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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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15 minutes ago, I*m with the pilots said:

Jeste da drugo nista sem apoteka, drogerija i supermarketa ni ne radi, ali mi nije jasno kako su zamislili ovu izolaciju, ako je i dalje slobodno nabiti se upravo u njih? :unsure:



nema nabijanja. ogranicen broj unutra, razmak vani

kao u banjaluci:


59 minutes ago, steins said:

Jedan od većih problema sa ovim virusom je što ga je većina shvatila neozbiljno. Pa je atmosfera neka suluda mešavina straha, radoznalosti, zaintrigiranosti i poricanja.
Sve to skupa daje jednu karnevalsku atmosferu, što je valjda najgora stvar koja može da se desi u ovoj situaciji

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jedini razlog. 


da smo svi vakcinisani protiv gripa, ni jedan virus ne bi uspeo da mutira i ovako nas zajebe

1 hour ago, steins said:

Jedan od većih problema sa ovim virusom je što ga je većina shvatila neozbiljno. Pa je atmosfera neka suluda mešavina straha, radoznalosti, zaintrigiranosti i poricanja.
Sve to skupa daje jednu karnevalsku atmosferu, što je valjda najgora stvar koja može da se desi u ovoj situaciji

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Mislim da je glavni razlog za neozbiljnost taj što od početka na snazi narativ da su samo matorci ugroženi, a da mladci ovo neće ni osetiti. I svi se tako i ponašaju.

28 minutes ago, Ivo Petović said:


Očekujem vas za par dana na trećem mestu po broju zaraženih. Još kad se oni retardi sa Floride rasporede po svojim državama biće veselo.


One u Alabami će bog sačuvati, ali šta ćete vi u San Francisku?


btw, neki od GOP-era iz WH je nazvao virus Kung Flu :D

Hm, ako se nastavi trenutnim tempom, za nedelju dana US i Italija prelaze Kinu, Nemačka i Španija ostaju malo ispod Kine a recimo Turska prelazi 20000.


Ovde (NSW) je drugi dan za redom porast pao sa oko 25% na ispod 15%, (46 novih slučajeva, ukupno 353), pri čemu je i broj testova obavljenih juče pao na oko 2500 sa znatno preko 3000 prethodnih dana. Rezultati iz drugih velikih država (Viktorije i Kvinslenda) stizu kasnije, Viktorija se držala na oko 25%, dok je Kvinslend otišao na skoro 50% juče.



1 minute ago, Gojko & Stojko said:

za nedelju dana US i Italija prelaze Kinu

Khm, Italija je danas prešla 23x mnogoljudniju Kinu po najbitnijoj statistici - broju mrtvih.

1 minute ago, vememah said:

Khm, Italija je danas prešla 23x mnogoljudniju Kinu po najbitnijoj statistici - broju mrtvih.

Ako dostignu Kinu po broju slučajeva, procenat mrtvih će da bude mnogo gori nego sada. Ako baš treba da se proglasi trenutno najgora statistika, to je procenat medicinskog osoblja u ukupnom broju zaraženih, i po tome je italija odavno najgora.




RUMUNJSKA od sada određuje 15 godina zatvorske kazne onima čije ponašanje tijekom pandemije koronavirusa izazove smrt druge osobe.

"Onima koji znaju da su zaraženi i ne poštuju službene sanitarne mjere prijeti 15-godišnja zatvorska kazna ako se potvrdi da je njihovo ponašanje izazvalo smrt neke osobe", objavila je vlada u četvrtak tijekom predstavljanja nove uredbe koja odmah stupa na snagu.

U slučaju nepoštivanja odredbe vlade sa svrhom zaustavljanja širenja Covida-19, predviđene su kazne do tri godine zatvora ako to ponašanje ne izazove posljedice, i do pet godina ako nastupi zaraza.

"Ne možemo dozvoliti da se neodgovorne osobe šeću slobodno i zaraze druge", rekao je rumunjski premijer  Ludovic Orban.



pretpostavljam da nisu imali propisanu strozu kaznu za smrt kao tezu posledicu. mi to vec imamo, do 12 godina.

2 hours ago, Gojko & Stojko said:

Ovde (NSW) je drugi dan za redom porast pao sa oko 25% na ispod 15%, (46 novih slučajeva, ukupno 353), pri čemu je i broj testova obavljenih juče pao na oko 2500 sa znatno preko 3000 prethodnih dana. Rezultati iz drugih velikih država (Viktorije i Kvinslenda) stizu kasnije, Viktorija se držala na oko 25%, dok je Kvinslend otišao na skoro 50% juče.

Sad su uradili novu konferenciju za štampu, još 29 slučajeva, što diže porast od juče na skoro 25%, vraćamo se na rast od prekjuče. Nekoliko slučajeva je sa kruzera koji se juče ukotvio u luci u centru i na kome ima par hiljada putnika. Od noćas se zabranjuje ulaz svima koji nisu državljani ili imaoci stalnog boravka. Tasmanija (ima samo par slučajeva) uvodi zabranu ulaska za sve koji tamo ne žive ili rade. Još su ranije javili da ima 35 slučajeva sa jedne jedine svadbe van SIdneja gde je dosta gostiju bilo iz US.



3 hours ago, Ivo Petović said:


Očekujem vas za par dana na trećem mestu po broju zaraženih. Još kad se oni retardi sa Floride rasporede po svojim državama biće veselo.


One u Alabami će bog sačuvati, ali šta ćete vi u San Francisku?


btw, neki od GOP-era iz WH je nazvao virus Kung Flu :D

Provezoh se kroz centar danas, ghost town; ali kad udjes u naselja likovi igraju kosarku, penzosi setaju i sve kao normalno.


proglasen rezim tzv. samoizolacije u kaliforniji




The state of California is about to go under a "shelter in place" order announced on Thursday by Governor Gavin Newsom.

The Governor calls the situation "fluid", and says the order is necessary now because of new projections that show how many people might be infected.

He calls this an "open ended" order and says he will not put a time frame on how long it could last. He says the next eight weeks are critical for controlling the spread of the virus.

The Governor says more than half of all Californians could, eventually, be infected with the Coronavirus. He says 56% of people living in the state will get it, which would be more than 20-million people.

The shelter-in-place rules will be similar to those already in effect in Fresno, the Bay Area, and other California counties and cities.

Governor Gavin Newsom made that announcement around 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, March 19.

He says a list of exempt and non-exempt businesses will be released "soon".

In Fresno businesses such as bars, salons, car dealers, and other businesses where large groups can gather, or where people must be in close proximity to each other, are under a shutdown order. Fresno has also ordered that there will be no public gatherings larger than ten people outside of private family homes. People who work for "non-essential" businesses are asked to stay at home and get out only for tasks such as grocery shopping and medical visits.

He says he is worried that there won't be enough hospital beds for all of the victims if nothing is done right now. He says that's one of the reasons he is calling for new rules.

He says if California acts strongly right now he feels the state can keep the number of victims under the number of hospital beds. He said, "let's bend the curve together".

The Governor announced that the state has purchased a hospital in Northern California and will soon announce a second such purchase, this one in Southern California. He also says the state is trying to arrange dorm rooms and colleges and hotel rooms to help house victims if needed.

He says the state will "overly focus" on those over 65 and those with compromised immune systems. The Governor said he spoke with President Trump and Vice President Pence today about his plan. He said he thanked them for the surgical gloves, masks, and other material that was delivered to the state due to federal efforts.

He says it's time to tell Californians some tough things that he is telling his family, one of which is that students won't get back to school during the remainder of this school year.

The Governor says the state is working with private businesses to try to get additional protective gear for health workers and others.

This is a developing story and will be updated.


kupilo bolnicu




Tri republikanska senatora, prodavali stocks na dan kad su imali briefing sta ce da se desi. Najjace je sto je curka iz Dzordzije isti dan tvitovala kako demokrate ruse babuna sa koronavirus. 


U normalnoj zemlji sutra bi visila na gradskom trgu 

Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 8.22.53 PM.png


The data so far suggests asymptomatic carriers make the difference in community spread. In some areas of China, according to simulations of the virus spread published in the journal Science, almost 9 OUT OF 10 INFECTIONS were caused by asymptomatic carriers. In another, preliminary study posted on March 6 to preprint server MedRxiv, researchers found that 48 percent of 91 infections in a Singaporean COVID-19 cluster were caused by asymptomatic carriers.



Q&A with HK microbiologist Yuen Kwok-yung who helped confirm coronavirus' human spread


HONG KONG (CAIXIN GLOBAL) - Sixty-three year old microbiologist Yuen Kwok-yung, a giant among Hong Kong's infectious disease experts, accompanied high-profile Sars researcher Zhong Nanshan and China Centres for Disease Control head George Gao on an exploratory mission to Wuhan on Jan 17 on behalf of the National Health Commission (NHC).


Given this novel coronavirus is so "cunning", with probably many infected but asymptomatic people moving around in communities, how should ordinary citizens protect themselves?


We can only rely on telling everyone to wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, use alcoholic sanitiser. I had called for everyone to wear a mask when I was in Beijing, but many people disagreed, saying that the World Health Organisation (WHO) said healthy people don't need to wear masks unless they go to crowded places. Nevertheless, if people wear masks only when they feel sick, then the eight infected people on the Diamond Princess would have transmitted it to others because they were not feeling uncomfortable. Wear a mask to protect not only yourself but also others, because if you are infected but asymptomatic, you could still stop the spread by wearing a mask.

In our experiments previously, we found 100 million virus strands in just one milliliter of a patient's saliva. Therefore, scenarios with the potential for exchanging saliva are generally quite dangerous. The temporary success of virus control in Hong Kong this time is not only due to population controls, but also contributed by the early advocacy for mask-wearing, hand-washing, and social distancing. Otherwise, with such a dense population in Hong Kong, the epidemic would very likely have spread the same way as in Italy or Daegu in South Korea.



to se slaze sa onim nemackim studijama koje je pominjao osterholm i koje smo linkovali


Ako misliš na ovo:

 to je na temi o Utisku nedelje pa mi je promaklo.

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