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Coronavirus Covid-19 - opšta tema


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Upravo videla prve dve osobe sa maskama u Stokholmu otkad je krenuo virus. Dve devojke od oko 25 godina, stoje na metro stanici i svadjaju se na srpskom. :D 

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Ovaj lik iz Nemacke je apsolutni imbecil i treba ga uhapsiti sto pre.


Prvo: direktor epidemioloskog zavoda najvece bolnice u Berlinu a svaki dan im zafale testovi a i kad ih imaju nesto skripi pa rezutate dobijaju u proseku izmedju 1 i 5 dana.

Drugo: lik je digao takvu tenziju kod sirokih narodnih masa i praznjenje rafova ovom njegovom izjavom od juce valjda gde kaze da ce "u naredne 2 godine od covid-19 da oboli 65% nemaca da ce smrtnost da bude 20%..."



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34 minutes ago, vememah said:

+1 njima je dax index pao za 7,2% od prošle srede do juče, a u poslednjih 10 dana 12,7%

- on mora da laže kako bi sačuvao posao, kako bi umirio javnost i što je najvažnije berzanske špekulante, velike pare su u pitanju :happy:

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2 minutes ago, Zlurad said:

Ovaj lik iz Nemacke je apsolutni imbecil i treba ga uhapsiti sto pre.


Prvo: direktor epidemioloskog zavoda najvece bolnice u Berlinu a svaki dan im zafale testovi a i kad ih imaju nesto skripi pa rezutate dobijaju u proseku izmedju 1 i 5 dana.

Drugo: lik je digao takvu tenziju kod sirokih narodnih masa i praznjenje rafova ovom njegovom izjavom od juce valjda gde kaze da ce "u naredne 2 godine od covid-19 da oboli 65% nemaca da ce smrtnost da bude 20%..."



Kod nas (FFM i okolina) je jos uvek prilicno opusteno, prodavnice popunjene kao i uvek, nikakvi duzi redovi. Na dva igralista cuh standardne komentare kako ionako haraju virusi i sta sve ne, nista novo fazon (svima nam deca vec neko vreme slinave i kaslju, to je normalno stanje od pocetka februara).

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Kaže, nadaju se da će tih 60-70% populacije koja će se zaraziti da se razvuče na dve godine, ne znam samo kojom magijom ako ne budu primenjivali makar deo kineskih mera. Međutim, kaže da će trebati još kreveta na odeljenjima intenzivne nege.


According to an expert, many people in Germany will be infected with the new coronavirus. "It is likely that 60 to 70 percent will become infected, but we do not know in what time," said virologist Christian Drosten of the Berlin Charité hospital on Friday.

"This could well take two years or even longer," he continued. He added that the infection process is only problematic if it occurs in a compressed, short time. "Therefore, the authorities are doing everything possible to detect and slow down the onset of outbreaks."

Germany is excellently prepared for the lung disease Covid-19. "If the whole pandemic event, before the virus becomes a common cold virus and is no longer noticed, happens like this in two years, we can deal with it," said Drosten. "If it's one year, it's going to be a lot harder because we'll have a lot more cases in the same time." Nevertheless, he warned that the number of therapy beds needed in intensive care units was difficult to predict, but, "if we don't do something now, it may not be enough.

https://www.sueddeutsche.de/gesundheit/krankheiten-experte-erwartet-60-bis-70-prozent-infizierte-in-deutschland-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-200228-99-108884 (prevod by Deepl)

Edited by vememah
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Plan britanske vlade:


Key points of government's coronavirus plan

Here are the key points from the government's plan to battle the coronavirus in the UK, outlined by the Press Association.

- If police lose "significant staff" numbers to illness, they would "concentrate on responding to serious crimes and maintaining public order".
- In a "stretching scenario", it is possible that up to one fifth of employees may be absent from work during peak weeks.
- Everyone will face increased pressures at work, as well as potentially their own illness and caring responsibilities. Supporting staff welfare "will be critical" for businesses.
- The UK has stockpiles of medicines for the NHS, plus protective clothing and equipment for medical staff.
- The public can help delay the spread of the virus by washing hands with soap regularly, not spreading misinformation and relying on trusted sources. They should also ensure family vaccines are up to date and check on family, friends and neighbours. They should also check Foreign Office advice before travelling abroad and be understanding of the pressures the health service is under.
- The public will be asked to accept that "the advice for managing Covid-19 for most people will be self-isolation at home and simple over the counter medicines".
- If coronavirus becomes established, there will be a focus on essential services and helping those "most at risk to access the right treatment".
- During the mitigation phase, when the virus is much more widespread, "pressures on services and wider society may become significant and clearly noticeable".
- The Ministry of Defence will provide support as needed, including to essential services.
- There will be increased government communication with Parliament, the public and the media if the virus becomes more widespread.
- All government departments to have a lead person for coronavirus.
- If the virus takes hold, social distancing strategies could include school closures, encouraging greater home working, reducing the number of large scale gatherings and closing other educational settings.
- It is possible that an outbreak or pandemic of Covid-19 could come in multiple waves.
- Non-urgent operations and other procedures could be cancelled, and hospital discharges monitored to free-up beds, with appropriate care in people's homes.
- Hospital worker shifts could be altered and leavers or retirees called "back to duty".
- Measures exist to help businesses with short-term cash flow problems.
- There is a distribution strategy for sending out key medicines and equipment to NHS and social care.
- This strain of coronavirus is new and people have a lack of immunity to it, meaning "Covid-19 has the potential to spread extensively".
- Everyone is susceptible to catching the disease and thus it is "more likely than not that the UK will be significantly affected".
- There could be an "increase in deaths arising from the outbreak, particularly among vulnerable and elderly groups".
- While most people will suffer mild to moderate symptoms, similar to seasonal flu, some will need hospital care due to pneumonia developing.
- Young children can become infected and "suffer severe illness", but overall the illness is less common in the under-20s.

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Nama od danas zabranjen odlazak na konferencije i poslovna putovanja van EU, kao i u pogodjena podrucja unutar EU (ovo ukljucuje i par opstina u samoj Francuskoj). Nije bas jasno iz dopisa da li se to odnosi i na privatna putovanja.

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6 minutes ago, Kampokei said:

Nama od danas zabranjen odlazak na konferencije i poslovna putovanja van EU, kao i u pogodjena podrucja unutar EU (ovo ukljucuje i par opstina u samoj Francuskoj). Nije bas jasno iz dopisa da li se to odnosi i na privatna putovanja.

kod mene isto zabranjena poslovna putovanja u odredjene regija. a ako neko privatno putuje onda putovanje mora prijaviti firmi

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Iran i Koreja za danas do sad, po preko 800 novih zarazenih

Jos nema broja za Italiju

Kinezi ispod 130

Nemci se priblizavaju ukupnom broju od 200, kontam i Francuzi ce

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

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Ocigledno da ostatak sveta nije u stanju i ne zeli da se bori kao sto su Kinezi to uradili.

Malo je konkretnih mera i to uglavnim na lokalu, no one su besmislene ako nisu na drzavnom nivou, a tamo su tek silni oprecneni i kontradiktorni stavovi i ponasanja.

Zato kod nas nece valjda, sljaka i dalje, jer smo jos uvek bez zvanicnog slucaja (nisam cula danas nista).

I ne deluje mi ovo uopste optimisticno, na svet mislim, ovde boz' pomozi.

Svi smo u grcu, a svi kao kul, sta bude bice. Vazi.




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Svaki 13. parlamentarac u Iranu zaražen (ima ih 290), kao i šef hitne medicinske službe.


Deputy Speaker of the Iranian Parliament on Tuesday announced that so far 23 MPs have tested positive for coronavirus.

Abdolreza Mesri claimed that he high number of infected lawmakers is understandable due to “their close contact with people”




The head of Iran’s emergency medical services, Pirhossein Kolivand, has been infected with coronavirus, the ILNA news agency reported on Tuesday.


Edited by vememah
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