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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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ECDC kaže da od potvrđenih slučajeva niko nije umro dosad u EU/EEA i da su svi slučajevi za koje su dostupne informacije bili asimptomatski ili blagi.



All cases for which there is available information on severity were either asymptomatic or mild. There have been no Omicron-related deaths reported thus far. These figures should be assessed with caution, as the number of confirmed cases is too low to understand if the disease clinical spectrum of Omicron differs from that of previously detected variants.


Country/Region: EU/EEA Total
Confirmed cases: 732


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U Novom Južnom Velsu hospitalizovan 1 od 55 dosad otkrivenih slučajeva omikrona (10 u zadnjih 24 sata).




NSW Health on Sunday announced the first Omicron admission to hospital in Australia since the variant landed in late November.

There were another 10 confirmed cases of the new strain identified in the 24 hours to 8pm last night, taking the total number of Omicron cases in NSW to 55.



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Ovo su sekvenciranjem potvrđeni uzorci (niti se svi pozitivni testovi sekvenciraju, niti su podaci sveži, pošto je potrebno nekoliko dana za ovaj postupak). London je već sad verovatno na preko 50% omikrona pošto je 8.12. bio na 34%, a cela država na preko 10% pošto je sam London danas dao 20% svih pozitivnih. Dakle, tamo negde u sredu-četvrtak omikron će po svoj prilici biti dominantna varijanta u celoj Britaniji.

Edited by vememah
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I u Britaniji se omikron najpre zapatio kod mladih, 60% verovatnih uzoraka je iz starosnih grupa 20-29 i 30-39. Manje od 4% uzoraka s verovatnim omikronom potiču od osoba starijih od 60 godina.


Edited by vememah
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