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Drugar voza po severnoj Italiji, ima gomila naših što rade isto preko, rekao bih da je samo pitanje vremena kad će neko da zakači i dođe ovde a da nije ni svestan da je zaražen. 

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Dečko se vratio iz Milana neki dan.

Ja danas kafenisala sa njegovom kevom.

Mislim, ako vidite da me nema, da znate :dry:.

Sad ozbiljno.

Vratio se pre tri dana. Pre toga, sedam dana bio u kao nekoj izolaciji, tj dobili dozvolu u firmi da rade od kuće. Tako da nije da žabari ne rade ništa.

Avion i aerodromi kaže poluprazni. Više maskiranih ljudi video na BG nego na milanskom aerodromu.

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Ja sam danas stigao iz geteborga, tamo ima manje od 10 zarazenih. svi sem jednog su bili u milanu ili bili u kontatku sa nekim ko je bio u milanu. par puta sm se pozdravi sa jednim covekom koji se pre neki dan vratio iz milana, sramim se priznati ali sam sve vreme razmisljao kako da se dokopam prvog wc-a da operem ruke.  ne deluje mi da su neke striktne provere u svedskoj, na aerodromu danas nisam video ljude da nose maske.

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‘To hell and back’: my three weeks suffering from coronavirus


Tiger Ye, 21, lives in Wuhan and started showing symptoms in mid-January. Here he tells the story of his illness and recovery


On 17 January my muscles became sore all over. I may have had a slight fever, but it wasn’t strong enough to notice. Looking back, it is a little scary, because my house and the language school where I study Japanese are within a 5km radius of the Wuhan seafood market (where the virus is believed to have originated).

To treat my muscle soreness, I took some cold tablets because I thought it was a normal cold. Now that I think of it, I might have missed the best time for treatment, failing to contain the virus with antiviral drugs in its early stages.

I have no idea how I got the virus. I always eat at the same Hong Kong-style restaurant below my school. I wasn’t walking around much at the time because it was very cold, and since I was tired after classes I always went back home. Once the semester break started, I stayed with my parents and not at the dormitory. I started wearing a mask a few days later when I saw everyone else around me wearing masks.

Tiger Ye, who contracted the coronavirus in Wuhan.

Sickness and self-isolation

By 21 January my body was still aching all over, so I called my dad. He sensed something was wrong with me and urged me to go home immediately. That evening I took my body temperature which showed a mild fever. My mom said that if my temperature still didn’t drop later that night, we would go to the hospital. At 11pm that night, the fever hadn’t gone away, so I went to Tongji hospital.

On arrival I saw the hospital already overwhelmed with patients. Seeing doctors in their hazmat suits in real life for the first time, something I’d only seen in documentaries about Sars, I realised something bad was happening.

I wasn’t that astonished or scared when I saw all the people, because it is one of the best hospitals in Wuhan and it is always very crowded. Because of the massive crowds, I decided to go to Wuhan pulmonary hospital instead, and that proved to be the right decision.

There was not a single patient there at the time I arrived. There I had blood and liver function [tests] and a CT scan. The CT results came back showing patchy shadows on the lower sides of both of my lungs. I started to take some prescription medicine and Chinese medicine capsules prescribed by the hospital.

When Wuhan started to be locked down, that’s when my dad had me quarantine myself at home. I also knew from watching movies and things that we should probably stock up on food at home, so we bought a bunch of instant noodles, which no one ended up eating. There was enough at the supermarket; the only thing we really couldn’t find was disinfectants.

My father is an office worker at a drug company and my mom went to school at a medical university, so they were good with helping analyse my situation. I started to self-isolate on 22 January. My room has its own tub and bathroom, so it is pretty convenient. My grandma did the cooking for me and when she brought food in, she would wear a mask and we’d use disposable chopsticks and things like that, so after I was done that all got thrown out.

‘The worst time’

On 25 January I had a checkup. I had begun to cough. It was a very dry cough with a little yellow phlegm. The results showed that my situation was worsening, with the infection spreading to my entire lungs. The doctor gave me an IV drip, while the oral medicine remained the same. At the time the doctor told me I was suspected of having the virus, but that only an expert committee could decide who would be able to use the testing kit.

By 26 January getting up had become extremely difficult and I was shivering with cold. I felt I was having a high fever, and I was: 39C. Reports later said that the situation could develop extremely fast in the middle stage, but before I knew it, by that evening the fever was gone. It felt like having been to hell and back. That period from 21 January to the 26th was the worst time. I coughed so bad my stomach was hurting and my back ached. Those were some of the worst days in my life.

It was then that I realised I needed some spiritual support or maybe I couldn’t make it. So I watched my favourite anime show and seeing their normal, happy lives, I thought I may have to say goodbye to this life forever. But watching the show, the heroine had troubles in the first half, but she finally made it and succeeded in her career.

You see, I was going to fly to Japan in mid-February to go to a concert by Ayaka Ohashi, a Japanese voice actress and anime artist, but with the lockdown I thought everything might be cancelled. I had attended her solo performance last year, and after watching her I had decided I wanted to make a career out of managing voice actors. So watching the show, I thought: I must make it if I want to see her next concert alive. This really encouraged me and gave me some relief, along with the medicine. I dreamed twice that week that I met her.

I had another re-exam on 28 January, which showed both my lungs were getting better. After a medical consultation between the doctors, they decided I was qualified for being tested for the coronavirus.

The virus spreads

My elder brother began to have a fever and cough on the 29th. His exam results showed there were small patches of glass-like shadows in his lungs. He was considered a suspected case. On the same day, my grandma also had a fever. As for me, my test results were positive and I was officially a confirmed case. The hospital gave me five days of an anti-HIV medicine for free, while my family were also starting to take prescribed medicine. Due to my improved situation and limited beds in the hospital, I was told to go home and isolate myself, and thus my IV therapy ended.

My brother had a re-exam and he tested positive on 2 February. My grandmother had a fever for four days but then recovered. She was never tested, and neither was my mother, but they all took medicine. My brother also eventually recovered and is now negative for the virus.

On 4 February, a CT scan showed continued improvements in my lungs, and my cough stopped. I was given another coronavirus test and prescribed more medicine. The next day test results showed I was negative for the virus, but according to instructions from the doctors, I needed to go back for another test. On 7 February results showed again that I was negative, and I was declared recovered.

As told to Michael Standaert



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Kako izgleda, procenjuju negde 100-200 smrtnih ishoda kod nas, ako ne daj Bože dođe i kaže u stilu kao pa šta i kad od raka pluća umire dnevno 12 ljudi, pa ljudi i dalje puše?!


...o virusu je na kraju.


Vučić: Spremni smo za koronavirus

Predsednik je rekao da je Srbija spremna u slučaju da koronavirus stigne u Srbiju.

"Nemamo nikog zaraženog, ali teško ćemo proći bez toga. U regionu već svuda postoji, ali i kad se pojavi ništa neće biti strašno", rekao je Vučić izražavajući zabrinutost što epidemija utiče na ekonomiju i berze.

Uprkos tome, dodao je Srbija ima ogromnu likvidnost.

"Da dinara ne zarađujemo u ovom trenutku, mi možemo nekoliko meseci da izdržimo ne uvećavajući javni dug. Finansijski smo se obezbedili. Brine me pad berzi, to sve ruši dobar ekonomski ambijent. Razgovarao sam sa šefom MMF-a, i on je rekao da nema prognoze, niko ne može da je napravi. Naše je da se držimo, da budemo ujedinjeni", kaže Vučić.



Edited by dvb-t manijak
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2 hours ago, gone fishing said:

da posle 5 nedelja kućnog pritvora za 720 miliona ljudi :happy:

Videćemo hoće li neka zemlja uspeti da suzbije virus osetno blažim merama, nisam baš optimističan.


Evo malo i optimističnih vesti, Bil Gejts u New England Journal of Medicine:


Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations is already preparing up to eight promising vaccine candidates for clinical trials. If some of these vaccines prove safe and effective in animal models, they could be ready for larger-scale trials as early as June.


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Ameri izgleda spavaju dubokim snom kad je ova epidemija u pitanju, uspeli su da puste da im se u jednom domu za stare zarazi možda čak 18% onih koji tu žive ili rade.


The other two cases announced today were both linked to a long-term care facility in Washington state. One was a resident of the facility, a woman in her 70s who remains in serious condition. The other was a healthcare worker at the facility, a woman in her 40s, who officials say is in satisfactory condition. Of the 108 residents and 180 staff at the facility, 27 residents and 25 staff members have symptoms of the virus, [Jeff] Duchin [a health officer for Public Health, Seattle & King County] said. Symptoms include a fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Testing to confirm whether or not those individuals have COVID-19 is underway.


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Na zapadnoj obali Amerike registrovane su tri osobe zaražene korona virusom o kojima se ništa ne zna - što je izazvalo veliku zabrinutost.

Reč je o građanima Kalifornije, Oregona i Vašingtona koji nisu bili u zemljama pogođenim virusom, niti su imali bilo kakav kontakt sa zaraženima.

Prvo Iran, pa Italija, sad i Amerika.  BBC Neobjašnjivi slučajevi u Americi 

Na sličan (neobjašnjiv) način virus se pojavio u Iranu, a u Italiji nisu uspeli da nadju pacijenta Zero...


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fali samo Vatikan

Kad smo kod toga, rađaju se sumnje da u Rimu nije niko zarazen direktno... ovde (smrdi da) se mnogo igra na politiku. Americke "sankcije" od juce stavljanjem Italije na crvenu listu će staviti turizam i ovde u nezavidnu poziciju. Hibridni rat galopira.

Inviato dal mio Mi 9 Lite utilizzando Tapatalk

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Jutarnji ima ekskluzivne izjave prvog zaraženog u Hrvatskoj i njegovog nešto kasnije zaraženog blizanca, koji su u Zagrebu u bolnici.


Neki detalji:



Izgledalo je pomalo černobilski, smiju se braća.

- Sanitetsko vozilo, ljudi odjeveni od glave do pete, tako da im se jedva oči vide. Pod mjerama sigurnosti stigao je u Zaraznu. Tu je počela procedura. Upitnik gdje sam bio, mjerenje temperature, vađenje krvi, bris nosa i usta, EKG, rendgen pluća i srca, i za kraj - izolacija do nalaza - kaže i dodaje kako mu nije bilo svejedno.
Naime, karantena je ozbiljna. Soba u kojoj boravi zaključana je i gotovo nitko ne ulazi. Sam mjeri temperaturu, razinu kisika u krvi i otkucaje, a osim toga, videonadzorom je pokriven 24 sata. S liječnicima razgovara preko interfona ili mobitelom. Što se samog zdravstvenog stanja tiče, osim temperature koja nije prelazila 38 stupnjeva Celzijevih, nema druge simptome i dobro se osjeća.
Proceduru je prošao istu kao i brat. Naravno, i jedan i drugi morali su reći točne rute kretanja, sve kontakte koje su ostvarili, koliko su trajali, a dali su i sva imena osoba s kojima su se susreli.
Osoblje koje je u zaštitnim odijelima otključa sobu, ostavi hranu i udalji se. Oni uzimaju hranu, opet ih zaključaju.

Pribor je od plastike tako da ga ne moraju vraćati nego se odbacuje u posebne kante za smeće.

- Iako je novi virus u pitanju, ako sve bude u redu, a prema svemu sudeći hoće, mi bismo mogli biti otpušteni za pet ili šest dana - govore.

Tretmanom u bolnici su prezadovoljni. Kažu kako vide da su poduzete sve mjere zaštite te kako svi tamo rade s maksimalnom ljubavi i pažnjom. Osim nadležnih liječnika, kontaktira ih i ravnateljica, zbog čega zahvaljuju svima u bolnici, ali i prijateljima i kolegama na porukama podrške.





Na pitanje gdje je sanitarni čvor, jer se ne vidi na fotografiji, kažu nalazi se unutar sobe.

I tu imamo protokol. Prije obavljanja nužde moramo uliti neko sredstvo, a nakon obavljanja nužde moramo pričekati deset minuta prije puštanja vode. To je mjera sigurnosti da virus ne uđe u kanalizaciju - objašnjavaju.

Nekoliko čitatelja je postavilo pitanje otvaraju li prozor. Na to odgovaraju da ne smiju i da im ne pada na pamet takvo nešto napraviti.

- Naravno da slušamo sve upute i da ne radimo ništa na svoju ruku, tako da nema bojazni da ćemo otvoriti prozor. Jedini doticaj sa svježim zrakom je kada dobijemo ručak kada na par sekundi otvorimo vrata, onoliko koliko treba da se uzme tanjur - kažu.



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