March 2, 20187 yr Niko ne spori da Rad nije jedan od osnovnih kvaliteta zivota. Nije pitanje da li raditi ili ne - pitanje je pod kojim uslovima, za koga, na koji nacin i sa kojim pravima. I pitanje je da li uz Rad imas prava, slobodu i da li se covek izborio i za ostale stvari neophodne u zivotu - odmor, uzivanje i dokolicu. Jednom kada se za to ljudi izbore i svet ce biti bolje mesto. Und vice versa
March 2, 20187 yr - Danas ćeš umesiti 1500 kifli !!! - A zašto ??? - Zato što neke osobe imaju pravo na pristojan život bez rada, dok tebi pucaju leđa oni će da jedu smijući se.
March 29, 20187 yr Ima mi jos da gulimo do toga. Inace, veoma dobra analiza: Labor 2030 Executive summary Demographics, automation and inequality have the potential to dramatically reshape our world in the 2020s and beyond. Our analysis shows that the collision of these forces could trigger economic disruption far greater than we have experienced over the past 60 years (see Figure 1). The aim of this report by Bain's Macro Trends Group is to detail how the impact of aging populations, the adoption of new automation technologies and rising inequality will likely combine to give rise to new business risks and opportunities. These gathering forces already pose challenges for businesses and investors. In the next decade, they will combine to create an economic climate of increasing extremes but may also trigger a decade-plus investment boom. In the US, a new wave of investment in automation could stimulate as much as $8 trillion in incremental investments and abruptly lift interest rates. By the end of the 2020s, automation may eliminate 20% to 25% of current jobs, hitting middle- to low-income workers the hardest. As investments peak and then decline—probably around the end of the 2020s to the start of the 2030s—anemic demand growth is likely to constrain economic expansion, and global interest rates may again test zero percent. Faced with market imbalances and growth-stifling levels of inequality, many societies may reset the government's role in the marketplace. Edited March 29, 20187 yr by Peter Fan
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