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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Titula Covidiota veceri ide Republikancu iz Misisipija. Sta sedam dana moze da uradi coveku.  Covidiot dana je republikanski guverner iz Dzordzije koji nije znao kako se prenosi Corona do juce. U Atlanti je inace sediste CDC.


Edited by NevenMan
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4 hours ago, harper said:


Nije bitno sta je dobro za Nemacku od onoga sto Italijani rade vec ono sto je bitno za Italiju. OK, mogli su Nemci da budu solidarniji na svoju stetu ali to nije preterano realno ocekivati ni od koga, pa ni od njih. EU je, s druge strane, dokazano nesposobna da hendluje bilo kakvu ozbiljnu krizu i nema mehanizme da intervenise previse u odnosima izmedju drzava, nije se to pokazalo samo sada s ovim virusom. Nadam se da ce sada biti malo vise zdravog razuma kod nacionalnih vlada, prevelika je cena placena za politicko lelemudjenje i pausalno oslanjanje na nesto sto se vise puta pokazalo kao tigar od papira.


Imao je Tresko jedan podugacak tekst o tome kako su se delovi italijanske vlasti ponasali, bilo mi je doslo da placem od muke kad sam to procitao. Jebi ga, mislim da je poslednja adresa na koju bilo ko ko je najebao u ovoj krizi treba da se zali bilo koja druga osim svoje. Nacionalne vlade i administracije su duzne da brinu pre svega o svojim gradjanima, to im je posao za koji su birani ili zaposljavani. A da tebi umiru ljudi na gomile dok ti odvajas 400 miliona evra da bi pomagao jebene fudbalske klubove i onda se zalis na Nemacku da nije solidarna jer je zadrzala opremu koja je i njima potrebna, to je malo degutantno.

Da pojasnim malo ovo. Tih 400 miliona je obecanje da ce nekad kad sve prodje biti dato amaterskom fudbalu da ne bi zamro zauvek niskoligaski sport i ne odnosi se na profesionalne klubove. Ali najbitnije je da se radi o obecanju (kojih je dnevno vise od zarazenih) a ne konkretnoj pomoci.

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Tresla se gora, rodio se miš. Njujorčani se džabe okupljali da gledaju dolazak broda-bolnice Comfort pošto on i danas radi sa 2% kapaciteta i ne prima ni obolele od korone ni obolele od 48 drugih bolesti.



The 1,000-Bed Comfort Was Supposed to Aid New York. It Has 20 Patients.


“It’s a joke,” said a top hospital executive, whose facilities are packed with coronavirus patients.
Only 20 patients had been transferred to the ship, officials said, even as New York hospitals struggled to find space for the thousands infected with the coronavirus. Another Navy hospital ship, the U.S.N.S. Mercy, docked in Los Angeles, has had a total of 15 patients, officials said.

“If I’m blunt about it, it’s a joke,” said Michael Dowling, the head of Northwell Health, New York’s largest hospital system.
A tangle of military protocols and bureaucratic hurdles has prevented the Comfort from accepting many patients at all.

On top of its strict rules preventing people infected with the virus from coming on board, the Navy is also refusing to treat a host of other conditions. Guidelines disseminated to hospitals included a list of 49 medical conditions that would exclude a patient from admittance to the ship.

Ambulances cannot take patients directly to the Comfort; they must first deliver patients to a city hospital for a lengthy evaluation — including a test for the virus — and then pick them up again for transport to the ship.
Hospital leaders said they were exasperated by the delays.

Mr. Dowling said he has had to tear his hospitals apart, retrofitting any unused space, including lobbies and conference rooms, into hospital wards. His facilities now house 2,800 so-called Covid patients, up from 100 on March 20, he said. About 25 percent of those are in serious conditions in intensive care units.



Edited by vememah
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3 hours ago, NevenMan said:

Titula Covidiota veceri ide Republikancu iz Misisipija. Sta sedam dana moze da uradi coveku.  Covidiot dana je republikanski guverner iz Dzordzije koji nije znao kako se prenosi Corona do juce. U Atlanti je inace sediste CDC.


 jebote kakva zatucana budaletina. jezivo

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al dobro je za prirodu





Rob Jackson, who chairs the Global Carbon Project, which produces widely-watched annual emissions estimates, said carbon output could fall by more than 5% year-on-year — the first dip since a 1.4% reduction after the 2008 financial crisis.

“I wouldn’t be shocked to see a 5% or more drop in carbon dioxide emissions this year, something not seen since the end of World War Two,” Jackson, a professor of Earth system science at Stanford University in California, told Reuters in an email.

“Neither the fall of the Soviet Union nor the various oil or savings and loan crises of the past 50 years are likely to have affected emissions the way this crisis is,” he said.

The prediction – among a range of new forecasts being produced by climate researchers - represents a tiny sliver of good news in the midst of crisis: Climate scientists had warned world governments that global emissions must start dropping by 2020 to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.



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u LA county, pop 10miliona, ocekuju ove i sledece peak...za sada 4K obolelo, 78 umrlih (najvise starih iz nekih domova i ljudu preko 65 sa precondition)....holivud pao sa obolelima na 3-4. mesto od grada los andjelesa


ljudi setaju ako ih i vidis, sa maskama, i na dva metra 


apropo prirode i ozonska rupa se smanjuje. srecom prirodi ne treba dugo da se obnovi


Edited by mustang
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7 minutes ago, lo zingaro said:

U Milanu prvi slucaj zene koja je prebolela virus, izasla sa duplim negativnim testom i sad nakon 10 dana ponovo obolela.


Vazno je ispratiti ovaj slucaj. Da vidimo da li ce sada proci sa slabijim ili jacim simptomima. 

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1 minute ago, Gricko said:


Vazno je ispratiti ovaj slucaj. Da vidimo da li ce sada proci sa slabijim ili jacim simptomima. 

nadam se da to nije tacno i da su testovi ili procedura testiranja bili falicni. ako ne i ovo postane trend, to je apsolutna katastrofa.

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7 minutes ago, precog said:

nadam se da to nije tacno i da su testovi ili procedura testiranja bili falicni. ako ne i ovo postane trend, to je apsolutna katastrofa.


Da je trend, već bi se do sada masovno dešavalo.

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U Britaniji je od korona virusa umrla 36-godišnja medicinska sestra bez poznatih prethodnih bolesti koju su testirali tek dve nedelje nakon pokazivanja simptoma.

A 36-year-old NHS nurse, who was believed to have had no underlying health issues, has died after contracting coronavirus.

Areema Nasreen died shortly after midnight on Friday in intensive care at Walsall Manor hospital in the West Midlands, where she had worked for 16 years.

Nasreen, who has three children, and was from Walsall, developed symptoms of coronavirus on 13 March, including aches, a high temperature and then a cough. She tested positive for the virus last Friday.

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Just now, Time Crisis said:


Da je trend, već bi se do sada masovno dešavalo.

u nacelu si u pravu. postoji sansa da je mutirao virus, mada bi i dalje trebalo da ljudi budu imuni, posto ne moze tako brzo da mutira i promeni nacin delovanja. postoji nekoliko sojeva virusa, ali ne bi trebalo da ako se prelezi jednom ne postoji zastita za drugi.

disclaimer: ovo nije moja oblast, informisem secitajuci clanke i diskutujuci sa koalicionom koja je u tim vodama, ali je trenutno 18h dnevno na raznim TCjevima.


u svakom slucaju, nadam se da je specifican slucaj.

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11 hours ago, Gojko & Stojko said:

U NSW je dnevni rast smanjen na ispod 4% - novih 91 zaraženih, ukupno 2389. Ostale države kasnije prijavljuju svoje slučajeve ali je NSW najveći, i najviše se putnika iz inostranstva vratilo ovde (avionima i sa kruzera). Obično razlike nisu velike, tako da očekujem nešto slično i na saveznom nivou. U NSW je dosad 10 mrtvih, a na saveznom nivou 25, što je i dalje oko 0.4% u odnosu na broj zaraženih.

Nakon objavljivanja novih rezultata testiranja porast na saveznom nivou je danas smanjen na 4.2%. Umrlo je još četvoro ljudi pa je smrtnost u odnosu na broj zaraženih prešla 0.5% (28 mrtvih na 5352 zaraženih). Najveći broj umrlih je sa nekoliko kruzera:

  • 1 March: the first death from COVID-19 was a 78-year-old Perth man, one of the passengers from Diamond Princess who was being treated in Western Australia.
  • 4 March: the second death was a 95-year-old woman who died at the Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged-care facility in Sydney.
  • 8 March: the third death was an 82-year-old man, the second death at Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney.
  • 13 March: the fourth death was a 77-year-old Brisbane woman who developed symptoms on a flight to Sydney and died the same day.
  • 15 March: the fifth death was a 90-year-old woman, the third death at Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney.
  • 18 March: the sixth death was an 86-year-old man being treated in a Sydney hospital.
  • 20 March: the seventh death was an 81-year-old woman who had close contact with another confirmed case of COVID-19 at Ryde Hospital, Sydney.
  • 24 March: the eighth death was a 77-year-old woman from the cruise ship Ruby Princess, which had docked in Sydney on 19 March.
  • 25 March: the ninth death was a 68-year-old man from Toowoomba, Queensland, with a serious underlying medical condition, who had been infected on the cruise ship Voyager of the Seas.
  • 26 March: four deaths were reported: three men in their 70s with pre-existing medical conditions died in Victoria. A Perth man in his 70s who was a passenger on the cruise ship Celebrity Solstice died in Western Australia.
  • 28 March: a 91-year-old NSW woman became the fourteenth death, and the fourth from the Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged-care facility.
  • 29 March: two deaths were reported, one a 75-year-old woman from Queensland who travelled on Ruby Princess, and the other a man in his 80s from Victoria.
  • 30 March: two deaths were reported, both women in their 80s linked to the Ruby Princess, one from Tasmania and one in the ACT, bringing the national total to 18.
  • 31 March: the 19th death was a man in his 80s also linked to the Ruby Princess who died in Tasmania.
  • 1 April: the 20th death was a 95-year-old woman who died at the Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Sydney, and the 21st was a woman in Orange, in the Central West of NSW. This was the first NSW death outside of metropolitan Sydney and another that had been a passenger on the Ruby Princess cruise ship.
  • 2 April: two people died in Victoria, one was a woman in her 70s and another was a woman in her 60s. A third death was a 85-year-old man in Queensland.
  • 3 April: four people died: one was a man in his 80s in Victoria, the second was a person in Albury, New South Wales,[the third was a 75-year-old man in Wollongong who had been a passenger on the Ovation of the Seas and the fourth was a man aged in his 60s in WA.

Danas je u SMH izašla ova slika kruzera Ruby Princess koji i dalje stoji malo dalje od obale kod Sidneja. Slikano je sa Bronte groblja, odatle je i moja sllika sa sunčevom koronom koju sam ovde kačio pre nekoliko dana.





Edited by Gojko & Stojko
greška u kucanju
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