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PRIVATE HOSPITALS WILL act as part of the public health system for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, the government has announced.

Some 2,000 beds, nine laboratories and thousands of staff have been drafted into the public system, Leo Varadkar said at a press conference today.

Speaking at the same press conference, Health Minister Simon Harris said “there can be no room for public versus private” when responding to the Covid-19 crisis.

“We must of course have equality of treatment, patients with this virus will be treated for free, and they’ll be treated as part of a single, national hospital service. 

“For the duration of this crisis the State will take control of all private hospital facilities and manage all of the resources for the common benefit of all of our people. There can be no room for public versus private when it comes to pandemic,” Harris said.

A further 219 cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the Republic of Ireland last night, bringing the total number of cases here to 1,125. There have been six deaths confirmed to date. Updated figures will be announced later today.




Edited by vememah
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5 minutes ago, vememah said:


Potpuno ispravno i pitanje je zašto se kod nas to ne uradi. Uvedeno je vanredno stanje, situacija je teška. U ratnom stanju može država bilo šta da  rekvirira i upotrebi pa ne vidim zašto ne bi moglo i sada kade je proglašen rat covidu.

Edited by Luther
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4 hours ago, BWA said:

mogu valjda izgurati 1 mjesec, a ne da salju radnika na neplaceno sedmi dan od prestanka rada, pri cemu taj radnik ne snosi nikakvu krivicu sto ne radi.


mislim da bi bilo korektno da se razgovara o eventualnom umanjenju plate za vrijeme dok je ovakvo stanje, ali neplaceno i otkaz su dno dna.



Ovo je posebno odvratno u USA. Naprimer delta je iskoristila milione dolara koje su dobili kao tax cut, ne da stave na racun za crne dane ili podele radnicima, vec na bonus za leadership team i buying own stocks. Sedam dana da ne rade i vec su pred bankrotom. Pa bankrotirajte pizda vam materina debilna; pojavice se neko novi kad ovo sve prodje. 

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Total Lockdown From Today, Stay At Home For 21 Days: PM On Coronavirus

"From midnight, there will be a total lockdown in the entire country. It is like a curfew, tougher than the Janata Curfew," the Prime Minister said.

India's 1.3 billion people will go under "total lockdown" from today for three weeks to fight the spread of coronavirus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today. "From midnight, the entire country will be in lockdown, total lockdown. To save India, to save its every citizen, you, your family... every street, every neighbourhood is being put under lockdown," he declared.

"Forget about leaving home in the next 21 days... If you cross the Lakshman Rekha, you will invite the virus home," PM Modi said in his second address to the nation in a week.

"21 days' lockdown may seem to be a long time, but this is the only way to ensure everyone is safe. If we don't handle these 21 days well, then our country, your family will go backwards by 21 years," the PM said, folding his hands several times during his half-hour speech.

There is "absolutely no need to panic", centre and states are working to ensure that essential supplies are not disrupted, he said, adding that his government had set aside Rs 15,000 crore (x10 million) to strengthen the health infrastructure to tackle coronavirus.

India, said PM Modi, was at a critical stage where even a single misstep could lead to the deadly virus spreading like wildfire.

"Some think social distancing is only for patients. That's not correct. Social distancing is the only way to fight the virus. It is for every citizen, every family, every member, even for the Prime Minister."

India has more than 500 coronavirus cases. 10 people have died. Experts worry that without stringent measures like social distancing and quarantine, the virus will take on frightening proportions the world's second most populous nation.

Several lockdown measures has been brought in by states -- including sealing borders and restricting movement to only essential services -- to try and prevent an explosion of cases that could overwhelm the country's fragile public health system.

Flights, trains and metros have been stopped.

"Experts say if a person is infected today, it takes many days for them to display symptoms, they unknowingly infect all who come in contact with them in this period. A single infected person can infect hundreds in weeks, it spreads like fire," the Prime Minister said.

Referring to a World Health Organisation report, he pointed out that COVID-19 took 67 days to spread to one lakh (100,000) people. To reach two lakh people, it took 11 days. But it took only four days to reach another lakh, taking the total spread to three lakhs.

Today's action would decide how much India could stop the spread of the pandemic, he said, and went on share a social media post. "Those who are inside their homes are informing people with the new innovative ideas. I am sharing the banner which I liked. Corona means 'Koi road par na nikle," PM Modi said.



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30 minutes ago, Anonymous said:

Mogao bi neko iz medija da postavi pitanje nadležnima, da makar čujemo zašto neće.


ne znam koja je velicina i realna iskoristivost nasih privatnih opstih bolnica i dr. krupnijih objekata i da li je to iole znacajna varijabla.


e:  45% iraca ima privatno zdr. osiguranje

Edited by Krošek
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6 minutes ago, NevenMan said:

Ovo je posebno odvratno u USA. Naprimer delta je iskoristila milione dolara koje su dobili kao tax cut, ne da stave na racun za crne dane ili podele radnicima, vec na bonus za leadership team i buying own stocks. Sedam dana da ne rade i vec su pred bankrotom. Pa bankrotirajte pizda vam materina debilna; pojavice se neko novi kad ovo sve prodje. 



i opet ce se izvuci jebo im pas mater a radnici ...ko vas jebe kako i prosli put. 

sramota sta se posle desavalo i koliko su premije dobijali OLOS koja je trebala iza resetaka da zavrsi.. to bre nije kapitalizam, nego cista pljacka, razbojnistvo.

Edited by mustang
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13 minutes ago, Krošek said:


ne znam koja je velicina i realna iskoristivost nasih privatnih opstih bolnica i dr. krupnijih objekata i da li je to iole znacajna varijabla.


e:  45% iraca ima privatno zdr. osiguranje


Pa ja često prolazim pored tri velike: Kod KBC-a, na Vračaru i na NBG pre buvljaka (bivšeg). Valjda negde ima da se nađe koliko kreveta kod njih ukupno ima.

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1 hour ago, Indy said:


Nakon skoka u nedelju (79 novih slučajeva), danas sam blago optimističan - ponedeljak i utorak po konstantnih ~50 novih slučajeva što je sve manji i manji procenat u odnosu da ukupan broj. Raduje jako veliki broj obavljenih testova (~26000), samo neka tako nastave. I naravno nula u crnoj koloni.

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30 minutes ago, peralozac said:


Nakon skoka u nedelju (79 novih slučajeva), danas sam blago optimističan - ponedeljak i utorak po konstantnih ~50 novih slučajeva što je sve manji i manji procenat u odnosu da ukupan broj. Raduje jako veliki broj obavljenih testova (~26000), samo neka tako nastave. I naravno nula u crnoj koloni.


Tip na kasi u Aldiju jutros, sigurno uzima koronavirus vrlo ozbiljno:)



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1 hour ago, mustang said:

ne mogu da otvorim, izlazi mi da moram da platim, ne kupujem te novine. postoje laist.com mynewsla.com ktla.com .... stavice danas kasnije na ove sajtove....


Sajt LA Times-a ima jedan propust koji omogućava čitanje svih tekstova - kad ti otvori stranicu i izbaci poruku da moraš da platiš da bi pročitala tekst, uključi reading mode u browseru i dobićeš ceo tekst. Ne znam koji browser koristiš, ali u Firefoxu to funkcioniše.

Edited by napadaj
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