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Prva potvrđena žrtva omikrona u Teksasu, a mislim i u SAD, je nevakcinisan muškarac u 50-im koji je ranije preležao kovid. Imao je komorbiditete.



Harris County Public Health (HCPH) is reporting the first COVID-19 Omicron-variant associated death in the County.
The death reported this afternoon was of a man between the ages of 50-60 years old who was unvaccinated and had been infected with COVID-19 previously. The individual was at higher risk of severe complications from COVID-19 due to his unvaccinated status and had underlying health conditions.

https://publichealth.harriscountytx.gov/Portals/27/Documents/HCPH Reports First Omicron Related Death sm.pdf?ver=oK77qT2qjHEIryPPhgBoog%3d%3d

Edited by vememah
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The holiday break is coming early for National Hockey League (NHL) players.

Because of dozens of recent COVID-related game postponements, the league and the National Hockey League Players' Association have agreed to postpone the five remaining scheduled games set for Thursday. (...)

As of Saturday morning, there were more than 60 players in COVID protocol in the NHL. Each case has been asymptomatic or mild, according to officials, thanks to all-but-one player in the league being vaccinated.

Over the weekend, the National Football League (NFL) and the National Basketball Association (NBA) announced they were postponing several games because of infections among athletes and staff.


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Germany's Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases recommended on Tuesday imposing "maximum contact restrictions" at once, to fight a looming tide of infections caused by the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

The body also recommended restricting travel only to what was absolutely necessary, accelerating the vaccination campaign and ensuring that enough free coronavirus tests were available.

Federal and state leaders were due to meet later on Tuesday to decide on new measures, likely to include new restrictions even for the vaccinated and those who have recovered from COVID-19, but a nationwide lockdown seemed to be off the agenda.


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3 hours ago, vememah said:

Prva potvrđena žrtva omikrona u Teksasu, a mislim i u SAD, je nevakcinisan muškarac u 50-im koji je ranije preležao kovid. Imao je komorbiditete.



Koliko ukupno ima zaraženih omikronom u texasu i usa?

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Kvebek zatvara škole, barove, bioskope i teretane zbog omikrona, ograničava rad restorana (po pitanju kapaciteta i radnog vremena) i zabranjuje publiku na sportskim takmičenjima.


Slučajevi im trenutno brže rastu kod vakcinisanih, a hospitalizacije kod nevakcinisanih.




As a sign that the risk is still present despite vaccination, the increase in cases among the vaccinated is no less than 152% over one week, whereas it is limited to 29% among the non-vaccinated, who are however much less numerous. The latter are also still more likely to suffer complications after contracting the virus: there is a 67% increase in hospitalizations among the non-vaccinated, while among the vaccinated it is 45%.

https://www.lapresse.ca/covid-19/2021-12-20/covid-19-au-quebec/4571-nouveaux-cas-nouvelle-hausse-des-hospitalisations.php (prevod: Deepl)

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