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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Prvi slučaj u Argentini: 38-godišnjak koji se 30.11. vratio iz Južnoafričke Republike. Vakcinisan i ranije preležalo, nije bio pozitivna na PCR testiranju pre povratnog leta ni odmah posle njega, već se prijavio za testiranje iako nije imao simptome kad je čuo da su neke kolege iz JAR-a s kojima je bio u kontaktu pozitivne. Zasad nema nikakve simptome.




Edited by vememah
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pojavili se slucajevi u hrv, koji nisu putovali u Afriku... tako da to je to... taman za novu godinu ce ceo balkan da bukne


povoljno prodajem konopce, kontakt pm

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Moram opet nešto da dodam - broj hospitalizacije nije relevantan podatak pošto je promenljiv i zavisi od odluka nadležnih - npr kod nas su se bar 4 puta da ja znam menjale indikacije za hospitalizaciju. 

Neuporedivo relevantnija cifra je popunjenost ICU, odnosno jedinica za intenzivnu negu u kojima se leče COVID pacijenti.

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Khm, u zadnjih nedelju dana brže je rasla popunjenost intenzivne nego popunjenost bolnica:


Gauteng 6.12.
1670 hospitalizovano (nedeljni rast od 94%)
245 kiseonik (nedeljni rast od 81%)
139 intenzivna (nedeljni rast od 140%)
41 respirator (nedeljni rast od 58%)


Gauteng nedelju dana ranije - 29.11.
862 hospitalizovano (nedeljni rast od 51%)
135 kiseonik (nedeljni rast od 61%)
58 intenzivna (=)
26 respirator (nedeljni rast od 30%)


Gauteng još nedelju dana ranije - 22.11.
570 hospitalizovano
84 kiseonik
58 intenzivna
20 respirator

Izvor za današnje podatke:
https://www.nicd.ac.za/diseases-a-z-index/disease-index-covid-19/surveillance-reports/daily-hospital-surveillance-datcov-report/ (izabrati Gauteng gore desno)

Izvor za podatke od pre nedelju dana:
https://www.nicd.ac.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Datcov19_National_Export-20211129.pdf (podaci po pokrajinama u tabeli)

Izvor za podatke od pre dve nedelje:
https://www.nicd.ac.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Datcov19_National_Export-20211129.pdf (podaci po pokrajinama u tabeli)



Edited by vememah
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Danska danas prijavila 78 novih slučajeva omikrona, što je dnevni rast od 43% i odgovara dupliranju za dva dana.



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O nebedsa, kako svet dosao do tacke da epidemiju pratimo iz 20 sugavih tvitova sa brojevima na pocetku.

Imali smo blogove,cms-ove  i sl. pre 25 godina.

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najbolja stvar koju sad mozemo da uradimo, sem vakcinacije, je da nadjemo jeftin supply ffp2/kn95 maski, tako da se kupi zaliha za 1 dnevno, bolje dve, a optimalno tri..


ako napravimo forumsku akciju mozda mozemo da ubijemo cenu na kvantitet

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tesko da ce iko od nas ko mora medju ljude imati sansu da izbegne ovo, cak i sa sve kn95 maskama. zato sto 80% ne nosi nikakve.

a predsednik se o svom jadu zabavio...

ovo ce tek biti brutalno.

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Omicron Triggers ‘Unprecedented’ COVID Surge Hitting Children Under Age 5 in South Africa
Until now, the coronavirus pandemic has largely spared the youngest children. That’s all starting to change in variant-swamped South Africa.

The “highly transmissible” Omicron variant of coronavirus ripping through South Africa is putting disproportionately large numbers of children under 5 years old in hospitals, a top South African government medical adviser said Friday.

The alarming development raises the prospect of a new global battle cycle against the virus, given that the new variant has already spread to dozens of countries. The South African scientists also said the new variant was spreading much quicker than any previous wave of the coronavirus.

In a worrying virtual press conference, government adviser Waasila Jassat, speaking about the worst-affected area of Gauteng province (which includes the city of Johannesburg), said: “It’s clear in Gauteng, the week-on-week increase we’re seeing in cases and admissions is higher than we’ve seen it before. We’ve seen quite a sharp increase [in hospital admissions] across all age groups but particularly in the under 5s.”

She added: “The incidence in those under 5 is now second highest, second only to those over 60. The trend that we’re seeing now, that is different to what we’ve seen before, is a particular increase in hospital admissions in children under 5 years.

“We’ve always seen children not being very heavily affected by the COVID epidemic in the past, not having many admissions. In the third [delta] wave, we saw more admissions in young children under 5 and in teenagers, 15-19, and now, at the start of this fourth [omicron] wave, we have seen quite a sharp increase across all age groups, but particularly in the under 5s.”

Jassat produced graphs that clearly showed how children under 5 years old are now being hospitalized at an alarming rate.




She said, for example, that in the city of Tshwane Metro, more than 100 children under the age of 5 were admitted to hospitals with COVID in the first two weeks of the new fourth wave (Nov. 14 to 27). In the first two weeks of the country’s third wave, in May of this year, fewer than 20 children [of all ages in the whole country] were admitted to hospitals.

In a follow-up question-and-answer session, asked about the extraordinary numbers of children being admitted to hospital, Jassat said she suspected there might be an “immunity gap” and that the lack of vaccination of children might account for the numbers.

She said that with adults increasingly vaccinated, children are the ones who are “getting sick and need to be admitted.”

She added that pediatricians at the Tshwane hospital had told them, anecdotally, that “all” of the children ages 12-18 who were admitted were not vaccinated, even though they were eligible. “And the younger children, younger than 12, who were not eligible for vaccination, none of their parents, except for three, were vaccinated.”

She said this showed “the value of vaccination in the adult protecting the children in the homes.”

Just over 42 percent of all adults have received at least one vaccination dose in South Africa, Health Minister Joe Phaahla said. (...)



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Od 5 država iz kojih je stiglo ukupno 7 registrovanih zaraženih omikronom na aerodromu u Kampali u Ugandi, dve su van Afrike, Holandija i Emirati.



A report from Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) indicates that from 13 samples collected November 29 from travellers at Entebbe International Airport, eleven were sequenced and seven turned out positive for the Omicron variant.

"The travellers arrived from Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo and Netherlands aboard Ethiopian Airways, Uganda Airlines, Kenya Airlines and Airlink," UVRI said in a statement December 6.


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