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Pod sjajem zvezda letnjih noci beogradskih...

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Hteo sam na centar istoka, sad bih uzeo bilo sta.

Centar istoka nije ni prodavan

Smanjio se nesto stadion. :D Kupicu sezonsku dogodine, uce Miloe opet. :happy:

navodno online ima jos karata... 





Ima mesta na terenu



 Него, је л’ спомињао неко да је УЕФА МАФИЈА повећала кинту која се добија за улазак у групну фазу, па и редом свих осталих бонуса:


Under new tournament rules, in the fixed amounts pool Liverpool have earned 15.25m euros (£13.64m) by reaching the group stages. This figure was 12.7m euros last season.

Liverpool will also benefit from their share of a new financial initiative, with UEFA setting aside 585m euros for their coefficient ranking, which will give each of the 32 teams in the Champions League group stage a 'coefficient share' based on their performance in Europe during the past 10 years.

Liverpool are ranked 12th, which will earn them 23.3m euros (£20.75m) – taking their guaranteed income to £34.39m.

The new initiative primarily takes the place of the market pool, which has seen its prize fund reduced from 507m euros to 292m euros.

There are also increases in the amounts handed out for each group stage win – 2.7m euros (£2.42m) – and a group stage draw – 900,000 euros (£805,000) – along with various increases depending on the stage a team reaches, all the way through to winning the competition.

Elimination in the round of 16 is worth 9.5m euros, quarter-finals 10.5m euros and the semi-finals 12m euros. The runners-up up will earn 15m euros with the winners taking home 19m euros.t


Eво, нашао сам и да смо 152. у последњих десет година. Биће нека додатна кинта уз ових 15.25 милиона евра и од тога, из овог ”пота” од пола милијарде евра:


Edited by Прслин



a mora jos 5-10 miliona od tih 585... :)

Сад сам сигуран да ми није жао што нећу ићи на стадион. 

Znači, Tvorzić uzeo još 5 miliona evara na karte...

Jebes mi mater ako 30 tisuca karata nije otislo prijateljima kluba™.

To ćeš znati na osnovu toga koliko karata bude bilo u opticaju u preprodaji


pouzdani mijovic je ocigledno dosta karata pustio tapkarosima... 

Ne bih ga ja potcenjivao...:fantom:


РезÑлÑÐ°Ñ Ñлика за igor mijoviÄ zvezda

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