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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Pratio ovih dana naše televizije vezano za vesti i objave o virusu, i svi su fazonu "nije to ništa, slabije od gripa, nema mesta panici, simptomi su slabi, bezveze se paniči"...

Biće zanimljivo pratiti kad bude buknulo kod nas.

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2 hours ago, vememah said:

Ovo ne zvuči nimalo dobro - više od polovine zaraženih pacijenata u gradu s najvećim brojem slučajeva u Južnoj Koreji uopšte nisu primljeni u bolnice pa se tako dešava da ljudi umiru u kućama. Nisu Kinezi bili ludi što su brzom brzinom gradili one bolnice u žarištu.


Pritom u celoj Južnoj Koreji ima 2000 slučajeva, ali je samo za jedan dan broj zaraženih porastao za 256.


prvo dan tamo još nije gotov

- 2 taj broj je u međuvremenu porastao na 571

- 3 ovo je izveštaj za jučerašnji dan


alert.png 505 new cases (of which 422, or 84%, in Daegu) and 1 death in South Korea. The number of new cases in South Korea has topped China for the first time (China has reported 433 new cases for Feb. 26 [source]). This number is expected to further increase in the coming days as health authorities have started testing more than 210,000 members of the Shincheonji religious group in Daegu, attended by the 31st case (a possible "super spreader") and which accounts for more than half of the country's 1,766 total cases to date.


- 4 ovaj virus je malo jači od kisele vode čim koreanci ne pomišljaju da obustave normalan život iako su kinezi to učinili kada su imali 5x manje bolesnih pre mesec dana u pokrajni hubei

- 5 japanci paniče bez veze, trebaju da se ugledaju na komšije :happy:


The Japanese government is asking all schools in the country to close beginning March 2nd until April. In Osaka, schools have already been asked to close from Feb.29 until Mar. 13. About 13.7 million children and 38,000 schools will be affected.


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Juče u onoj emisiji mislim nakraju, osvrnuli su se i na ove slučajeve "vraćanja" korone kod ljudi koji su puşteni kući.
Mislim da je Radovanović rekao:
Ja se nadam da je greška u laboratoriji, tj. da je prerano otpuštena osoba, jer ako se vraća onda to eahteva i menjanje pristupa i procedura i vakcina itd...

... Shiit has hit the fan...

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@Frank Pembleton


Evo ceo članak o tome, u Gvangdongu su kod 13 osoba ponovo utvrdili prisustvo virusa.



Discharged patients testing positive once again; expert reassures public
By Li Wenfang in Guangzhou | China Daily | Updated: 2020-02-27 09:09


About 14 percent of the cured novel coronavirus patients in Guangdong province tested positive for the virus again after they were discharged from the hospital and were put under medical observation at designated places.

Song Tie, deputy director of Guangdong Provincial Center of Disease Control and Prevention, made the remarks at a news conference in Guangzhou on Tuesday.

A total of 841 of the 1,347 confirmed novel coronavirus patients had been cured and discharged from hospitals in Guangdong by Tuesday.

Generally after a person is infected by a virus, that person's body will create antibodies that prevent the virus in that person from being contagious.

Young patients with mild conditions may form antibodies in as little as two weeks. Even if they test positive, the risk of being contagious is low, Song said.

However, in some elderly patients, it takes longer to form antibodies, he said. He added that these patients continue to discharge virulence and may be contagious.

Cases of cured patients testing positive again are attributable to the condition of their disease and their physical quality, which could lead to incomplete healing of lung inflammation, Song said.

Inflamed lungs take a relatively long time to fully recover-possibly two to three months, he said.

The Guangdong provincial authority issued a notice on Feb 19 calling for improved follow-up on discharged novel coronavirus patients, who are required to stay under medical observation for 14 days after they leave the hospital.

After 14 days, if a person is found to have antibodies and tests negative, he or she can return to society, Song said.

"Novel coronavirus pneumonia is a new transmissible disease. We continue to learn about it during treatment and control of the disease and issue new treatment and control plans" accordingly, he said.

"Please be assured that our patients will come out healthy and that we are able to protect the public, the patients' families and people who have close contact with them," he said.

Research in this regard is being conducted by Song's center and a research team led by Zhong Nanshan, a prominent expert in respiratory diseases and one of the leading specialists tackling the outbreak.

Meanwhile, Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong, reported 13 cases of discharged patients testing positive again while 104 people with close contact with them tested negative.

Discharged patients, which totaled 185 in Guangzhou by Monday, were asked to be isolated at home initially but were later required to be isolated at designated hospitals until both throat and anal swab samples test negative, said Li Yueping, director of the intensive care unit of the infectious disease center of the Guangzhou Eighth People's Hospital.

The discharged patients who tested positive again showed no symptoms. They may have the virus in stools, but whether the virus is alive there cannot be technically determined at the moment, which means strict measures for controlling the virus remain necessary, Li said.



Edited by vememah
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dow jones juče pao za 1190 poena

najviše u istoriji. ponedeljak i utorak su isto u top5 najgorih dana

posmatrano u procentima pad još uvek nije na nivou 1929/2008, ali ne može se baš reći da provejavaTM optimizam.


btw ja ne verujem u te beskontaktne toplomere. :dry:

komšinica nam jednom pozajmila za ćerku još dok je bila beba da joj lakše merimo i od 10 merenja imaš 10 različitih rezultata koji variraju od 36.1 do 40.6

kontakt je keva


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32 minutes ago, vememah said:

u Gvangdongu su kod 13 osoba ponovo utvrdili prisustvo virusa

Pardon, to je samo u glavnom gradu, za pokrajinu je naveden taj procenat od 14%, ali ne i apsolutni broj.

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3 minutes ago, vememah said:

Pardon, to je samo u glavnom gradu, za pokrajinu je naveden taj procenat od 14%, ali ne i apsolutni broj.


Dobro ali to su lesevi, zar ne ?

Moguce je da pojava postoji kod drugacijih virusa ali da niko ne radi ponovne provere ako coveku postane bolje, i ovde pise da nisu nikoga dodatno zarazili.Svaki drugi scenario je , ono...:ph34r:

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43 minutes ago, omiljeni said:

dow jones juče pao za 1190 poena

najviše u istoriji. ponedeljak i utorak su isto u top5 najgorih dana

posmatrano u procentima pad još uvek nije na nivou 1929/2008, ali ne može se baš reći da provejavaTM optimizam.


btw ja ne verujem u te beskontaktne toplomere. :dry:

komšinica nam jednom pozajmila za ćerku još dok je bila beba da joj lakše merimo i od 10 merenja imaš 10 različitih rezultata koji variraju od 36.1 do 40.6

kontakt je keva


pa da zato je trampara juče naredio cdc-u da drži usta :D i da sa vp-jom prethodno dogovore šta smeju da objave a šta ne, jer je pre par dana visoki zvaničnik cdc izjavio da nije pitanje da li će već kada će pandemija zahvatiti usa

- i oni se izgleda mole bogu da će toplo vreme ubiti ovaj virus pa nekako da prežive do maja bez velikih šteta za svoju privredu

- naučnik sa harvarda je procenio da će u narednih godinu dana između 40 i 70% ljudi biti inficirano ovim virusom, za donju brojku to znači 120 miliona amera, ako to ravnomerno podelimo na godinu dana to je 10 miliona mesečno, od toga broja 2 miliona će zahtevati bolničko lečenje a ameri imaju 930000 bolničkih postelja koje su potrebne i za ostale pacijente, na hirurgiji, ortopediji, itd

- zato su i zabranili širenje ovakvih vesti jer je lako izračunati da će u slučaju pandemije doći do kolapsa zdravstva u usa i da će smrtnost tada biti mnogo veća od ovih 2-3% koje prijavljuju kinezi

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43 minutes ago, villiem said:


Dobro ali to su lesevi, zar ne ?

Moguce je da pojava postoji kod drugacijih virusa ali da niko ne radi ponovne provere ako coveku postane bolje, i ovde pise da nisu nikoga dodatno zarazili.Svaki drugi scenario je , ono...:ph34r:

najverovatnje da je tako. 

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