Posted January 22, 20205 yr Quote Public transportation such as bus, subway, ferry and long-distance bus in Wuhan will be temporarily closed since 10am Thursday. All flights and trains departed from #Wuhan will be temporarily cancelled to reduce risk of spread of the new virus, local govt says. 11 miliona stanovnika u karantinu zbog koronavirusa Za sad 17 mrtvih, 400+ obolelih. Zabeleženi slučajevi na Tajlandu, u Koreji, Meksiku i US, svi doputovali iz Wuhana. @banecare1 nadam se da nisi blizu
January 22, 20205 yr Neki britanski naucnici kazu da je broj obolelih znatno veci od zvanicnih objava. Mnoge zemlje uvele kontrole na aerodromima, kakve god da su to. Loncar kaze da se ne brinemo, sve je pod kontrolom. Majko moja!
January 23, 20205 yr u pekinskom metro su svi sa maskama i standardno bulje u telefone po ulicama cca 50/50 sa i bez maski. dan je suncan, vetar piri, vazduh je cist
January 23, 20205 yr 15 hours ago, Skyhighatrist said: 11 miliona stanovnika u karantinu zbog koronavirusa I još 7.
January 23, 20205 yr Brate koji Resident Evil fazon. Ladno stavili u karantin ceo grad od 7 miliona ljudi
January 23, 20205 yr Imaju oni to običaj. Pre nekih 10ak godina su odsekli čitav region kad se pojavila bubonska kuga. Opet, problem koji postoji je sa informacijama, i postoje jake indicije da se gomila stvari ne govori, obzirom da se radi o Kinezima koji su mutni ko mutno Dunavo, i da srazmer obolelih/umrlih ne ide u prilog ovolikom cirkusu. Opet, i oni nose breme zataškavanja iz vremena SARSa kad su se pravili ludi i umalo napravili katastrofu globalnih razmera, tako da negde i preterivanje ima svoje rezone.
January 23, 20205 yr ‘This time I’m scared’: SARS virologist warns Wuhan virus far worse, as China locks down second city THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The virus that has infected hundreds in China shows signs of being far worse than SARS, the pandemic that killed nearly 800 people 17 years ago, a prominent virologist has warned after travelling to Wuhan, where the new coronavirus first began to spread. Yi Guan, who played an important role in tracing the development of SARS, spoke hours before authorities prepared to place a second Chinese city on lockdown, as local officials employ increasingly harsh measures in hopes of controlling the spread of the deadly Wuhan virus. Beginning at midnight Thursday, all public transport will halt in Huanggang and checks mandated for every person entering or exiting the city of 7.5 million, 70 kilometres east of Wuhan. All theatres, cafes and entertainment venues will be closed as well. Authorities said they would also close rail stations in nearby Ezhou, a city of one million. “Conservative estimates suggest that the scale of infection may eventually be 10 times higher than SARS,” said Dr. Guan, director of the State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases at the University of Hong Kong, told China’s Caixin media group on Thursday. Dr. Guan spent two days in Wuhan this week. The World Health Organization said it would deliberate again on Thursday whether it should declare a global emergency around the 2019-nCoV virus, which causes pneumonia-like symptoms and is believed to have originated at a market that sold wild game. Dr. Guan left, however, left Wuhan convinced that “the epidemic situation was out of control.” Most viral outbreaks ”are controllable,” he said. He pointed to SARS, H5N1 and swine fever. “I’ve experienced so much and I've never felt scared before,” he said. “But this time I'm scared.” By Thursday evening, Chinese authorities had identified 615 confirmed cases, 395 suspected cases and 17 deaths in 30 provinces and regions, including Hong Kong and Macau. Further cases have been confirmed in Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, Japan and the U.S. The comments from Dr. Guan mark the strongest warning to emerge from a professional who has travelled to Wuhan, a city of 11 million that on Thursday entered a partial lockdown. At 10 a.m., authorities shut down the city’s public transit and barred the boarding of outbound trains and planes. Authorities ordered anyone in public to wear a mask, and urged people not to use other means to leave the city. Local officials described taking “war-time measures,” state media reported. But those draconian measures may have come too late, Dr. Guan said, pointing to the great numbers of people who had already left Wuhan to return to childhood homes across China before the lockdown was imposed. “When these people returned to their hometowns, they took the virus to all parts of the country,” he said. In Wuhan, doctors told Caixin that the number of people infected could reach as high as 6,000. Using computer modelling, researchers at Imperial College London now estimate as many as 4,000 cases could exist in Wuhan alone. Given the incubation period of the virus, Dr. Guan estimated that pneumonia-like symptoms may begin to appear more broadly across China beginning Jan. 25. It called into question whether the nation-wide public rush to wear masks — few faces remained uncovered at airports and train stations across the country Thursday — had also come too late. At the Beijing West Train Station, a porter on Thursday told passersby that bullet trains passing through Wuhan were being disinfected several times a day. Chinese social media called attention to accounts this week from people encountering frontline workers at state-owned firms who had been told not to wear masks, lest it add to the sense of seriousness. By Thursday, those staff were wearing masks. Foreign experts have said early indications suggest the virus is not as deadly as early coronavirus pandemics, such as SARS and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The Wuhan virus has so far proven deadly only for older people. Among those who have died to date, the youngest is 48 years old. The major organs of Chinese state media, however, gave little coverage to the spread of the virus, devoting greater attention to smiling pictures of president Xi Jinping issuing greetings for the Lunar New Year. It stood in stark contrast to the uncertainty and fear that coursed through Wuhan, where people raced to leave the city early Thursday morning, worried that authorities had declared an open-ended moratorium on trips out of the city. “The biggest concern to me is how long this sealing-off will last,” said Li Mei, who operates a popular shop selling flat cakes in Wuhan. “We only know it started at 10 a.m. today, and the buses have stopped.” At the city’s Wanfangtang Drug Store, a shopkeeper who gave her name only as Ms. Liu described six days of working 8 am to midnight, in an attempt to serve a never-ending queue of customers buying masks, alcohol disinfectant and anti-viral medication. She was so tired, “I almost passed out,” she said. The shop had run out of many products, and “even more people rushed to our store since the lockdown was announced this morning.” “It’s obvious,” she added, “that people are feeling a greater and greater sense of panic. But it remains under control — at least they are lining up to make purchases.” Her store, she said, “is probably the busiest place on the street,” as public spaces in Wuhan emptied of people. “You can barely see anyone wandering outside,” said Duan Jie, a manager at the Wuhan branch of an LED lighting company. Many aspects of life remained normal: “We can still go out to shop, and go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables to prepare for the blackout period,” he said. But he worried about the sufficiency of the city’s food supplies if the lockdown remains in place for long. Car owners like him have more options, since only public transit has been halted. Dr. Guan, however, warned that too little was being done in Wuhan, telling Caixin that too few places were being disinfected. Based on what he saw on Tuesday and Wednesday, “local health protection has not been upgraded at all.” He disinfected his clothes, shoes and luggage the moment he got off the plane leaving Wuhan. Mr. Duan had nonetheless cancelled plans to drive with his wife and daughter to his hometown for Lunar New Year celebrations, known in China as Spring Festival. They planned to stay home instead. But he and others barely grumbled. "We should look at the whole picture, rather than just focus on our own lives,” said Ms. Li, the flat cake shop owner. “And isolating Wuhan doesn’t make it any easier for people here to get infected. We can take counter-measures, be careful and stay — and it will help prevent the virus from breaking out in other parts of China.” Spring Festival without extended family might be lonely. But “I care more about the situation with this disease, and how to make sure my families all safely get through it,” Mr. Duan said. “Not leaving Wuhan won’t kill you. But the virus could.”
January 24, 20205 yr Fifteen cases of the coronavirus have been officially reported among medical staff in the city, but doctors say the true number is far higher One says that ‘even now we don’t have enough protective gear’ but hospital workers have ‘no option’ but to carry on ... The outbreak was first reported on December 31, less than four weeks ago, and identified as a previously unidentified pathogen on January 7. During most of that period, medical staff were treating patients in Wuhan hospitals without confirmation of human-to-human transmission. One patient – a suspected super-spreader, or highly virulent carrier of the disease – is thought to have infected 14 staff in one hospital alone, Yuen Kwok-yung, a doctor and infectious diseases specialist at Hong Kong University, said at a press conference. ... A Wuhan doctor said at least one dormitory building at a hospital in the city was being used to house quarantined medical workers. ... “Many were not initially informed about the potential for people-to-person transmission and even now we don’t have enough protective gear, test kits and other supplies. “We are worried about infected colleagues, but for the rest of us there is no other option but to carry on.” ... Another doctor, who helped treat Sars patients in Wuhan 17 years ago, said many of his former colleagues and classmates in medical school had fallen ill. “You can find infected medical practitioners in almost all major hospitals in Wuhan. The number is certainly far higher than 15,” said the doctor, who also declined to be named. The doctor is still in Wuhan but no longer practises medicine. ... The Wuhan doctors said that the city’s hospital system was overwhelmed and that there was a shortage of medical practitioners and protective kits for them. ... People’s Daily reported on Thursday night that Sichuan province is sending 130 medical staff to Wuhan to help cope with the outbreak. China’s leading Sars expert, Zhong Nanshan, told a press conference earlier this week that there were at least 15 cases of sickened medical staff in Wuhan. He said 14 of them were thought to have been infected by a single patient in the neurology department. One of the doctors in Wuhan said putting infected people in hospital with other patients was a major cause of the cross-infections that also reached medical staff. “The patients infected with the coronavirus were scattered across so many hospitals and they were not isolated at the time. Many medical practitioners became sick because of that,” one of the doctors said. He added that 17 years after Sars, there had been no major improvement in the front-line response to such outbreaks. ... Separately, a 29-year-old Wuhan resident, who only gave his surname as Wang, said doctors had been reluctant to confirm his grandmother’s infection for a week, even though a CAT scan showed she had the pneumonia-like symptoms of the virus. She was placed in a regular ward in Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, together with patients suffering different ailments, he said. She was diagnosed with the coronavirus on Thursday morning. “Isolation did not begin for her until [then],” Wang said. Before then, “visitors had been allowed in and out of her wards with other patients as they pleased,” Wang said. “They even ran a second CAT on her and considered discharging her because there weren’t enough beds,” he added. Wang said he did not understand why doctors had not used a fast test kit for the virus that was made available a few days earlier. “For days, we felt that the doctors were dragging their feet on a diagnosis. All they would say was she had suspected symptoms of the coronavirus after running blood work, but refused to give a confirmed diagnosis,” he said. “Shouldn’t a quick test kit give quick results?”
January 24, 20205 yr Izvukoh se na vreme iz Šangaja Ovaj masovni karantin deluje kao baš ozbiljna stvar. Sad samo treba dokučiti da li je to zbog prethodnih kritika koje su pretrpeli pa sad na keca potežu najdrastičnije mere da pokažu da su nešto naučili, ili ovog puta stvarno imaju nekog hiper-ubicu koji zahteva vanredno stanje i prateće metode borbe. Jedno je sigurno: količina laži, poluistina i spinova na društvenim mrežama i u masmedijima je spektakularna. Treba se odlučiti koja verzija više prija uhu: ona u kojoj se sve ovo desilo jer tamo žive monstrumi koji svakog dana pojedu po jednog šišmiša i jednu koalu, ili ona u kojoj u Vuhanu imaju Umbrella Corp. iz koje im je pobegao zombi-virus kojeg su sami napravili, ili ona u kojoj je sve ovo zavera sa ciljem da se pošalje vojska u Hong Kong, ili ona u kojoj se ništa od ovoga ne bi dogodilo da na vlasti nisu zli komunisti koji doziraju informacije. Šta god da izabereš, podrazumeva se da je tamo sve go raspad, da nemaju ni zaštitna odela ni lekare ni antibiotike ni bilo šta, da ljudi masovno padaju mrtvi po ulicama i da se sve to vešto krije uz pomoć državne propagande. Ovaj globalni sistem lažnog informisanja će dovesti do toga da kada jednog dana bude izbila neka stvarno ozbiljna globalna kriza, epidemija ili rat, više ljudi će postradati i izginuti zbog nekih budalaština koje su pročitali na tviteru nego direktno usled borbi, zaraza ili prirodnih katastrofa.
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