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Nearly 60% of the passengers on an Antarctic cruise ship have tested positive for the coronavirus


Almost 60% of the 217 people on board an Antarctic cruise ship have already tested positive for the coronavirus, CNN reported. 

Australian and New Zealand passengers on the Greg Mortimer ship will be evacuated from the ship on Thursday. The ship started its journey on March 15 to Antarctica and South Georgia but has been stuck off the coast Uruguay since the beginning of this month, according to CNN. 

Additionally, six people who tested positive needed medical care and were transported to a facility in Montevideo, Uruguay, according to CNN.


Edited by vememah
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4 minutes ago, Ayatollah said:

Belgija 300 mrtvih danas. Šta se tamo desilo, jbt...

Sad su su treci (310) iza Spanije (369) i Italije (322) po smrtnosti na milion stanovnika.

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8 hours ago, mackenzie said:


Kako Ekvador stoji sa BSG vakcinama. Na nekim mapama stoji da je obavezna vakcinacija izbačena, dok negdje piše da je i dalje na snazi.


Pojma nemam.

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Ovde kazu da ne ocekujemo promene

The government does not expect to make changes to coronavirus lockdown restrictions this week, Dominic Raab has said.
The foreign secretary said the UK's plan "is working" but that "we are still not passed the peak of this virus".
"Keep this up, we have come too far, lost too many loved ones and sacrificed too much to ease up," he said.
It came as deaths in UK hospitals rose to 11,329 - up by 717 since Sunday.

I dodatni broj pozitivnih:

The Department of Health said a further 4,342 people had tested positive for coronavirus as of 09:00 BST on Monday.

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