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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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@mrakiFrancuska je nespremno usla u ovo i vjerujem da će vlada da padne. Ovdje su organizovali glasanje kada je počela izolacija. Opozicija nije dala da se izbori odlože. :isuse:


Ono što najvise zamjera ovoj vlasti su izgubljena prva dva mjeseca, januar i februar. Nisu ništa preduzeli za maske (kupovina, proizvodnja itd itd). Kod nas je ministarka zdravlja dala ostavku krajem januara da bi se kandidovala za izbore u Parizu :isuse:


Sada mislim da je bolje što je dala ostavku jer je jednostavno bila nesposobna (a bila je jedna od zvijezda ove vlade). Ovaj novi je jednostavno bolji.


Neke stvari odlično funkcionišu kao naprimjer premještao pacijenata iz žarišta u druge regije. 


Sada više nema mjesta za polemiku i svi treba da rade zajedno da izađemo iz ovoga. Opozicija trenutno ne traži polemike.

Edited by borris_
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2 hours ago, Tsai said:

Auh. Ne. To ce biti pakao na zemlji


To već jeste pakao na zemlji. Ekipa iz Kerale mi kaže da su bukvalno milioni ljudi ostali zaglavljeni u velikim gradovima i ne mogu da se vrate u ruralna područja a nemaju prebijene pare u džepu jer preživljavaju od danas do sutra. Kažu da je sasvim moguće da će biti više umrlih od gladi nego od C19.

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20 minutes ago, Malkmus said:





to je tek pocetak..beskucnici vec odlepili, sad kad junkies i alkosi krenu da kriziraju, ljudi koji se boje samoizolacije da se ubijaju, pocetak mejnahama, roditelji sto oduzimaju citavoj svoj porodici zivot, bice bas zajebano ako se nesto za mesec dana ne popravi. 

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pa za pocetak nema ko da im da micje i sicje


pre neki dan sam video lika na bajsu kako usporava i zicka koji cent od prolaznika... ne znam da li je beskucnik ali je verglao tu pricu



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1 hour ago, mraki said:

Jeste, sigurno su beskućnici prvi odlepili jer im je ovo okrenulo život naopačke...


nemoj da se pravis glup samo da bi mi uzvratio

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4 minutes ago, NevenMan said:

U scakom normalnom drustvo narandzasti bi istrunuo u zatvrou posle ovoga



Ma današnja društva se hrane ovakvim kretenima. Zato smo tu gde jesmo. 

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California launches initiative to place homeless in hotel rooms


Sacramento – California Governor Gavin Newsom announced an initiative Friday to place homeless people in hotel and motel rooms around the state in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FEMA and California counties have identified 6,867 rooms that are now in state possession, and they're looking to identify up to 15,000 rooms in total as an initial goal.   

The "Project Roomkey" initiative is the first of its kind in the nation, in which the federal agency would reimburse state and local governments up to 75 percent of the costs of the rooms, including services such as meals and security and custodial services, for the next three months, CBS SF Bay Area reports.

Essential behavioral health and health care services will also be provided by the local governments and community partners as needed. 



New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says state not ready for "high point," as coronavirus death toll rises


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Saturday that more than 3,500 people in the state have died due to the coronavirus. More than 113,000 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the state, which is the U.S. epicenter of the outbreak. 

Cuomo says New York is "not at the apex" of cases

New York has not yet reached its expected peak in the number of cases. "We're not at the apex," Cuomo said, adding that the state is "not yet ready for the high point."

Cuomo announced he is signing an executive order to allow medical students who were slated to graduate in the spring to begin practice.

"We need doctors, we need nurses. So we're going to expedite that," Cuomo said.

Cuomo says state never received 17,000 ventilators

Cuomo said that the state had put in an order for 17,000 ventilators. By comparison, he said, the national stockpile has around 10,000 ventilators.

"We had signed documents. We placed the order," Cuomo said. "But then you get a call saying we can't fill that order."

The governor said the unfilled order was likely due to global shortages and intense competition for ventilators.

Cuomo said that New York was also doing business with Chinese companies, as China was the "repository" of most personal protective equipment. Cuomo said that the Chinese government had facilitated a donation of 1,000 ventilators that will arrive in New York on Saturday.

He said the state of Oregon is also sending 140 ventilators to the United States.

Edited by cedo
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kaže Narandžasti da je rukovanje prevaziđen koncept i  da ne treba da se vraća u upotebu ni posle Korone


eto nešto prihvatljivo i od njega

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5 hours ago, NevenMan said:

Ti se secas toga? Samo sam curious koliko si star.


Btw, USA vec ima 750 danas. Trenutno je 12:51 popodne u Njujorku.

Taman da pogledas super dokumentarac:


drugar mi poklonio knjigu na tu temu, dobro bi mi dosla sada al je ostala na polici kod kuce

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1 hour ago, levi said:

kaže Narandžasti da je rukovanje prevaziđen koncept i  da ne treba da se vraća u upotebu ni posle Korone


eto nešto prihvatljivo i od njega

isto ko brkovic danas @morgana

divi kad delite slicne stavove

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U trenutku kad se cijena kretenluka počinje mjeriti u 000, plan je glupoj raji baciti u ralje kosookog dalekog neprijatelja koji barem s rečenim kretenlukom nema nikakve veze






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