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Hospitals threatening to fire workers for speaking out about coronavirus shortages: report

At least two health care workers have been fired after speaking out about the need for more coronavirus tests and protective equipment as hospitals across the country warn doctors and nurses not to publicize pandemic-fueled shortages of medical supplies.

An emergency room doctor in Washington state was fired last week after criticizing working conditions at his hospital where he had worked for 17 years, and a Chicago nurse was fired after warning colleagues their assigned masks offered inadequate protection against coronavirus, according to reports.

“Nurses and other health care workers are being muzzled in an attempt by hospitals to preserve their image,” said Ruth Schubert, a spokesperson for the Washington State Nurses Association. “No health care worker should face being disciplined or fired for speaking the truth.”

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29 minutes ago, napadaj said:

Iz prvog odgovora:


I think that you can make an estimate of deaths in the US will be in the 1.4-2.8 million range. This includes deaths throughout the next 15 or more months. These numbers are my best guestimate at this time, and are subject to change with new data.


Edited by vememah
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1 hour ago, NevenMan said:

Poremeci egocentricki fasisticki kreten. Radije ce da pobije ljude nego da da kredit Obami za nesto. 


Zamišljam recimo da Đilas (i Šolak :laugh:) pronađu lek protiv Konrada™ a da Pussy treba da aminuje njegovu upotrebu.


Mogli bi odmah da tražimo mesto na lokalnom groblju.

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33 minutes ago, Dankan Ajdaho said:


Zamišljam recimo da Đilas (i Šolak :laugh:) pronađu lek protiv Konrada™ a da Pussy treba da aminuje njegovu upotrebu.


Mogli bi odmah da tražimo mesto na lokalnom groblju.

Ovde u USA je potpuno identicno.  Na kraju krajeva Trump i Vucic boluju od iste mentalne bolesti. 

Edited by NevenMan
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