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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Samo jedna napomena: sve prave istine o Corona virusu, a naročito one koje dolaze od nadaleko poznatih eksperata koje Balkan ima za izvoz, automatski idu na odgovarajuću temu na Deponiji.

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jebem ti budale, OI otkazan, ali oni teraju po svome



Francuski ministar sporta, Roksana Maraćineanu u razgovoru za „Radio Frans Blu” izjavila je kako smatra da bi se ovogodišnje izdanje najveće biciklističke trke na svetu, „Tur de Fransa” moglo održati bez gledalaca uz drumove.


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45 minutes ago, theanswer said:

655 mrtvih u Španiji za 24h, to je prvi put u nedelju dana da je ta brojka opala 

zar spanci ne objavljuju 2 puta dnevno?


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1 minute ago, Boza_zvani_Pub said:

zar spanci ne objavljuju 2 puta dnevno?



mislim da objavljuju više puta, ali El Pais pravi presek negde oko 12h otprilike. 

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52 minutes ago, Aleksija said:

ma ni ja nisam pesimista, u smislu da je ljudska vrsta vrlo prilagodljiva, cak i ako bude onako kako sam gore napisala, i to ce relativno brzo postati navika. vakcina ne moze pre, prosto ne moze brze, onoliko koliko sam ja procitala - ali ako ima strucnjaka, neka kazu...

uvek se setim gradjana sarajeva i njihove 4 godine necega nezamislivog. pa opet je bilo i radjanja i umiranja, i vencanja i sahrana. zivot.


sto se tice ekonomije, tu cemo tek videti. ali si u pravu, svet ce morati da ubrza. 



Ja bih radije da svet malo (malo više) uspori.

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6 minutes ago, steins said:

Koliko su mani jaki oni talijanski gradonačelnici koji pizde na sugradjane. :)emoji38.png

Послато са Mi 9T помоћу Тапатока

Ima ih sve više.:DOnaj sa Sicilije je čak išao u luku da sačekuje one koji su se iskrcavali, vrištao tamo da im zaplene auta, pizdeo na facebook-u na Vladu, pretio. Eno i guverner Kampanje preti bacačima plamena.:D Mislim, ljudi su popizdeli opravdano jer znaju u kakvom je stanju dole zdravstvo, i da ako dole eksplodira zaraza, ono što je bilo na severu biće kao slikovnica.

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Coronavirus: London hospitals facing 'tsunami' of patients

Hospital bosses say trusts will be overwhelmed in a few days as staff sickness rates rise

London hospitals are facing a “continuous tsunami” of coronavirus patients and some are likely to be overwhelmed in a few days, according to Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers – which represents hospital bosses.

Hopson said hospitals had expanded critical care capacity between five and sevenfold in the last weeks, but chief executives have been alarmed by the speed at which beds are filling up in the capital.

He said the problems had been exacerbated by medical staff off sick with suspected coronavirus or in vulnerable groups, with 30% to 50% not at work in some trusts.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, he said: “They are struggling with the explosion of demand in seriously ill patients. They are saying it’s the number arriving and the speed with which they are arriving and how ill they are. They talk about wave after wave after wave. The words that are used to me are that it’s a continuous tsunami. As one said to me, it’s much bigger and large numbers with a greater degree of stretch than you can ever have possibly imagined.

“The CEOs are concerned that all that extra capacity is now being used up very, very quickly. We’ve got the surge capacity at the ExCel centre but this is filling up very quickly.”

He said this was forming a “wicked combination” with the problem of up to 50% staff sickness rates in some trusts, which is “an unprecedented absence rate”.

Earlier, he tweeted that the surge in demand for coronavirus treatment was “off the scale” in London already and it was “evident that a number of hospitals are on a trajectory where their critical care capacity will become full within a few days”.

He added: “London CEOs saying they urgently want a lot more of everything – staff, ventilators, critical care capacity, PPE, testing capacity – but they recognise that their job is to do absolutely the best with what they have got and that’s what they are focused on.”

On Tuesday, a study by doctors warned that hospitals in England will run short of critical care beds for Covid-19 patients within the next two weeks if the numbers becoming severely ill reach those experienced in Italy.

A paper by a team at the University of Cambridge said that five of the seven NHS commissioning regions will have more patients needing critical care than the number of beds normally available in hospital intensive care units (ICUs) within a fortnight.

But Prof Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, who is advising the government, struck a more optimistic note on Thursday as he predicted the NHS will manage to get through the crisis without being totally overwhelmed.

“We are going to have a very difficult few weeks by we think overall with the capacity being rapidly put in place that whilst the health system will be stressed it won’t break,” he told the same programme.

Jonathan Ashworth, the shadow health secretary, said Labour was concerned that doctors and nurses were short of protective equipment, with some sourcing goggles and masks from DIY stores.

In a round of broadcast interviews, Edward Argar, the health minister, defended the government’s ability to protect NHS staff, insisting that “masses of supplies” were being distributed by the army around the clock.

He also said testing for NHS staff was coming on stream in the weeks to come, following criticism that the government has been slow to ramp it up from around 6,000 a day up to a target of 25,000.



Edited by vememah
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1 hour ago, Lancia said:

Brzi testovi na korona virus, koje je kupila Spanija od Kine, pokazuju samo 30% tacnosti, a trebalo bi da bude 80%. Sva sreca da je od 640.000 isporuceno samo 8000 u Madridu.

Izvor, please???? Mnogo mi je vazno!

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2 hours ago, slow said:



Fejk njuz, najmoćnija država na svetu nikad nije bila bolje pripremljena za epidemiju.


The Trump administration is appealing to countries around the world to give or sell the US items as basic as hand sanitizer and as complex as respirators to combat the surging coronavirus pandemic.

In a list obtained by CNN, the State Department lays out 25 items, telling diplomats to ask their host countries for these supplies with a clear priority on items available "today" and a secondary focus on equipment and items available in weeks.

The requests come as President Donald Trump touts his domestic response and declines to deploy the full power of the federal government's Defense Production Act to produce and funnel crucial supplies to struggling states and hospitals. It's not clear how many countries the US has appealed to.

The list spans the gamut of equipment that overburdened American hospitals are seeking. The simpler items include biohazard bags, N-95 masks, gloves, gowns, surgical caps, shoe covers, sharps containers, protective eyewear, hand sanitizer and Tyvek suits.

The more complex items on the list include metered dose inhalers, ventilators, elastomeric respirators and powered air purifying respirators.


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