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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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  On 23. 3. 2020. at 13:22, svajcika said:

tuzice je sudu i plenice imovinu???



tako je tuze je i plene. i kada da recimo imas saobracajni udes koji nisi skrivio, izgubio si svest, hitna te odvede u bolnicu itd. i to moras da platis ako nemas osiguranje, a i ako imas, jer im je osiguranje uglavnom smece, pa onda tek kad te otpuste iz bolnice uopste mozes da tuzis onog koji je skrivio


i ne mozes posle da kazes doveli su me u nesvesnom stanju i nisam dao saglasnost na to to i to, pa nisam duzan to ni da platim. to ne priznaju na sudu.


Tramp kaže da ima prečih stvari od zaustavljanja epidemije i lečenja bolesnih.



Evo da izbacim podatke za Norvesku, posto njihovi lekari nemaju posla i stignu da izbroje zarazene.


Testirano 61 251


Zarazeno 2 371, +240 Prosecna starost zarazenih je 47 godina, 54,4% muski

Od ukupnog broja zarazenih 584 je stiglo iz Austrije, 156 iz Italije, 300 slucajeva se ne zna odakle potice zaraza, a u Norveskoj se zarazilo 1 117.

Nakveci broj zarazenih je u Oslu i pokrajini Viken (okolina Osla) 636+674


Hospitalizovano 193, na intenzivnoj 45, od toga na respiratoru 38. Prosecna starost hospitalizovanih 61 godina i 78% su muski. Nema mladjih od 24 godine, a 9 pacijenata je izmadju 25 i 49 godina starosti.


Mrtvi 9


Zarazenih medicinskih radnika 232 a u karantinu 8006, ovaj broj je bio dogurao skoro do 10 000 prekjuce.


  On 23. 3. 2020. at 15:02, vememah said:

Tramp kaže da ima prečih stvari od zaustavljanja epidemije i lečenja bolesnih.




Bolje Trampara nego neke dementne babe i dede koje ce izazvati globalne katastrofe :fantom:


Ima li gde podatak koliko je ukupno testirano ljudi u Srbiji?


A ako ima i link, još bolje.

Posted (edited)
  On 23. 3. 2020. at 15:14, Dankan Ajdaho said:

Ima li gde podatak koliko je ukupno testirano ljudi u Srbiji?


A ako ima i link, još bolje.


До 15 часова 23. марта 2020. године, у националној референтној лабораторији Института Торлак тестиране су укупно 822 особе које су испуњавале критеријуме дефиниције случаја.



Edited by mraki
  On 22. 3. 2020. at 22:44, Budja said:



Presek u 11.00, nema danas popodnevnog preseka. Lose.




Juce 532.

Danas 789


faktor 1.48



juce: 397

danas: 607

faktor 1.53



juce: 50

danas: 60

faktor 1.2


Od sutra fakticki vojna  uprava u Gvajakilu, grad je proglase "specijalnom bezbedonosnom zonom".





Presek danas u 11.00 po lokalnom vremenu.




Danas 981

Juce 789

faktor 1.24



danas 769

juce 607

faktor 1.27



danas 65

juce 60

faktor 1.08

  On 23. 3. 2020. at 8:12, Kampokei said:

Gledajuci podatke po zemljama, cini mi se da virus opstaje u toplim krajevima, ali da se ipak ne siri tako velikom brzinom? Ovde mislim na podatke iz Egipta, Indije, podsaharske Afrike. Znam da se oni svi plase eskalacije, ali zvanicni podaci sugerisu da do toga nije jos doslo.


Cini mi se netacno.

Pogledaj podatke koje kacim za Ekvador, i bas za primorski pojas u kome je u toku leto. Prirastaj je svakod dana izmedju 25% i 40%, u skladu sa Australijom, na primer, gde je takodje leto.


Detaljnije o Trampovom tvitu:



Trump: 'We can't let the cure be worse than the problem itself'


President Trump is suggesting he might lift restrictions intended to prevent the spread of coronavirus if the economic pain from the measures becomes too great, tweeting that "we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.




The message from Trump comes as the number of coronavirus cases in the United States grows and grows and as New York becomes an epicenter. New York now accounts for an estimated 5 percent of the world's cases.

Yet the economic calamity emanating from social distancing policies that have closed much of the U.S. economy are also having devastating effects, with some projections of 20 percent or 30 percent unemployment in the second quarter.

Some local leaders have said the restrictions that have closed bars, restaurants, theaters, music clubs and gyms could last for weeks or even months.

But Trump on Monday morning retweeted several accounts that urged the loosening of those restrictions in the name of getting Americans back to work, a sign he may be growing impatient with the dismal economic numbers that could threaten his reelection hopes in the fall.

"Correct. 15 days, then we keep the high risk groups protected as necessary and the rest of us go back to work," one user retweeted by Trump said.

Trump also retweeted Dawn Michael, a sex therapist whose tweets he has regularly amplified, who posited that "fear of the virus cannot collapse our economy."

"We The People are smart enough to keep away from others if we know that we are sick or they are sick!" she tweeted. "After 15 days are over the world can begin to heal!"

The president last week brought former Council of Economic Advisers chief Kevin Hassett back on in an advisory role. Hassett has said the U.S. may have to consider sending people back to work at some point to avoid a Great Depression–like event.

Vice President Pence said at a briefing on Sunday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would be issuing new guidelines allowing workers who may have self-quarantined or been exposed to the virus to return to their jobs more quickly by wearing masks.

The guidance, paired with Trump's new tone, previews a looming clash between the president, who has tied his reelection bid closely to the strength of the economy, and public health experts who have insisted that social distancing measures and changes to daily life may drag on for weeks or months to avoid a soaring number of infections and deaths.

Several states have adopted temporary policies in line with the federal government's recommendations against large gatherings, calling for dine-in restaurants to be shut, school closures and mass event cancellations. 

Early Monday, “Today” host Savannah Guthrie asked Surgeon General Jerome Adams about the president's tweet, noting that Adams said last week that the U.S. would likely have to follow the restrictions for more than 15 days.

“It sounded like the president was at least considering ending these measures after the 15-day period,” she said, reading the tweet. “That sounds like what we're doing to stop it is worse than the virus itself. Where do you come down on that?" 

“As the nation's doctor I'm here to help America understand how we need to respond to this, and where I come down is that every single day counts. Every single second counts, and right now there are not enough people out there taking this seriously,” Adams responded, adding there’s crowds at California beaches and in Washington, D.C., to look at the cherry blossoms.   

“We need to take this seriously,” he said. 




Health experts have warned that the mitigation practices may not show an immediate response, and early and vast social distancing could help reduce the peak number of cases. 





zbog neke rodbine, pratim redovno kanadu, oni se izgleda skroz dobro drže, porast im nije veliki

zbog prijateljice gledam holandiju, ono je italija u najavi :ph34r:

dok danska recimo, druga priča

ne znam u čem je fazon. mere ?

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