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PA kad neces da izbaces ni jednu optimisticnu vest :D

Napada i staro i mlado, zaobilazi antitela nastala prirodnim putem a i ona stecena vakcinom..
Siri se munjevitom brzinom, brze od delte 56x.. a delta se sumanuto brzo sirila pa je brzo i mutirala.. znaci postoji mogucnost da i ovo sranje mutira, mozda 17x u ko zna sta, s obzirom da brze pronalazi domacine i zaobilazi imunitet..

itd itd

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20 minutes ago, Aleksija said:

svi ponavljaju da nismo sasvim bez zastite, kao sto smo bili 2020. verujem da ce se to potvrditi.

svejedno, treba se vezati, jer uskoro polecemo.


Valjda se i nevakcinisani narod prokuzio deltom, i valjda ce i to imati uticaja 

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7 minutes ago, Have_Fun said:

PA kad neces da izbaces ni jednu optimisticnu vest :D


Kako to misliš, nema optimističkih vesti? Bilo je danas da apsolutno niko od vakcinisanih koji su se zarazili još pre 11 dana u Norveškoj nije dospeo u bolnicu.

Edited by vememah
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1 minute ago, Sandradjer said:


Ti si konacno negativan? Mozda sam propustila neki tvoj izvestaj

Na kraju sam ja nekako izbegao metak i nisam zakacio virus.. ostali se polako oporavljaju.. dobili su lekove kojekakve koje piju i polako ide na bolje pa ce na dodatne preglede ici nakon karantina.

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Fauči umereno optimističan:



Top US scientist Anthony Fauci said Tuesday early indications suggested the Covid-19 Omicron variant was not worse than prior strains, and was possibly milder, while cautioning it would take weeks to judge its severity.

Speaking to AFP, President Joe Biden's chief medical advisor broke down the knowns and unknowns about Omicron into three major areas: transmissibility, how well it evades immunity from prior infection and vaccines, and severity of illness.

The new variant is "clearly highly transmissible," very likely more so than Delta, the current dominant global strain, Fauci said.

Accumulating epidemiological data from around the world also indicates re-infections are higher with Omicron.

Fauci, the long-time director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said results from lab experiments that tested the potency of antibodies from current vaccines against Omicron should come in the "next few days to a week."

On the question of severity, "it almost certainly is not more severe than Delta," said Fauci.

"There is some suggestion that it might even be less severe, because when you look at some of the cohorts that are being followed in South Africa, the ratio between the number of infections and the number of hospitalizations seems to be less than with Delta."

But he noted it was important to not over-interpret this data because the populations being followed skewed young and were less likely to become hospitalized. Severe disease can also take weeks to develop.

"I think that's going to take another couple of weeks at least" to confirm in South Africa, where the variant was first reported in November, he said.

"Then as we get more infections throughout the rest of the world, it might take longer to see what's the level of severity."

Fauci said a more transmissible virus that doesn't cause more severe illness and doesn't lead to a surge of hospitalizations and deaths was the "best-case scenario."

"The worst-case scenario is that it is not only highly transmissible, but it also causes severe disease and then you have another wave of infections that are not necessarily blunted by the vaccine or by people's prior infections," he added.

"I don't think that worst-case scenario is going to come about, but you never know."


Edited by vememah
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0 (nula) hospitalizovanih među 336 osoba zaraženih omikronom dosad u Britaniji, kaže ministar zdravlja Sadžid Džavid u odgovoru na poslaničko pitanje.



Edited by vememah
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Zbog omikrona su ovakvi brojevi?

Pa cekaj sad.. je l' ljudi zaglavljuju u bolnice i ICU, ili ne zaglavljuju? Zbunjen sam

Jesmo li ga najebali, ili je ovo spas koji smo cekali - oslabljeni virus kovida koji ce postati dominantan i istisnuti one opasnije?
Satrace nas, ili ce nas imunizovati i lagano cemo ga pregaziti kao plitak potok?

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7 minutes ago, Have_Fun said:

Jesmo li ga najebali, ili je ovo spas koji smo cekali - oslabljeni virus kovida koji ce postati dominantan i istisnuti one opasnije?
Satrace nas, ili ce nas imunizovati i lagano cemo ga pregaziti kao plitak potok?

e vala, ova su ti pitanja na mestu, ovde se više niko ne može snaći :blink: 

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