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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Koliko znam, naziv "spanska groznica" je totalno pogresan. Ta bolest bi trebalo da je dosla iz SAD sa vojnicima u Prvom svetskom ratu nakon uslaska SAD u rat 1917. Trebalo bi da je nastala negde na americkom Srednjem zapadu. Mislim da su se spanci najbolje borili protiv te bolesti i da je zato tako nazvana.

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3 minutes ago, Lyckety Splyt said:


Koliko sam video, nemacki proizvodjaci automobila tipa VW su dobili naredbu da pocnu proizvodnju respiratora. To isto je naredjeno u SAD prema GM i Fordu ali za sada nisu ispunili ocekivanja. U Kini se brojnu fabrike elektronske opreme pocele proizvodnju respiratora.

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2 minutes ago, pasha said:

Koliko znam, naziv "spanska groznica" je totalno pogresan. Ta bolest bi trebalo da je dosla iz SAD sa vojnicima u Prvom svetskom ratu nakon uslaska SAD u rat 1917. Trebalo bi da je nastala negde na americkom Srednjem zapadu. Mislim da su se spanci najbolje borili protiv te bolesti i da je zato tako nazvana.

ili su spanci izvestavali, a ostali su cenzurisali vesti. spanci nisu bili pogodjeni ratom.

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Pisali smo o tome vec. Spanski kralj je bolovao od te bolesti i oni su najvise i pisali o njoj jer nije bilo cenzure. Zbog toga i nosi ime spanska groznica. Donijeli su je americki vojnici ali po zadnjim studija porijeklom je iz Kine.


Herd immunity™ ju je iskorjenio.

Edited by borris_
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4 minutes ago, pasha said:


Koliko sam video, nemacki proizvodjaci automobila tipa VW su dobili naredbu da pocnu proizvodnju respiratora. To isto je naredjeno u SAD prema GM i Fordu ali za sada nisu ispunili ocekivanja. U Kini se brojnu fabrike elektronske opreme pocele proizvodnju respiratora.





DER SPIEGEL: Car manufacturers and other firms have announced that they can manufacture ventilator components. Is that purely a PR move or is it actually helpful?

Dräger: There is little point in adapting unused production capacity to manufacture respiratory aids. I spoke with Daimler over the weekend. They would also like to help. But it’s unfortunately not so simple. We can’t build cars either. Before we invest too much thought into this, we should focus on getting devices that are sitting around in a basement somewhere back into working order. Or can we repurpose other devices? There is a lot of potential there.




Kaže da nema šanse da proizvodnja dostigne potražnju, a u svakom slučaju i kad bi uspjeli nema dovoljno stručnog osoblja za rukovanje respiratorima.

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U Britaniji 25% lekara NHS-a i 20% sestara privremeno izbačeno iz stroja zbog koronavirusa.



Around one in four NHS doctors are off work sick or in isolation, the head of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) has said, as a leading expert revealed there were signs of a slowdown in Covid-19 hospital admissions.

Professor Andrew Goddard, president of the RCP, told the PA news agency that about 25% of the doctor workforce is off, either with coronavirus or because a family member or housemate is ill.

“At the moment, we think it’s more doctors self-isolating with family members, though there are some off sick themselves,” he said.

“This is really impacting a lot in emergency departments and London is in a much worse position than elsewhere at the moment, but it will come to other places.

“Birmingham is also struggling.”

Prof Goddard said hospital wards across England “are going from normal wards to Covid wards very quickly”.

Asked about the pressure on intensive care units, Prof Goddard told PA: “Some hospitals are really at the limit. Within London it’s very, very difficult at the moment, you can’t underestimate how difficult it is.”

He said it was unclear whether the 25% off work would be a “rolling number” or whether it could ease as testing of NHS staff increases and people come out of isolation.

“Of course the worry is we will lose more people to Covid-related illness,” he added.

It comes after the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) said on Sunday that around one in five nurses had taken time off work to self-isolate.


Edited by vememah
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47 minutes ago, Lyckety Splyt said:


Ponuda i tražnja. Premijeri i kraljevi pokušavaju da nabave opremu. Ali nje nema jer se virus širi u gomili zemalja istovremeno.


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz was on the phone earlier. He needs 1,000 ventilators, but we can only make 50 available to him at this point. Countless ministers from all kinds of countries have called, and last weekend, the king of the Netherlands called.


Edited by vememah
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Jebote SAD već ima 2490 mrtvih, svega oko 360 manje nego Iran, o kojem se pričalo kao jednom od glavnih žarišta još pre dve nedelje. Kako su oni najebali...

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12 minutes ago, Milosh76 said:

Da li postoje informacije za Dansku, Finsku, Estoniju, Letoniju, Ukrajnu... Njih nisam primetio u izvestajima

Da, naravno.


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