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Brain type - koji ste mozak

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Edited by Amos

1 hour ago, Filozof manijak said:




To ti je normalan muskarac :D 

Nista extremno





a onaj prvi ...




Edited by cedo

Tip 1.




Nekad sam radila onaj 16 personalities test, tamo sam INFJ. Taj mi je test zanimljiviji :).


Ovaj prvi rekao bih prilicno pogodio. Zanimljiv je savet, lista bukvalno sve sto ne radim, ili bolje reci ne lista sve lose stimulanse koje koristim :wicked: 



The best strategy to balance Brain Type 2 is to boost dopamine levels to strengthen the PFC. Higher protein, lower carbohydrate diets tend to help, as do physical exercise and certain stimulating supplements, such as green tea, rhodiola, and ginseng. Any supplement or medicine that calms the brain may make this type worse.




A ovaj drugi:


Your Empathy score (EQ): 18

Your Systemizing score (SQ): 11

Your brain type classification: Type B


Ko da nisam znao da sam malo placljivo govno :dry:


@Klara da si i ti uradis oba testa!

Edited by Shan Jan

I onda da dobijem od tebe palac dole, to hoćeš. :P 

Na prvom testu sam tip 3, na drugom imam visok empathy i systemizing score, ali nisam zapamtila cifre niti tip. Na linku ima mnogo kul testova, ali da ne skrećem previše sa teme: https://openpsychometrics.org/


2 hours ago, Shan Jan said:


Your brain type classification: Type B


Ko da nisam znao da sam malo placljivo govno :dry:



 The E-S theory claims that individual differences in the drive to empathize relative to the drive to systemize result from differences in brain structure and connectivity. There are brains that are mainly hard-wired for empathizing and others mainly hard-wired for systemizing.
Specifically, 5 “brain types” are distinguished.

Type E individuals are driven to empathize more than to systemize (E > S).
Type S individuals are driven more to systemize than to empathize (S > E).
Type B individuals, also called the “balanced brain”, are equally driven to empathize and to systemize (E = S).
Extreme type E individuals empathize to an above average level whilst their drive to systematize is either average or even below average. They show high levels of inter-subjectivity but at the same time may show degrees of “system-blindness”. Extreme type S individuals systemize either at average or above average levels, are highly capable of analyzing and constructing systems, but their empathizing drive is below average, so are less capable to infer the mental states of others. They show degrees of “mind-blindness”
According to the theory, what influences brain organization into these “brain types” includes prenatal testosterone levels
Higher levels of prenatal testosterone were found to be correlated with a stronger drive to systemize and a lower drive to empathize
Levels of prenatal testosterone are on average, higher in the male fetus than in the female fetus, so these hormone levels may in part explain the typical sex differences observed in empathy and systemizing.




Results confirm that there is an interaction between sex, degree and the drive to empathize relative to systemize. Female students in the Humanities on average had a stronger drive to empathize than to systemize in comparison to males in the Humanities.
Male students in the Sciences on average had a stronger drive to systemize than to empathize in comparison to females in the Sciences.
Finally, students in the sciences on average had a stronger drive to systemize more than to empathize, irrespective of their sex. The reverse is true for students in the Humanities


Edited by Klara

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