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Dobre vesti za vakcinisane, od sada već 120 zaraženih u Norveškoj na dosad najvećem omikron superspreader eventu (osobe koje su bile na firminoj žurki i oni koji su se u istom baru zatekli drugim povodom i možda nešto kasnije) zasad niko nije zaglavio bolnicu. Samoj žurci su prisustvovale isključivo duplo vakcinisane osobe s negativnim brzim antigenskim testom. Pretpostavljam da svi pripadaju radno aktivnom stanovništvu.



As many as 120 people who attended the Louise Restaurant and Bar on the night of November 26th have now tested positive for coronavirus, about half of whom have screened positive for omicron, with 13 of those proven to have the variant in sequencing.

"They have symptoms like fever, cough, headache, muscle pain,  fatigue, but for now, none of them has become severely ill, and none of them have been treated in hospital," Tine Ravlo, the Oslo infectious disease doctor responsible, told The Telegraph. (...)

The company actually went beyond what was necessary by insisting that everyone who attended was double vaccinated and everyone took an antigen test, she said. 

"At that time, we didn't really have that many restrictions in Oslo, so they followed the rules."


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tekst u FT, a posto je FT suvereno najbolji u prenosenju vesti oko omikrona, evo malo lepih vesti koje sam kropovao:

Medics and scientists in South Africa have welcomed early hospital data suggesting that the Omicron coronavirus variant could result in less severe illness than previous waves but warned that higher transmission rates could still overwhelm hospitals.

Early data from the Steve Biko and Tshwane District Hospital Complex in South Africa’s capital Pretoria, which is at the centre of the outbreak, showed that on December 2 only nine of the 42 patients on the Covid-19 ward, all of whom were unvaccinated, were being treated for the virus and were in need of oxygen.

The remainder of the patients had tested positive but were asymptomatic and being treated for other conditions.


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Prve procene u Engleskoj na osnovu rasta pozitivnih PCR uzoraka sumnjivih na omikron (onaj jedan od tri kriterijuma koji pada kod  omikrona i praktično iskorenjene alfe) kažu i da se tamo širi brzo, sa R brojem oko 3,5 i dupliranjem za oko 3 dana.











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Još jedan autoritet potvrđuje:


Professor Francois Balloux, director of the University College London Genetics Institute, said the outbreak was now well under way, doubling every three to four days, adding it will quickly put the NHS under pressure.

"Omicron is transmitting quite well in the UK," he said. "The number of cases is going up quite fast, maybe doubling every three to four days.

"It's something like 1% (of daily cases) already, let's say 500 to 1,000 infections."

"Not all infections turn into cases," Prof Balloux added.

"It's not a precise figure but probably not far from the truth."



Delta je inače živa i zdrava u Britaniji, na 80% su pika od prošle zime po broju slučajeva.


Evo trenutne situacije tamo (mrzi me da vadim podatke samo za Englesku, vrlo su slični pošto više od 5/6 stanovništva Britanije živi u Engleskoj tako da ona presudno utiče na sve nivoe i trendove).




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Napomena: Grafici su postavljeni radi razumevanja potpuno drugačijeg okruženja od južnoafričkog u kojem omikron sada takođe uspeva da se veoma brzo širi. Uticaj omikrona na njih je potpuno zanemarljiv u ovom trenutku.

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Džonson potvrdio da se brze širi tamo.


Još jedan superspreader event: 14 od 18 gostiju na proslavi rođendana zaraženo omikronom iako su svi bili vakcinisani s najmanje 2 doze i imali brzi antigenski ne stariji od 24 sata.



LFT = brzi antigenski test (lateral flow test)

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Jos ako udari na malisane koji ne mogu da se vakcinisu jos uvek, to je horor. Videcemo uskoro kako ce proci poprilicno vakcinisane evropske zemlje.

Pojavice se neko svetlo na kraju tunela :)

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i dakle.. ovako se zavrsava... bzvz.. kontao sam neke vanelijene™, kometu ili slicno.. na prvu se ne bih kladio na virus mada jeste da su postojali neki raniji pokazatelji..

kontam da ce nakon ovog soja nastati jos nekih 386 i dovidjenja..

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