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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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izvinjavam se ako je kačeno ranije

All you need to know about COVID-19 by China CDC



i da, kako klilconoše, a koje su zdrave, zapravo prenose virus ?

obzirom da se stalno spominje kijanje i kašljanje

zdravi niti kijaju niti kašlju, kako onda ?


i ako se recimo disciplinujemo pa se čuvamo bolesnih kako da se čuvamo zdravih [emoji185]

Kijaju zdravi što ne bi kijali?




... Shiit has hit the fan...




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U Becu je organizovano da 2 (i slovima dva) auta kupe briseve od ljudi po gradu, da se ne bi opteretile bolnice.


Hahaha 2 auta na ovoliki grad je presmesno...



Niko osim Kine nema snagu da se izbori sa ovim . Ovde se vaga koliko kosta jedan test i uvek je u prvom planu cena.

Edited by bags
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kud će sad naše žene u šoping :cry:
zanimljivo je posmatrati ovu borbu između napora da se suzbije širenje virusa i pada ekonomskih aktivnosti
E mojne to...
Kao i onaj neki američki ekonomista rekao studentima na EF:

Vi ste privilegovani kao ekonomisti da gledate ovu enormnu inflaciju iz prve ruke!

... Shiit has hit the fan...

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The Trump administration barred a top US disease expert from speaking freely to the public after he warned the coronavirus might be impossible to contain

The Trump administration has barred Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, from speaking publicly about the novel coronavirus without approval, according to The New York Times.

Fauci is one of the top experts in the US on infectious diseases, and his sober public messages have contrasted with President Donald Trump's optimistic claims about the impact of the illness.


Edited by vememah
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4 hours ago, extragluv said:


Prof Jonathan Ball, a professor of Molecular Virology at the University of Nottingham: “There is no evidence that the human novel coronavirus can infect dogs and it would be incredible for a virus to make so many species jumps in such a short space of time!”.

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32 minutes ago, extragluv said:

Prof Jonathan Ball, a professor of Molecular Virology at the University of Nottingham: “There is no evidence that the human novel coronavirus can infect dogs and it would be incredible for a virus to make so many species jumps in such a short space of time!”.


šta je tu čudno, pa i sami kinezi kažu da još nisu sigurni da li je pas zaista zaražen



The Department will conduct close monitoring of the above dog and collect further samples for testing to confirm if the dog has really been infected with the virus or this is a result of environmental contamination of the dog's mouth and nose. 


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44 minutes ago, Frile said:


šta je tu čudno, pa i sami kinezi kažu da još nisu sigurni da li je pas zaista zaražen



Cudno je ako krenemo od tvrdnje da je virus originalno krenuo od sljepoga misa.Virusi su jako sposobni organizmi ali ne bas toliko da zaraze vise vrsta zivuljki

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