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Gvajana zapravo ni nema mornaricu, pa osim ako im je Exxon ne kupi u međuvremenu, mudar pristup Venecueljana :fantom:


Sjetih se nevezano da je Jonestown zapravo bio u Essequibou :ph34r:

27 minutes ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Gvajana zapravo ni nema mornaricu, pa osim ako im je Exxon ne kupi u međuvremenu, mudar pristup Venecueljana :fantom:


Sjetih se nevezano da je Jonestown zapravo bio u Essequibou :ph34r:


mislis Dzordztown. I reka se tako zove/zvala

US announces military air exercises in Guyana joint operation amid Venezuela tensions: envoy





  • 3 weeks later...

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday ordered more than 5,600 military personnel to participate in a “defensive” exercise, in response to Britain sending a warship to waters off Guyana. (...)
Maduro said he was launching “a joint action of a defensive nature in response to the provocation and threat of the United Kingdom against peace and the sovereignty of our country.”
Britain said Sunday it would divert the patrol vessel HMS Trent to Guyana, a former British colony, amid the South American country’s simmering territorial dispute with neighboring Venezuela over the oil-rich Essequibo region.
A Guyana foreign ministry source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the ship was due to arrive Friday and would be in its territory for “less than a week” for open sea defense exercises. The ship will not dock in Georgetown.


  • 6 months later...

Danas cela Juzna Amerika ima oci uprte u Venecuelu.



Maduro vs Edmungo Gonzales, tj. Maria Corina Machado.

Da li ce Maduro da pokrade izbore i kako?

Za koga navijamo ? 

vidim da elon urging support for María Corina Machado, pa kontam kontra , ali ... ? 

Kito popodne, para hiljad Venecuelanacaa u setnji.


Ocekivanja da padne Maduro su velika.



Edited by Budja

I u Gvajakli takodje.


Tako je u celoj Juznoj Americi, gde u svakoj zemlji ima bar par stotina hiljada migranata.




  • Author


Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner in Venezuela’s presidential election Sunday, even as his opponents were preparing to dispute the results, setting up a high-stakes showdown that will determine whether the South American nation transitions away from one party rule.

Edited by Gandalf

8 minutes ago, Gandalf said:


Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner in Venezuela’s presidential election Sunday, even as his opponents were preparing to dispute the results, setting up a high-stakes showdown that will determine whether the South American nation transitions away from one party rule.


Svi Madurovi zvanicnici hladni ko spricer, ne detektuje se nervoza.


Ovi rezultati, naravno, nemaju veze sa mozgom.


Videcemo sta ce sutra opozicija da uradi u sklopu ove ocekivane najave.

Kada ekstremi vode zemlju (u ovom slucaju ekstremna ljevica). Izborna komisija je rekla da je 8 partija dobilo ukupno 4.6% à tv je to ovako prevela. Maduro, SNS, LFI, même combat.




Edited by borris_

12 minutes ago, borris_ said:

Kada ekstremi vode zemlju (u ovom slucaju ekstremna ljevica). Izborna komisija je rekla da je 8 partija dobilo ukupno 4.6% à tv je to ovako prevela. Maduro, SNS, LFI, même combat.


zvanični rezultati su inače u zbiru 109%  

tj u ovom screenshotu i dosta više od toga. 

Edited by barrcode

Cestitke stizu iz Rusije, Belorusije, Katara, Kube, Nikaragve...naravno spanski premijer se pravi mrtav, ali podrska dolazi iz redova UI, Sumar, Podemos. 

51.2 + 44.2 + 4.6 = 100


U skrinšotu časte sabranu sitnuriju.

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