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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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1 hour ago, Mos said:

Milion slucajeva na dan u Britaniji do kraja decembra? Bio dobar ili los soj ovo mu dodje kao endgame svakako. 

ne do kraja decembra, nego već sada u nedelju



Health secretary Sajid Javid sent shockwaves through parliament on Monday when he revealed that an estimated 200,000 people in the UK had been infected with the Omicron coronavirus variant that day. If Omicron infections continue to double every 2.5 days, as current estimates suggest, there will be a million people infected this coming Sunday alone.




Yet the 200,000 figure, which is based on modelling by UKHSA, could be an underestimate, according to to health officials. “It’s ripping up like a rocket . . . close to everyone is going to get it,” said Carl Pearson, a research fellow in mathematical modelling at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


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Pojavljuju se studije koje kažu da se omikron brže širi od ostalih sojeva u bronhijama, a sporije u plućima.






Edited by vememah
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Podaci za prikazanu zadnju (moguće i za predzadnju, tj. 49. nedelju) nisu konačni.


Gauteng hospitalizacije (x3,35 za dve nedelje: 47. -> 49)




Gauteng smrti (x5,2 za dve nedelje: 47. -> 49)




Cela Južnoafrička Republika hospitalizacije (x5,1 za dve nedelje: 47. -> 49)



Cela Južnoafrička Republika smrti (x3,9 za dve nedelje: 47. -> 49)




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