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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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4 minutes ago, Malvo said:

Pa govorim o intenzitetu bliskog kontakta. Trenutno si u Beogradu u gradskom prevozu u bliskom kontaktu sa desetoro ljudi u svakom momentu.

Ako izbije panika brzo ce se isprazniti gradski prevoz ne brini.

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Panika će izbiti ako epidemija počne da se nazire, a onda će biti kasno. Pritom se gradski prevoz neće isprazniti jer ovaj grad ne može drugačije da funkcioniše. Hoću da kažem da mi izgleda da Beograd ne bi imao način da zaustavi širenje virusa ako se bude pojavio.


Edited by Malvo
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U medjuvremenu sirom Italije pobune u zatvorima zbog suspenzije poseta zatvorenicima. U Modeni 3 zatvorenika mrtva, u Paviji nekoliko policajaca oteto, zapraljene celije i pozari u unutrasnjosti barem 3-4 zatvora. U Napulju rodbina zatocenih blokirala cestu da policija ne bi mogla da posalje pojacanje. Divan scenario se predvidja.

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Virolozi u Lombardiji kazu da su novi slucajevi zarazeni jos uvek pre 10/15 dana i da cemo tek da platimo ceh zbog ovih idiota koji se guzvaju po kaficima na aperitive. Malpensa ce da bude zatvoren ali ne i Linate i Bergamo. Inace aerodrom u Bergamu je bukvalno u sred zone jednog od najvecih zarista.

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28 minutes ago, Spirit said:

Možda se ne računa toliko na toplo vreme koliko na: 

Ozone: A powerful weapon to combat COVID-19 outbreak



Ne računa se toliko na temperaturu, pošto je minimalna temperatura na kojoj virus umire,  ako se ne vvaram, 58 stepeni, a dotle ćemo teško da dobacimo. 

Više se računa na kombinaciju drugih faktora, izmedju ostalog i ozona, kao i UV zračenja, i činjenice da se neće toliko ljudi tiskati u zatvorenom prostoru, da će biti bolje provetravanje prostorija itd itd.....

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Udvostrucilo se u Massu juce jer su budale iz biogiganta Biogena odrzale konferenciju (tu se krka, tu se mrka) iako su znali da imaju zarazene.

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Uh jbt, sad doktor iz bolnice u Bergamu kaze da su tamo vec usli u fazu da moraju da biraju koga da spasavaju a koga ne. Covek je skroz unisten, skoro place.

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11 minutes ago, steins said:


Ne računa se toliko na temperaturu, pošto je minimalna temperatura na kojoj virus umire,  ako se ne vvaram, 58 stepeni, a dotle ćemo teško da dobacimo. 

Više se računa na kombinaciju drugih faktora, izmedju ostalog i ozona, kao i UV zračenja, i činjenice da se neće toliko ljudi tiskati u zatvorenom prostoru, da će biti bolje provetravanje prostorija itd itd.....


SARS je umirao na temperaturi 56 stepeni i po recima pojih poznanika naglo nestao

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Ah, to je onaj veoma "empatični" "genije" Drosten što je samo pre nedelju dana izjavljivao da je virus precenjen, da mediji mnogo drame, da nema mesta panici, da će se oni truditi da to razvuku na dve godine i da ionako umre 850.000 ljudi godišnje.


Njegovi citati iz mojih poruka sa 67. strane ove teme (link 1 i link 2):





Especially in the social media there is "a lot of drama" and the risks of the disease are overemphasized, criticized the director of the Institute of Virology of Charite Berlin, Christian Drosten, at a press conference. "I don't honestly see that at the moment", said Drosten. He said that the case mortality rate for coronavirus infection currently lies within a corridor of 0.3 to 0.7 percent. He expects this rate to fall even further.

The virologist expects that up to 70 percent of Germans could fall ill with the virus. What is important here, however, is the time frame in which this will happen. He sees no reason to panic. For most of the infected people, the disease is similar to a cold. And: "People die anyway, and about 850,000 die every year," says Drosten.


https://www.n-tv.de/wissen/Experten-warnen-vor-Panikmache-article21613896.html (engleski prevod by Deepl)

Kaže, nadaju se da će tih 60-70% populacije koja će se zaraziti da se razvuče na dve godine, ne znam samo kojom magijom ako ne budu primenjivali makar deo kineskih mera. Međutim, kaže da će trebati još kreveta na odeljenjima intenzivne nege.



According to an expert, many people in Germany will be infected with the new coronavirus. "It is likely that 60 to 70 percent will become infected, but we do not know in what time," said virologist Christian Drosten of the Berlin Charité hospital on Friday.

"This could well take two years or even longer," he continued. He added that the infection process is only problematic if it occurs in a compressed, short time. "Therefore, the authorities are doing everything possible to detect and slow down the onset of outbreaks."

Germany is excellently prepared for the lung disease Covid-19. "If the whole pandemic event, before the virus becomes a common cold virus and is no longer noticed, happens like this in two years, we can deal with it," said Drosten. "If it's one year, it's going to be a lot harder because we'll have a lot more cases in the same time." Nevertheless, he warned that the number of therapy beds needed in intensive care units was difficult to predict, but, "if we don't do something now, it may not be enough.

https://www.sueddeutsche.de/gesundheit/krankheiten-experte-erwartet-60-bis-70-prozent-infizierte-in-deutschland-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-200228-99-108884 (prevod by Deepl)


Evo šta je tačno sada izjavio:




Charité chief virologist Christian Drosten has warned of a devastating corona wave after the summer and demands an immediate increase in the number of intensive care beds.

"It will be critical in the fall, that's for sure. Then there will be countless undetected cases in the communities, because the danger will be out of sight in the summer", the director of the Charité-Virology Clinic told the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (NOZ). The danger of infection is increasing dramatically. "I expect a sudden increase in corona cases with serious consequences and many deaths."

"We now have to work flat out to create more capacities of intensive care beds, otherwise difficult decisions will be made," demanded Drosten. Although there are 28,000 intensive care beds in Germany, Drosten continued. However, more than 80 percent of these beds are occupied and not enough of them can be freed up.


https://www.bz-berlin.de/berlin/charite-chefvirologe-warnt-vor-dramatischer-corona-welle-im-herbst (prevod by Deepl)

Edited by vememah
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Nemam pojma o epidemiologiji, ali cini mi se da ovako mlake mere u Evropi i imaju za cilj da se uspori virus, a ne i sasvim suzbije (ne zato sto nece, nego mozda zato sto ne misle da je to vise moguce).

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1 hour ago, lo zingaro said:

Virolozi u Lombardiji kazu da su novi slucajevi zarazeni jos uvek pre 10/15 dana i da cemo tek da platimo ceh zbog ovih idiota koji se guzvaju po kaficima na aperitive. Malpensa ce da bude zatvoren ali ne i Linate i Bergamo. Inace aerodrom u Bergamu je bukvalno u sred zone jednog od najvecih zarista.

jesu li to isti oni sexperti koji su pre 8 dana rekli guverneru da će u narednim danima doći do pada broja novo zaraženih ovim virusom u lombardiji :lolol:

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Just now, omiljeni said:

Albanija i Moldavija se upisale

Crna Gora i Kosovo jedine slobodne teritorije u okupranoj Evropi. :s_dj::s_a:


uzima Kosmet finale lagano mmw

Kosovo je Srbija, znaci titula ide u Montenegro.

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