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In typical Trump fashion, the decision about Venezuela happened quickly, at the last minute, and apparently without the normal process that would have accompanied such a significant move in any other Administration. On January 10th, Maduro was sworn in for a new term as President, even though the U.S., and much of the rest of the international community, had declared his reëlection, last year, as illegitimate. That seemed to be where the matter stood until January 15th, when Rubio, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee for the Western Hemisphere (and has used that perch to turn himself into what I’ve often heard referred to as the State Department desk officer for Latin America), took to the Senate floor. Citing the Venezuelan constitutional provision that calls for the head of the National Assembly to assume the Presidency in case of its vacancy, he demanded that the Trump Administration recognize Guaidó as the country’s interim leader. Rubio’s prodding, along with that of exile groups, sent the Administration “scrambling,” McClatchy News reported.


On Tuesday, Rubio and other Florida politicians attended a meeting with Trump and his national-security team, where, for an hour and fifteen minutes, they discussed the emerging plan to recognize Guaidó as Venezuela’s acting leader and weighed “contingencies” that might arise in one of the world’s major oil suppliers. There was no final decision at that point, Rubio told me on Wednesday, though he believed Trump was leaning toward action. Just a few hours later, Trump went ahead and did it, joined by a strong lineup of other countries, including many of Venezuela’s neighbors, as well as Canada and France. “The phrases ‘Trump administration’ and ‘coordinated diplomatic response’ have not typically appeared in the same sentence over the past two years,” Daniel Drezner, a professor of international politics at Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, noted in the Washington Post.


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^prilično očito da je u dobroj meri PR za Trampa i društvo.


npr. Mr. Trump requested a briefing on Venezuela in his second day in office, often speaking to his team about the suffering of Venezuelan people and the country’s immense potential to become a rich nation through its oil reserves, said Mr. Cutz, now with the Cohen Group, a Washington consulting firm.

Edited by Gandalf

7 hours ago, Gandalf said:

Gardijan je levičarsko glasilo, naravno da će tu biti ljudi koji tiho pate u londonskom paklu i zavide onima koji su privilegovani da žive u narodnim demokratijama.



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Dobro, sad, ima i onih sa druge strane koji nikako da ode da zive kod Sisija ili MBA.

Malo je atj argument, onako, bezveze,




Izuzetak od tog pravila je, naravno, Noskich.

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7 minutes ago, Budja said:

Dobro, sad, ima i onih sa druge strane koji nikako da ode da zive kod Sisija ili MBA.

Malo je atj argument, onako, bezveze,

Naravno, ali ovde ne pričamo o Egiptu ili KSA. I nije argument za bilo šta, već mišljenje o Gardijanu.


potpuno van teme...

ima tome 15-ak godina, TPančić je tako nešto napisao u kolumni u Vremenu. u pitanju je bila reakcija na članak koji je o Staljinu napisao Milne, a koji se svodio na to kako Koba u stvari i nije bio toliko loš. pa je Pančićev komentar bio kako je Gardijan verovatno najbolja dnevna novina na svetu, ali im se još uvek tu i tamo provuče nekakav levi manijak.


pa se stvari i nisu mnogo promenile s te strane... Gardijan je još uvek najbolji dnevnik. (Ekonomist najbolji nedeljnik)

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P.S. nije mi bila namera da spočitavam bilo kome na forumu, ako je tako shvaćeno. a jeste mi palo na pamet da pominjanjem SKoreje rizikujem pravednički gnev druga Noskića.

Neokonsi se vracaju. Trampara ne zna gde udara.





Elliott Abrams, a controversial neoconservative figure who was entangled in the Iran-Contra affair, has been named as a Trump administration special envoy overseeing policy toward Venezuela, which has been rocked by a leadership crisis.



We're indestructible! They will not be able to snatch away the joy of living, enjoying, fighting and working.

(auto translate)

Nije mi jasno otkud u srednjeputaskom Gardijanu tolika fascinacija Cavezom.


Ovo je redakcijski komentar.




Nicolás Maduro was re-elected Venezuela’s president last May by fraudulent means, as regional governments and independent observers noted at the time, and his leadership lacks legitimate authority. Maduro, in office if not in power since 2013, has proved himself an incompetent and unimpressive successor to the late socialist president, Hugo Chávez, on whose name and reputation he shamelessly trades.



Valjda otud što je Čavez fakat bio neka vrsta brenda koja se prilično dobro primila i van zemlje, ne ulazeći u njegov demokratski kapacitet. Ostavio je svojim pristalicama i neku ideologiju u amanet, koja se zove po njemu. Ova sadašnja dileja od samog početka deluje kao da neće umeti ni da se šlepuje na tome a kamoli da ga podigne na neki viši nivo. Doduše nisam očekivao ni da će baš ovoliko da produbi kanal, treba i to znati.

9 hours ago, Redoran said:

Valjda otud što je Čavez fakat bio neka vrsta brenda koja se prilično dobro primila i van zemlje, ne ulazeći u njegov demokratski kapacitet. Ostavio je svojim pristalicama i neku ideologiju u amanet, koja se zove po njemu. Ova sadašnja dileja od samog početka deluje kao da neće umeti ni da se šlepuje na tome a kamoli da ga podigne na neki viši nivo. Doduše nisam očekivao ni da će baš ovoliko da produbi kanal, treba i to znati.



Maduro je izabran 2013. Sta se desilo 2014 Ah, da, cena nafte je sa 108 dolara pala na 57 dolara.

Maduro je samo produzio  isti Cavesovski model besomucnog trosenja renti od nafte, samo sto je renti, je l da, ponestalo, uz pad proizvodnje nafte koje je, takodje, poceo u vreme Cavesa.


Edited by Budja

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Čavez je na predsedničkim izborima 2012-e dobio 56% glasova, Maduro je 2013-e za dlaku preskočio 50%. Maduro nema Čavezovu harizmu? ali bi i Čavez pukao da je poživeo, ekonomija bi se svakako raspala.


oglasili se lenjinoidi:

The far-right governments of Trump and Bolsonaro offer no hope to Venezuela or to the majority of people in Latin America (US puts ‘full weight’ behind regime change in Venezuela, 24 January). Whatever views people hold on Venezuela, there is no justification for backing the US attempt at regime change under way, which, if successful, could go the way of the disastrous interventions in Iraq and Libya. Instead, the way forward is the call for dialogue from the Mexican and Bolivian presidents.
John McDonnell MP, Diane Abbott MP, Richard Burgon MP, Dan Carden MP, Laura Pidcock MP...



1 hour ago, Gandalf said:

Čavez je na predsedničkim izborima 2012-e dobio 56% glasova, Maduro je 2013-e za dlaku preskočio 50%. Maduro nema Čavezovu harizmu? ali bi i Čavez pukao da je poživeo, ekonomija bi se svakako raspala.


oglasili se lenjinoidi:

The far-right governments of Trump and Bolsonaro offer no hope to Venezuela or to the majority of people in Latin America (US puts ‘full weight’ behind regime change in Venezuela, 24 January). Whatever views people hold on Venezuela, there is no justification for backing the US attempt at regime change under way, which, if successful, could go the way of the disastrous interventions in Iraq and Libya. Instead, the way forward is the call for dialogue from the Mexican and Bolivian presidents.
John McDonnell MP, Diane Abbott MP, Richard Burgon MP, Dan Carden MP, Laura Pidcock MP...



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Dobar je ovaj Benara, voli da se gadja atributima kao da je neki Staljinista ili Trockista.

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18 minutes ago, Budja said:

voli da se gadja atributima kao da je neki Staljinista ili Trockista.

citira Gejpsa. ja lično preferiram lenjinoidi, da se ne opterećujemo previše time koji su tačno sektaši u pitanju.

Edited by Gandalf


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