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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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10 minutes ago, Gandalf said:

"Do you not know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?" - Axel Oxenstierna


Thx, nisam znao da nije original :)



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35 minutes ago, vememah said:


a narandžasti orangutan kaže da on neće da nosi masku da ne bi izgledao smešno


stvarno treba neko da mu objasni  da maska može da bude samo napredak u njegovom izgledu

sve što pokriva ona njegova napućena kloaka-usta je dobrodošlo



Edited by levi
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Dijagram kretanja broja zaraženih, gde se za početak uzima dan dostizanja stotog slučaja. Na dnu dijagrama može da se bira za koju zemlju će da se prikaže, pa može da se upoređuje (GER vs UK i sl.).



Što se tiče ovih komentara o upravljanju svetom, iz moje pozicije sa dna Azije I beg to differ. NZ, Australija i većina dalekoistočnih zemalja su upravljane sa pooprilično pameti (plus Nemačka i većina skandinavskih zemalja). A i za the best democracy that money can buy bi pričali drugačije da je na vlasti Bil Klinton ili Obama. Iz tih razloga prilažem sličan citat za koji mislim da je mnogo prikladniji:


Back in the 1930s, Henry Ford is supposed to have remarked that it was a good thing that most Americans didn’t know how banking really works, because if they did, “there’d be a revolution before tomorrow morning”.


The quote above was really a paraphrase by Charles Binderup March 19, 1937 in the House of Representatives (Congressional Record – House 81:2528), who stated that “It was Henry Ford who said in substance this: ‘It is perhaps well enough that the people of the nation do not know or understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning’.”



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washington drzava smanjila na 7-8 dana, california na 4-5. 


pocele da kruze price da svako koje umro zbog korone, bolnica dobija grant ....nije provereno

Edited by mustang
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18 minutes ago, Have_Fun said:

Verovatno sam nesto propustio, pa izvinite ako ponavljam pitanje

Ali, odakle u FRA preko 20K novih slucajeva juce? o.O

Bila je na worldmetersu neka najava za njih. Tipa stavljali su podatle samo iz nbolnica, ali ne iz nursing homes, pa ce to dodati. Ali mi se cini da se to odnosilo samo na smrti

Ali ako im je veci deo od tih 20k iz starackih domova, onda stvarno katastrofa


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Coronavirus: France racism row over doctors' Africa testing comments


wo French doctors have been accused of racism after a TV debate in which one suggested trials in Africa to see if a tuberculosis vaccine would prove effective against coronavirus.

During the debate on TV channel LCI, Camille Locht, head of research at the Inserm health research group, was talking about a trial in Europe and Australia.

Jean-Paul Mira, head of intensive care at Cochin hospital in Paris, then says: “If I can be provocative, shouldn't we be doing this study in Africa, where there are no masks, no treatments, no resuscitation?”

"We are in the process of thinking about a study in parallel in Africa," he said, referencing the existing trials in countries in other continents.


The comments received an angry response on social media, including from former footballers Didier Drogba and Samuel Eto’o.


“Do not take African people as human guinea pigs! It’s absolutely disgusting,” he added.



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U Le Monde izašla mapa uvećanog mortaliteta tokom marta 2020. U Parizu je mortalitet porastao 18% u odnosu na mart 2019. Najgore je u Alzasu, gde je u departmanu Haut-Rhin mortalitet skočio za 141%.

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U državi Njujork trenutno je broj umrlih na milion stanovnika 148 (juče je bilo 120). To je daleko više nego u Francuskoj (97) i Britaniji (84), a manje nego u Italiji (244) i Španiji (238).

Pritom je rast u državi Njujork i dalje takav da se broj umrlih duplira za 3 dana, dok se u Španiji duplira za 6-7, a Italiji na 9, tako da su prognoze katastrofalne.


https://covidly.com/?country=United States&showStates=1


Da je situacija u državi Njujork katastrofalna, svedoči i ovaj grafikon po kome sedmodnevni prosek broja umrlih raste većom brzinom nego što je rastao u Lombardiji, Kataloniji ili Madridu:




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