoru... plus su to dve drzave jedna pored druge, a Ekvador je poprilicno gusto naseljen...


mnogo ovo sve nerazumljivo. ali bukvalno postoje mesta di sve relativno OK prodje i mesta di udara gore od crne kuge.


Da ponovim: Haos u Ekvadoru je u GVAJAKILU i, sada, na zalost u ruralnoj provinciji Manabi bez komunikacija i bolnica.


Kao i drugde, ne u celoj drzavi.


Zato i NYT kaze da pojma nemamo o uzrocima, jer nema sistematskog sirenja vec lokalizovanog sirenja. I dok za Madrid i Bergamoa, manje-vise znamo zasto, ne znamo zasto je bas toliko lose u NY, i zasto je Gvajakil sa jednakim brojem letova iz Spanije i Italije prosao toliko gore od Kita.



Peru testira mnogo vise od Ekvadora i ima daleko manje mrtvih.


U Brazilu nema informacija, ne testira se, juce je bilo 400 mrtvih, danas Sergio Moro podneo ostavku, suska se o auto-pucu, tamo je takodje haos.



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16 minutes ago, mlatko said:

kako stoji sa polveri sottili, particulates? (kako se to kaže na srpskom?) (S)PM partikularne čestice. danas je izašla vest da su (pojedini) italijanski naučnici dokazali povezanost zagađenja sa covidom što nije neka novost ali...




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Vec je bilo rasprave na tu temu.


Kako znas da je vazduh a ne gustina naseljenosti, aerodromi i sl.?



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