July 10, 20177 yr Author CNN došao do dogovora iz 2013. i 2014. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/10/politics/secret-documents-qatar-crisis-gulf-saudi/index.html Dokumenti i prevod na engleski: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2017/images/07/10/translation.of.agreementsupdated.pdf
July 13, 20177 yr Author Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova UAE okačilo video klip - best of AlJazeera support for terrorism. Klip se naravno, odnosi na arapsku verziju, engleska je mnogo umivenija.
July 16, 20177 yr Jel ovo sad znaci da je Katar "saveznik" i da ce izolacija da se ukida? Katar je oduvek bio US saveznik - najveca Air Force baza je u Kataru. Svi oni sede na dve stolice, problem za Katar je sto je ta druga stolica siitska.
July 17, 20177 yr Author Washington Post tvrdi da su američki obaveštajci utvrdili da je UAE hakovao katarsku državnu novinsku agenciju. The United Arab Emirates orchestrated the hacking of Qatari government news and social media sites in order to post incendiary false quotes attributed to Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad al-Thani, in late May that sparked the ongoing upheaval between Qatar and its neighbors, according to U.S. intelligence officials. Officials became aware last week that newly analyzed information gathered by U.S. intelligence agencies confirmed that on May 23, senior members of the UAE government discussed the plan and its implementation. The officials said it remains unclear whether the UAE carried out the hacks itself or contracted to have them done. The false reports said that the emir, among other things, had called Iran an “Islamic power” and praised Hamas. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/uae-hacked-qatari-government-sites-sparking-regional-upheaval-according-to-us-intelligence-officials/2017/07/16/00c46e54-698f-11e7-8eb5-cbccc2e7bfbf_story.html
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