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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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francuski ministar zdravlja kaže da su u J.A. 2/3 onih koji završe u bolnice nevakcinisani. a tamo je inače 1) samo 30% vakcinisanih 2) jedan veliki udeo je J&J (koji je govno) 3) nema bustera. 

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danas se testirao u pekingu da bi mogao sutra da apliciram za konferenciju na ostrvu hainan. u ponedeljak i utorak jos po jedan test treba da radim (to vec u sangaju). u sredu kada sletim na hainan na aerodromu ce nam raditi jos jedan test. treba se jos vratiti sa ostrva u peking, ko zna koliko jos testova cu morati da radim. 


jedini plus sto je na hainanu 27 stepeni i znam par lokalnih probisveta :D

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Analize otpadnih voda u SAD pokazuju ogromnu količinu virusa, daleko veću nego u pikovima ranijih talasa.


To može da znači da je puno asimptomatskih (nadajmo se) ili da su količine virusa po jednoj osobi daleko veće u odnosu na ranije talase ili kombinaciju ta dva.




Tamnija linija: koncentracija virusa u otpadnim vodama

Svetlija linija: incidenca tj. dnevni broj novozaraženih na 100.000 ljudi 




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Nova detaljna in vitro studija na živom virusu i antitelima iz krvi vakcinisanih dvema dozama (nema podataka o zaštiti busterovanih) i preležalih, tj. o sprečavanju zaražavanja omikronom (krajnje desna stavka na graficima): od vakcinisanih dvema dozama najbolje su zaštićeni oni koji su prvo primili AstraZeneku, a zatim Fajzer (13 od 20 uzoraka krvi uspelo je da neutrališe omikron), kod duplog Fajzera 9 od 20 uzoraka, kod duple Moderne svega jedan od 20 (a i on na pragu, tj. isprekidanoj liniji), a kod duple AstraZeneke nijedan.


Od preležalih nevakcinisanih, krv onih koji su preležali alfu ne neutrališe omikron, betu 1 od 8, a deltu 1 od 7.


Od vakcinisanih pa preležalih i obrnuto krv u velikom procentu slučajeva neutrališe omikron.




Spikevax = Moderna
ChadOx1 = Astrazeneca
BNT162b2 = Biontech/Pfizer
B.1.1.7 = alfa
B.1.351 = beta
B.1.617.2 = delta
B.1.1.529 = omikron
convalescent = preležali alfu, betu ili deltu


Još jednom, sve ove studije ne govore ništa o zaštiti od teške bolesti i smrti pošto tu ne igraju ključnu ulogu antitela, već T i B ćelije.






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Kolega mi je upravo javio da je pozitivan. Zadnji cetvrtak bio u drustvu, njih 20-ak. Od tada svaki dan jedan novi zarazeni, on je sazano danas. Primio je buster zadnju subotu (poslije negativnog testa). Bio je u kucnoj karantini od cetvrtka (isao je samo da primi buster).


Mogu samo da zamislim broj antitjela koji sada ima.

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Od klastera sa zasad 19 zaraženih omikronom (još nije potvrđen kod svih) u Kleveu, nemačkom gradiću od oko 50.000 stanovnika uz holandsku granicu, koji su započela dva para i još jedna osoba, koji su bili u Južnoj Africi i u međusobnom kontaktu, jedna odrasla vakcinisana osoba i dvoje dece teško bolesni.



Omicron confirmed in the Kleve district
Covid after trip to South Africa - two children seriously ill

The district of Kleve has the first clear evidence of the Omikron variant. The complete sequence analysis of a laboratory has now confirmed the suspicion for two index cases. These are a South African traveler and a contact person. Over the weekend, a laboratory had already substantiated the suspicion of the Omikron mutation for two other persons who were in South Africa, but had not yet definitively confirmed it.

The Kleve district has now identified 19 index cases linked to this outbreak. Among the contacts are children who have not yet been vaccinated. The adults are all fully immunized. Two children are severely ill. One adult has a severe course of illness. All other persons who have tested positive have so far had a comparatively mild course of the disease. Some are asymptomatic.

17 people tested positive come from Rees, one from Bedburg-Hau and one from Kevelaer. Among them are four South Africa travelers who had traveled in pairs but had contact with each other during the trip. For one of these persons, the omicron mutation has now been clearly confirmed. For two of them, the first laboratory results have at least confirmed the omicron suspicion. The laboratory result for the fourth person is currently still pending.  In addition, there is another person who was in South Africa and had contact with the two couples there. In addition, the Kleve district was able to determine seven initial contacts of the travelers. From this group comes the second person, for whom now the clear confirmation of the Omikron mutation is available. Finally, there are seven further contacts for whom a PCR test has meanwhile detected a corona infection.

The health department is commissioning further laboratory sequencing in the coming weeks for samples from index cases associated with the travelers returning from Rees. This will be done in all cases where it can be done without re-smear. Laboratories often do not keep samples. This means that cases that have already been confirmed would have to be swabbed again for sequencing. However, since the first swabs were taken days ago, the viral load might not be sufficient.

The investigation of additional contacts is ongoing. The health department is following the Robert Koch Institute's quarantine recommendations for suspected Omikron cases: Index cases and contacts are quarantined for 14 days in all cases. There is no way to shorten this time - even if there is complete immunization and freedom from symptoms.

https://rp-online.de/nrw/staedte/kleve/omikron-im-kreis-kleve-bestaetigt-covid-nach-suedafrika-reise_aid-64520525 (prevod: Deepl)

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11 od 12 zaraženih u omikron klasteru nastalom na jednoj kalifornijskoj svadbi su medicinari koji su primili buster.



Eleven of the 12 confirmed COVID-19 cases tied to an omicron outbreak in the East Bay last week are among fully vaccinated and boosted staff members at Kaiser Permanente’s Oakland Medical Center, according to a spokesperson for the hospital. (...)
The infected Kaiser staff members — who range in age from 18 to 49 — had attended a wedding on Nov. 27 in Wisconsin, where at least one Alameda County attendee had recently returned from international travel, according to public health officials. (...)
Officials have said that the person who first contracted omicron returned from Nigeria on Nov. 24, then attended the wedding three days later.


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