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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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3 minutes ago, Frank Pembleton said:

Mislim da ova dvojica nisu od te fele...

... Shiit has hit the fan...


Mogli bi malo da biraju drustvo, nahvalise ih ovoliko, za prosla vremena.Kakav je to brifing bio kada su onako jedinstveno nastupili

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9 minutes ago, Frank Pembleton said:

Mislim da ova dvojica nisu od te fele...

... Shiit has hit the fan...

Radovanović sigurno nije, a za Kona se ne bih kladila. Imao je on svojih epizoda. Samo kad se setim onog sramotnog dizanja panike e da bi se uvalila vakcina. Da li beše protiv svinjskog gripa ne sećam se više, ali se njegovog nastupa sećam jako dobro 

Ovaj put je verovatno ostao bez nepristojne ponude te je delovao ok.

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Zanimljiva kratka analiza američkog zdravstvenog sistema u svetlu koronavirusa i predstojećih izbora.


Cassandra of Troy @BrynnTannehill

a day ago, 14 tweets, 3 min read


There are some...unique... aspects to the US that make the risks of coronavirus getting out of hand higher than places in Europe. They're tough to quantify, but hear me out. 1/n 

First, people in the US tend to avoid seeking medical care due to the cost. So, a lot of people who get sick won't get tested because they can't afford a $1,400 medical bill for getting tested and seeking treatment. 2/n


A cautionary tale: A Miami man doesn't have the coronavirus but may now owe thousands of dollars for being tested
A Miami man who had traveled to China came home with flu-like symptoms. He didn't have the coronavirus, but making sure cost him at least $1,400.

Next, people in the US aren't guaranteed sick leave or days off. Employers routinely tell people "come in, or you're fired." Particularly in low wage jobs where people handle food...So they'll come in sick and...boom. 3/n 

Worth noting that coronavirus doesn't generally completely incapacitate people, so a lot of workers will believe they can tough it out through a day of work. 4/n 

Then there's kids. Because of the lack of sick time off for parents, and the prohibitive cost of health care, if their kid gets sick they're less likely to try to stay home with their them, or take them in for medical treatment. 5/n 

In home child care is prohibitively expensive as well for single moms and lower income families where both parents work. So, they're much more likely to send their child to school, and hope they can tough it out. 6/n 

This is very likely to happen early in the symptomatic period where people are ambulatory and functional. Parents will find excuses like, it's not that bad, it's Friday, they can recover over the weekend, we'll see how it goes, etc... 7/n 

Also, the US health care system is built for maximum profit. There has long been a drive to eliminate excess bed capacity at hospitals. As a result, the US ranks 32nd out of 40 in hospital beds per 1000 people among OECD countries. 8/n 

If coronavirus gets rolling in the US, we will "break" the system very quickly as occupancy passes 85-90%. 9/n https://www.nj.gov/health/rhc/documents/ed_report.pdf

I'm not saying this WILL happen, but are risks worth considering, because all of them are systemic failures within the US to provide medical care via single payer, sick leave, child care availability. The for-profit nature of US health care is a risk. 10/n 

UPDATE: Trump has put Pence in charge of the response, and people have brought up a few additional points. "

Trump admin doesn't want to disrupt the economy or consumer confidence, because his re-election depends on it. 11/n 

Also, data is emerging showing 94% of coronavirus deaths occur in people over 50. A pandemic would disproportionately affect Trump's base. CDC saying 40-70% of US could become infected. Inside the WH, I suspect there's a sense of urgency. 12/n 

Someone else on this thread pointed out that without sick leave, parents will be tempted to leave sick kids with their grandparents. Given the statistic above... that would be bad. 13/n 

Also, the CDC's initial test for coronavirus has proved ineffective. Things could already be worse than we know. This is a known unknown. 14/n



I zaključak:



Edited by vememah
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12 minutes ago, vememah said:

Zanimljiva kratka analiza američkog zdravstvenog sistema u svetlu koronavirusa i predstojećih izbora.



I zaključak:



Prilicno dobra analiza.


Tome treba dodati izrazena polarizacija drustva po politickoj i klasnoj (i shodstveno tome uveliko i rasnoj) liniji + tradicionalni manjak kolektivne svjesti/naglaseni individualizam + previse oruzja  i eto belaja. 

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2 hours ago, extragluv said:



Sent from my STF-L09 using Tapatalk

Pokazna vjezba.


O ovo sa toplomjerom na celenku je standardni proces na cestovnim prelazima jos od H1N1.

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Ovo ne zvuči nimalo dobro - više od polovine zaraženih pacijenata u gradu s najvećim brojem slučajeva u Južnoj Koreji uopšte nisu primljeni u bolnice pa se tako dešava da ljudi umiru u kućama. Nisu Kinezi bili ludi što su brzom brzinom gradili one bolnice u žarištu.


Pritom u celoj Južnoj Koreji ima 2000 slučajeva, ali je samo za jedan dan broj zaraženih porastao za 256.


S. Korea struggles to secure more hospital beds, medical staff amid spiking virus cases
14:50 February 28, 2020


SEOUL, Feb. 28 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's health authorities said Friday that they are making utmost efforts to secure more health care workers and hospital beds in the southeastern city of Daegu, the local epicenter of the new coronavirus outbreak, where more than 1,300 virus patients have been reported.

Out of the confirmed 1,314 COVID-19 patients in the country's fourth-largest city, only 634 had been admitted to hospitals and another 680 were awaiting hospital beds while in self-quarantine at their homes as of early Friday, according to city government officials.

Daegu, population 2.4 million, has emerged as a hotbed of the coronavirus in South Korea, along with neighboring North Gyeongsang Province, which has seen 394 virus cases alone.

Concerns over a possible shortage of hospital beds in the hardest-hit regions escalated after a 75-year-old virus patient who is tied to a religious sect in Daegu died of respiratory failure earlier Thursday, bringing the nation's death toll to 13.

The patient, despite having underlying diseases, was in self-quarantine at home and died while awaiting admission to a local hospital.

"It is our principle to designate critical COVID-19 patients to hospitals that can provide intensive-care treatment," said Jeong Eun-kyeong, head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A total of 853 medical staff, including 58 doctors, have volunteered to go to Daegu to help contain the current outbreak.

"The government will not only provide financial compensation for medical staff who have volunteered to participate in preferential COVID-19 virus testing in the Daegu region but also ... praise their efforts for the local community," Vice Health Minister Kim Gang-lip said in a daily briefing.

Health authorities also said they will first provide 47,000 protective suits and 77,000 facial masks for the medical staff working in the region.

The KCDC said it has provided guidelines so that doctors can swiftly allocate hospital beds to patients in accordance with the severity of the disease and move serious patients to negative-pressure isolation wards.

As of Thursday, South Korea had 1,077 negative-pressure isolation rooms, which facilitate the treatment of patients with infectious diseases while minimizing the risk of cross-contamination.

As such facilities have been overwhelmed in Daegu, big hospitals in Seoul have said they will accept virus patients who are in critical condition as well.

The country reported 256 new cases of the coronavirus on Friday morning, bringing the total number of infections here to 2,022, with 13 deaths.


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In Brazil within 24 hours, the number of suspected cases jumped to 132, from 20

South Korea reports 256 new cases, raising total to 2,022


Novi slucajevi u holandiji, san marinu, sirskoj, nigeriji i avganistanu

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Ovde su i zvanicno odlucili da se ponasaju kao onaj Vucicev doktor. Virus je bezopasan, razidjite se i vratite redovnim obavezama. Poslednji izvestaj sinoc 650 zarazenih i 17 umrlih.

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