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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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U sve naše pisane preporuke stavit ćemo da preporučamo da se u ovom periodu trajanja epidemije ljudi ne rukuju. Korištenje POS uređaja može biti jedan od elemenata kako bi se bolest mogla prenijeti, preporučamo građanima da peru ruke nakon korištenja, a trgovcima da koriste dezinfekcijsko sredstvo na POS uređajima - rekao je [ravnatelj Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo Krunoslav Capak].


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Ozbiljne mere moraju da se preduzimaju.


A memo seen by The Sun last night states that the “reasonable worst case” involves “up to 80 per cent of the population being infected”.

The document by the National Security Communications Team warns: “The current planning assumption is that 2-3 per cent of symptomatic cases will result in a ­fatality.”

Around half a million Brits — mostly the elderly or those with pre-existing illnesses — would be killed under this scenario, according to health sources.

The figures are in a “sensitive” government report called “Covid-19 Reasonable Worst Case Scenario”.

It predicts infection rates will snowball for two to three months once the bug starts spreading.

A government spokesman said every eventuality had to be planned for but warned “this does not mean we expect it to happen”.

Experts estimate a major outbreak may see more than two million people in hospital — crippling the NHS.



Edited by vememah
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I Nemci probili stotku. Za sada ~40 novih slucajeva danas.

Ministar zdravlja u Poljskoj rekao da jos nema zarazenih ovde, ali da je neizbezno da ce se desiti i da je pitanje dana/sata kad ce. S obzirom da je svuda okolo.

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Ko ima HRT neka vrati Stankovica, gost mu je bio prof Rudan, hrvatski epidemiolog iz Britanije.
Mnogo je simpatičan batica. Očigledno voli Dinamo [emoji1]

Послато са Mi 9T помоћу Тапатока

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koliko za javnost nije dobro ovo luđenje naših nazovi doktora, sa šopingovanjem u italiji, toliko vala ni ove predikcije tipa wort case scenario

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