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Premier League 2017-18


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Elem, Özil stigao do 50.asistencije u ligi prije bilo kojeg drugog igrača, skinuo Cantonu sa prvog mjesta.

Jel se dobija trofej za to? :fantom:

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18 minutes ago, John Coltrane said:

Jel se dobija trofej za to? :fantom:




Jok, samo konstatacija. :fantom: Kao i Čechov 200. CS u PL-u što se čeka još od sredine decembra. Prva utakmica na kojoj je Čech najavljivao da bi volio upisati taj jubilej je bio Liverpool kod kuće. :lol:


Mkhitaryan gol i asistencija. Dobro, imao je 13 izgubljenih lopti u prvom poluvremenu, ali polako dolazi sebi nakon zatočeništva na šaragama. U 9 službenih utakmica za Arsenal ima 2 gola i 6 asistencija. Neloše. Veći je problem što ima 4 pobjede i 5 poraza.

Edited by ArleKino
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Ekskluziva za johna


“I have discovered that Manchester City is a much bigger club that people outside think it is. It does not have a history behind it at the level of titles – but it does have the desire to become winners.

“I do not rule out continuing to lead in 10 years. It will depend how I feel and if they want me.

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30 minutes ago, Ruxin said:

Ekskluziva za johna


“I have discovered that Manchester City is a much bigger club that people outside think it is.


TARDIS  od kluba, takoreći.

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49 minutes ago, Ruxin said:

Ekskluziva za johna


It does not have a history behind it at the level of titles but it does have the desire to become winners.



Jel to Pepara potpisao za PSG? :D

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