Posted January 10, 20196 yr Major streets and highways of Caracas have been decorated with banners declaring #YoSoyPresidente (#IAmPresident) 10E (10th of January) effectively expressing both Nicolás Maduro’s intentions to be sworn in for a second presidential term, despite broad rejection of the May 20, 2018 presidential elections in Venezuela and abroad, as well as the government’s clear concerns about his legitimacy being questioned.
January 24, 20196 yr 5. oktobar je definitivno dosao. Radnici iz "Kolubare" (istocni Karakas), Pozarevac (provincija u kojoj je rodjen Caves...) itd. Na licima rezimskih analiticara na TeleSur se vidi strah. Da li ce biti zrtava? Pojma nemam. Ovo ce trajati dan (bez zrtava) ili tri dana uz nasumicni haos, Sekuritatea style. Sto krace, to bolje za samu Venecuelu i ceo svet. Truo rezim je gotov, sam sebi je iskopao jamu, a Trampara ce svakako sebi pripisati zasluge.
January 24, 20196 yr 3 hours ago, Budja said: Trampara ce svakako sebi pripisati zasluge. Jel to demokratijatm opet stize tamo gde slucajnotm mirise nafta? Ili, sa ili bez Trampa, business as usual…
January 24, 20196 yr 4 hours ago, namenski said: Jel to demokratijatm opet stize tamo gde slucajnotm mirise nafta? Ili, sa ili bez Trampa, business as usual… Stize konacno, samo se predugo cekalo. Prvog diktatora i zlikovca je zasluzeno izjeo kancer, a drugom ce zasluzeno presuditi metak.
January 24, 20196 yr Najjaci su ipak Facebook i Instagram koji su bre-bolje sklonili potpis Madura kao "predsednika Republike". Jadnost nivo DJV.
January 24, 20196 yr Author 4 hours ago, Nikola77 said: Prvog diktatora i zlikovca je zasluzeno izjeo kancer, a drugom ce zasluzeno presuditi metak. Čavez nije bio diktator, manje-više regularno je dobijao izbore. Maduro je postao diktator kada je izgubio parlamentarne izbore i izvršio državni udar stvaranjem paralelnog parlamenta. edit: Hang 'im high. Edited January 24, 20196 yr by Gandalf
January 24, 20196 yr Ne ide Maduro nigde dok ga vojska ne pusti niz vodu. Ako ga vojska bude branila neće daleko stići ovi iz Kolubare i Požarevca. Stavljam 10 evra da će vojska da ga pusti niz vodu u zamenu za očuvanje beneficija, povlastica i masnih oficirskih dilova, ali posle toga mu ostaje još nacionalna garda a mislim da je nedavno stvorio i neku treću naoružanu formaciju, čisto partijsku. U Venecueli jednostavno ima previše naoružanih ljudi i ne bih na keca potpisao da će to sve da prođe lagano kao Peti oktobar ovde.
January 24, 20196 yr 4 hours ago, Nikola77 said: Prvog diktatora i zlikovca je zasluzeno izjeo kancer... Stigle ga tvoje forumske kletve, ili onako iz cista mira? Mislim, pitam da znamo mozemo li na zasluzenitm rak da racunamo i na drugim meridijanima, stedi se trud oko protesta, demonstracija, obaranja diktatora, taj rad... Quote ...a drugom ce zasluzeno presuditi metak. A ovo u pravednom gnevu malo ekstremizujes stvar, prelazis na vise nivoe borbe protiv zlih diktatora diljem Planete?
January 24, 20196 yr 1 hour ago, Gandalf said: Čavez nije bio diktator, manje-više regularno je dobijao izbore. Maduro je postao diktator kada je izgubio parlamentarne izbore i izvršio državni udar stvaranjem paralelnog parlamenta. +1
January 24, 20196 yr 1 hour ago, Redoran said: Ne ide Maduro nigde dok ga vojska ne pusti niz vodu. Ako ga vojska bude branila neće daleko stići ovi iz Kolubare i Požarevca. Stavljam 10 evra da će vojska da ga pusti niz vodu u zamenu za očuvanje beneficija, povlastica i masnih oficirskih dilova, ali posle toga mu ostaje još nacionalna garda a mislim da je nedavno stvorio i neku treću naoružanu formaciju, čisto partijsku. U Venecueli jednostavno ima previše naoružanih ljudi i ne bih na keca potpisao da će to sve da prođe lagano kao Peti oktobar ovde. Naravno. No, gledajuci CNN i snimke, deluje kao da je Legija™ resio da predje na drugu stranu, i da se sada dogovaraju detalji. Ovaj Guado je vec obecao amnestiju, a Madurovi su u u strahu. Sto se tice naoruzanih ljudi, ne mogu oni da preokrenu stvar, mogu da stvore malo dodatnog haosa i vise mrtvih ljudi. Maduro u ovom trenutku nema vise od 20% podrske a ako Ameri zavrnu slavinu za naftu i blokiraju sve racune okolo, ne verujem da ce Rusi, Sultan, Kina i Iran odresiti kesu. Edited January 24, 20196 yr by Budja
January 24, 20196 yr Zabavno je kako se narice na Vucica, a Cavez demokrata. Kao da je Madura pao s neba: Quote For nearly 14 years, Hugo Chavez labored with tireless energy, undeniable charisma, and ruthless design to destroy the opposition, silence critics, and intimidate skeptics, all while leaving the Potemkin façade of a "democracy". These conditions have made Venezuelan elections under Chavez utterly unfair. Judges who ruled against Chavez were imprisoned. Those that remain openly declared their fealty to him. The previous opposition presidential candidate is in exile. Businessmen who supported opposition candidates were investigated and expropriated. Labor leaders who opposed the government were imprisoned. Opposition radio and TV stations were shut down, denied permits, and fined. Those that survived engaged in self-censorship. Since Chavez's death, the only remaining independent television channel was purchased by partisans of the Chavez party and is unlikely to maintain editorial independence beyond April. The electoral council is demonstrably biased in favor of the government. And every so often, elections have been held in which the opposition wins enough seats in parliament, governorships, mayor's offices, and a high enough percentage of the presidential vote for superficial observers to declare, "Well, we may not like it, but this is the people's will."
January 24, 20196 yr Author 13 minutes ago, Anduril said: Zabavno je kako se narice na Vucica, a Cavez demokrata. Kao da je Madura pao s neba: The end of the Cold War posed a fundamental challenge to authoritarianism. Single-party and military dictatorships collapsed throughout post-communist Eurasia, Africa, and much of Asia and Latin America during the late 1980s and early 1990s. At the same time, the formal architecture of democracy—particularly multiparty elections— diffused widely across the globe. In much of Africa and the former Soviet Union, and in parts of Central Europe, East Asia, and the Americas, new regimes combined electoral competition with varying degrees of autocracy. Unlike the single-party or military autocracies that predominated during the Cold War era, regimes in Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Taiwan, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and elsewhere were competitive, in that opposition forces used democratic institutions to contest vigorously—and at times successfully—for power. Nevertheless, these regimes were not democratic. Government critics suffered harassment, arrest, and in some cases, violent attacks, and electoral fraud, unfair media access, and abuse of state resources skewed the playing field heavily in favor of incumbents. In other words, competition was real, but unfair. We call such regimes competitive authoritarian. Edited January 24, 20196 yr by Gandalf
January 24, 20196 yr Pa sta si onda mislio pod "regularno dobijao izbore"? Izbornu autokratiju? Svaka cast Cavezu sto je smanjio siromastvo ali daleko je to bilo od regularnih izbora. Plus, licno je birao ovog vozaca autobusa koji je uspeo da bankrotira jednu od najbogatijih drzava na planeti. Edited January 24, 20196 yr by Anduril
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