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Ivo Petović

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The Australian Open will start on 8 February 2021 – after being delayed three weeks because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The event was originally scheduled to run from January 18-31. This is a good sign for the Australian Grand Prix. However, it remains to be seen if F1 will agree (or be able to agree) to a period of 14 day quarantine for the whole of the F1 circus.


The Open is going ahead because the players will arrive by January 15 and will stay in quarantine until the event. It is highly doubtful that the same will happen with F1 and the numbers of people involved will mean that such arrangements are not practical.


Sources within F1 say that it is unlikely that the commercial rights holder will agree to this and if the Australian government refuses to compromise, the race may not happen.


Whatever the case, a decision is needed quickly in order for the necessary construction work to begin. The amount of construction depends to some extent on how many spectators will be allowed to attend. And that is also important for the funding of the Albert Park event, as the politicians cannot easily agree to making a big loss, having lost a pile of public money in March his year when the event was cancelled at the last minute.


The costs of 14 days on quarantine need also to be considered as this would be equivalent to two or three Grands Prix.




Dal je moguce da nece da vakcinisu ceo padok do marta?


FIA develops "100% sustainable" biofuel for Formula 1

Global motorsport body aims for its premiere series to be carbon-neutral by 2030


Samples of a new sustainable fuel developed by the FIA have been delivered to Formula 1 engine manufacturers for testing, in line with the sport's goal to be carbon-neutral by 2030. 

The FIA, as motorsport's global governing body, has agreed a strategy for F1 to become carbon-neutral from 2021 as part of a wider effort to "reduce the environment impact of motorsport and mobility by setting clear goals to accelerate this progress". 

To that end, the organisation has commissioned the development of a biofuel claimed to be "100% sustainable" and to conform with F1's stringent regulations.

The first barrels have now been delivered to Ferrari, Honda, Mercedes-AMG and Renault, which supply the V6 hybrid powertrains to F1's 10 teams. 

No details have been given on the substance's make-up, but the FIA claims that it's "exclusively refined using biowaste", unlike the high-octane petrol currently used by F1 cars. 

It's planned that successful trials of the new fuel will prompt F1 suppliers to develop similar substances, with an ultimate end goal of the series using 100% sustainable fuels by 2026.

As of the start of the next F1 season, all teams must use fuel that is 10% biofuel, plus it will be permitted in other series, including the European Truck Racing Championship. 

FIA president Jean Todt said: "[The] FIA takes its responsibility in leading motorsport and mobility into a low-carbon future to reduce the environmental impacts of our activities and contribute to a greener planet. 

"I’m glad that our Members Clubs approve our environmental strategy that's part of the Purpose Driven initiative focused on the societal contribution of our two pillars. 

"By developing sustainable fuel made from biowaste that can power F1, we're taking a new step forward. With the support of the world’s leading energy companies, we can combine the best technological and environmental performance.”




Kao sto je i bilo najavljeno, Checo u Red Bullu. Sutra promocija



Red Bull Racing 2021 mit Verstappen und Sergio Pérez
Von Günther Wiesinger 17.12.2020 - 21:37

Jetzt ist auch das letzte Cockpit im Formel-1-Startfeld für 2021 besetzt. Red Bull Racing wird den Mexikaner Sergio Pérez neben Max Verstappen verpflichten.

Ein Cockpit im Formel-1-Fahrerfeld ist für die Saison 2021 noch unbesetzt – der zweite Platz neben Max Verstappen bei Red Bull Racing. Morgen wird der neue oder alte Teamkollege des Niederländers präsentiert. Zwei Fahrer standen zur Auswahl: Der Thai-Brite Alex Albon, zuletzt knapp hinter Lewis Hamilton Vierter beim WM-Finale in Abu Dhabi, sowie der Mexikaner Sergio Pérez, Sieger beim zweiten Sakhir-GP und WM-Vierter hinter Verstappen mit 135 Punkten. Albon hat die Saison als WM-Siebter beendet – mit 105 Zählern.


Nach Recherchen von SPEEDWEEK.com deutet alles darauf hin, dass am 18. Dezember Sergio Pérez (er wird am 26. Dezember 31 Jahre alt) als neuer Red Bull Racing-Pilot vorgestellt wird. Aber die Red Bull-Verantwortlichen haben sich die Entscheidung nicht leicht gemacht.


Denn der 24-jährige Albon hat zwar 2020 die erhoffte Konstanz vermissen lassen, aber zwischendurch immer wieder beachtlichen Speed demonstriert. Wie alle verdienstvollen Junioren lässt ihn Red Bull auch nicht fallen. Albon wird als Ersatzfahrer Teammitglied bleiben und sich um die wichtigen Abstimmungsarbeiten mit dem Formel-1-Simulator kümmern. Eine spätere Rückkehr als Stammfahrer ist nicht ausgeschlossen.


 - Mehr bei SPEEDWEEK.COM: https://www.speedweek.com/formel1/news/169528/Red-Bull-Racing-2021-mit-Verstappen-und-Sergio-Perez.html


  • +1 2
Posted (edited)

Očekivanje je da će sutra biti objavljeno i produženje ugovora Hamiltona sa Mercedesom čime je i zvanično kompletiran grid za 2021.

Inače evo nekih crtica iz dokumentarca o Maxu koji sutra treba da bude emitovan u Holandiji, Helmut Marko u glavnoj ulozi:


Edited by ducca
Posted (edited)

Chemicals company INEOS has become a one-third shareholder in the Mercedes Formula 1 squad as part of a new deal that commits Toto Wolff to remaining as team principal.

On Friday it was confirmed that ownership of the team would now be split three ways, with equal parts taken by Mercedes, INEOS and Wolff.


The deal means that Mercedes has diluted its previous 60% ownership of the team, while Wolff has increased his share up from 30%.

Glavna delatnost im je petrohemija, stižu nova pravila o gorivu... Logičan brak 

Edited by alpiner
32 minutes ago, renne said:

Toto produžio kontrakt

...i mogući kraj za fabričku ekipu. Ostalo im je samo 30% posle ove kupovine INEOS-a. Ne izgleda dobro...


Fascinantan podatak o top 10 najbržih pit stopova u 2020:



Mazepin ostaje u Haasu uprkos skandalu. Biće krljanja na začelju dakle.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sir Lewis Hamilton i Mercedes AMG Ineos Toto Wolff F1 tim su ozbiljno zapeli u pregovorima. Problem je novac i dužina ugovora, Luis hoće 4-godišnji ugovor za 50m po sezoni dok je Mercedes u fazonu 2+1 i 40m po sezoni + 10% bonus za titulu. Pominje se na auto-moto portalima da je i nezamislivo u igri - da Mercedes na kraju povuče Russella u tim i ostavi Luisa bez sedišta (što se verujem ipak neće desiti).


To otprilike znaci da Liberti nije uspeo da dovoljno zainteresuje publiku u SAD (narocito zapadnu obalu) da kompenzuje stetu nacinjenu gubitkom u Australiji (narocito na istocnoj obali). Meni 8 ili 9 ujutro nije neka bitna razlika, na zapadu je to 5 ili 6 ujutro sto opet nije bitna razlika jer ce samo krajnji fanatik da ustane tako rano, to je jos uvek prerano za "obicne smrtnike". Sa druge strane za Australce je razlika izmedju 11 uvece i ponoci dosta bitna ako zele da se naspavaju pred posao u ponedeljak ujutro.


Verovatno bi bolje resenje bilo vise trka u vremenskim zonama pogodnim za SAD publiku - na primer povratak u Argentinu za pocetak - nego generalno pomeranje starta sa standardnih 2h popodne u Evropi.

  • +1 1

Odlazi Cyril iz Renaulta/Alpine. Novi CEO Laurent Rossi. Da li će da se tetovira na kraju? :D

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