Budja Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, Gojko & Stojko said: Au, kada se na tom linku sortira po broju pozitivnih testova na 1000 urađenih testova, Srbija je jako visoko, to ništa nije dobro: Philippines 573 United States: NJ 443 United States: NY 395 Italy: Lombardy 352 United States: MI 335 Ecuador 329 Italy: Piedmont 318 Italy: Marche 309 Italy: Liguria 307 Iran 270 Italy: Emilia-Romagna 250 Indonesia 249 France 244 Serbia 234 United Kingdom 220 Ukraine 217 Italy 193 United States: LA 192 United States: IL 185 Armenia 184 United States (unofficial) 183 Panama 180 Scotland 176 Argentina 171 Japan: Tokyo 167 SaE Mi smo na sestom mestu. Gvajakil nas ubija. Tamo je jos uvek 2/3 testova pozitivno, u Kitu je to izmedju 25% i 30%. Sinoc je zatvoreno urgentno odeljnje bolnice Teodor Maldonado Carbo u Gvajakilu da bi se izbacili lesevi koji su izazivla mucninu kod lekara i pacijenata zbog smrada. No shit. Evo tvita novinake Ecuavise (ugledne TV stanice) na tu temu: U Kitu su jedinice za intenzivnu negu pune, ali nema gvajakilskog haosa. Spanski CNN je sinoc dva sata pricao samo o Ekvadoru. Edited April 4, 2020 by Budja
vememah Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Jedna malo drugačija kriva, na x-osi nije vreme već ukupni broj umrlih, a na y-osi je broj umrlih u zadnjih nedelju dana. Dok je eksponencijalni rast na snazi, kriva je prava, kad počne da opada, to se lepo vidi. Moguće je birati prikaz broja slučajeva ili broja umrlih. zemlje (samo one s najmanje 50 slučajeva/umrlih) i aktivirati reprodukciju animacije od kraja januara. https://aatishb.com/covidtrends/
pasha Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Nemacka pocinje da hvata prikljucak nazalost, Sada vec idu na oko 200 mrtvih na dan a kapaciteti na respiratorima polako dolaze do 100%.
mackenzie Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Berlin says that US confiscated 200,000 masks (FFP2 and FFP3) at airport in Bangkok that were ordered for Berlin police. France seized entire stock (6 Million) of masks from Swedish producer Molnlycke, intended for Spain and Italy Italy accuses Romania of incorrect practices after Romania blocked a transport of masks German customs seize cargo of Chinese medical supplies headed for Switzerland Turkey seizes 150 ventilators that were bought by Spain. The Chinese cargo did a layover in Ankara, where it was seizes by authorities. [HCQ+Doxycycline]Long Island doctor tries new twist on hydroxychloroquine for elderly COVID-19 patients, that doesn’t pose any known risks to the heart. Israel won't test people with COVID-19 symptoms unless they've traveled (nedostatak reagensa) In Northern Italy, 60 volunteers who thought they'd never suffered COVID-19 gave blood. 40 of them tested positive for antibodies to the virus. naslovi sa reddita
borris_ Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Treba razlikovati respiratore od soba za reanimaciju. Ovih drugih ima mnogo manje iako oh je njemacka imala najvise u evropi cini mi se po broju stanovnika. U Fr tih soba je bilo 5000 prije krize a sada ih je puno više. Treba reći da je dosta tih soba bilo zauzeto prije krize. I da taj broj nije državna tajna.
Frank Pembleton Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Moguće da će se sve pokriti "širom slikom" no posle ove pandemije stvarno ova "drpanja" će ostaviti ożiljke.Jedino ako ne bude :Pa dobro svi su svima to radili... ... Shiit has hit the fan...
cedo Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 "Our country is in the midst of a great national trial, unlike any we have ever faced before. [...] We’re at war with a deadly virus. Success in this fight will require the full absolute measure of our collective strength, love, and devotion. It’s very important. Each of us has the power through our own choices and actions to save American lives and rescue the most vulnerable among us" President Trump said [video] [transcript] "Following the guidelines for the next 30 days is a matter of life and death" “This is going to be one of the roughest 2 or 3 weeks we’ve ever had in our country [...] We’re going to lose thousands of people.” Projections: 100,000 - 240,000 total deaths in the US from COVID-19 [video segment] (down from 1.5 - 2.2 million deaths without mitigation: social distancing, staying home, washing hands). But if guidelines are followed perfectly by everyone, then the numbers can be lower, or even significantly lower Assuming full mitigation: peak of 2,214 daily deaths on April 15 ne znam u kom filmu ce imati dnevni peak od 2.2k mrtvih sam NY ce imati maltene 1k mrtvih dnevno. sedam drzava je uslo u cetverocifrene brojeve po broju registrovanih dnevno i idu ka trocifrenom broju mrtvih, a gde je jos rostatak do 50ak drzava gde se stvari zahuktavaju nisam siguran ni da su sve drzave uvele ogranicenja kretanja
SNARC Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 2 minutes ago, mackenzie said: Turkey seizes 150 ventilators that were bought by Spain. The Chinese cargo did a layover in Ankara, where it was seizes by authorities. Da pripazimo mi da nam brat Erdogan ne otme ono sto nam je veliki brat Si nabavio..svasta se nesto desava medj bracom ovih dana.
harper lee Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 33 minutes ago, mackenzie said: Berlin says that US confiscated 200,000 masks (FFP2 and FFP3) at airport in Bangkok that were ordered for Berlin police. France seized entire stock (6 Million) of masks from Swedish producer Molnlycke, intended for Spain and Italy Italy accuses Romania of incorrect practices after Romania blocked a transport of masks German customs seize cargo of Chinese medical supplies headed for Switzerland Turkey seizes 150 ventilators that were bought by Spain. The Chinese cargo did a layover in Ankara, where it was seizes by authorities. [HCQ+Doxycycline]Long Island doctor tries new twist on hydroxychloroquine for elderly COVID-19 patients, that doesn’t pose any known risks to the heart. Israel won't test people with COVID-19 symptoms unless they've traveled (nedostatak reagensa) In Northern Italy, 60 volunteers who thought they'd never suffered COVID-19 gave blood. 40 of them tested positive for antibodies to the virus. naslovi sa reddita
vladavsnarod Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Za razliku od ovih otimacina, u Keniji su maske jednostavno nestale Germany says six million coronavirus face masks missing in Kenya https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-germany-masks/germany-says-six-million-coronavirus-face-masks-missing-in-kenya-idUSKBN21B1T0
borris_ Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Imali smo rat zbog fudbalske utakmice imacemo rat zbog maski.
steins Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 11 minutes ago, vladavsnarod said: Fensi radnje se zabarikadirale Ja moram da priznam da se perverzno veselim gledajući ovakve snimke. Koliko je svet otišao u kurac kad ga relativno tupava bolest u sred 21.veka dovede na ivicu raspada.
SNARC Posted April 4, 2020 Posted April 4, 2020 Ako su ovo OSB ploce na izlozima..onda su ih verovatno postavljali Will & Grace, misleci da ce tako da doakaju lopovima.
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